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Characterization of the gene encoding component C3 of the complement system from the spider Loxosceles laeta venom glands: phylogenetic implications

Myamoto, D. T., Pidde-Queiroz, G., Pedroso, A., Gonçalves-de-Andrade, R. M., Van Den Berg, Carmen Wilma and Tambourgi, D. V. 2016. Characterization of the gene encoding component C3 of the complement system from the spider Loxosceles laeta venom glands: phylogenetic implications. Immunobiology 221 (9) , pp. 953-963. 10.1016/j.imbio.2016.05.009

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A transcriptome analysis of the venom glands of the spider Loxosceles laeta, performed by our group, in a previous study (Fernandes-Pedrosa et al., 2008), revealed a transcript with a sequence similar to the human complement component C3. Here we present the analysis of this transcript. cDNA fragments encoding the C3 homologue (Lox-C3) were amplified from total RNA isolated from the venom glands of L. laeta by RACE-PCR. Lox-C3 is a 5178 bps cDNA sequence encoding a 190 kDa protein, with a domain configuration similar to human C3. Multiple alignments of C3-like proteins revealed two processing sites, suggesting that Lox-C3 is composed of three chains. Furthermore, the amino acids consensus sequences for the thioester was found, in addition to putative sequences responsible for FB binding. The phylogenetic analysis showed that Lox-C3 belongs to the same group as two C3 isoforms from the spider Hasarius adansoni (Family Salcitidae), showing 53% homology with these. This is the first characterization of a Loxosceles cDNA sequence encoding a human C3 homologue, and this finding, together with our previous finding of the expression of a FB-like molecule, suggests that this spider species also has a complement system. This work will help to improve our understanding of the innate immune system in these spiders and the ancestral structure of C3.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Medicine
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 0171-2985
Date of Acceptance: 23 May 2016
Last Modified: 23 May 2018 14:40

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