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Excited state biexcitons in atomically thin MoSe2

Pei, Jiajie, Yang, Jiong, Wang, Xibin, Wang, Fan, Mokkapati, Sudha ORCID:, Lü, Tieyu, Zheng, Jin-Cheng, Qin, Qinghua, Neshev, Dragomir, Tan, Hark Hoe, Jagadish, Chennupati and Lu, Yuerui 2017. Excited state biexcitons in atomically thin MoSe2. ACS Nano 11 (7) , pp. 7468-7475. 10.1021/acsnano.7b03909

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The tightly bound biexcitons found in atomically thin semiconductors have very promising applications for optoelectronic and quantum devices. However, there is a discrepancy between theory and experiment regarding the fundamental structure of these biexcitons. Therefore, the exploration of a biexciton formation mechanism by further experiments is of great importance. Here, we successfully triggered the emission of biexcitons in atomically thin MoSe2, via the engineering of three critical parameters: dielectric screening, density of trions, and excitation power. The observed binding energy and formation dynamics of these biexcitons strongly support the model that the biexciton consists of a charge attached to a trion (excited state biexciton) instead of four spatially symmetric particles (ground state biexciton). More importantly, we found that the excited state biexcitons not only can exist at cryogenic temperatures but also can be triggered at room temperature in a freestanding bilayer MoSe2. The demonstrated capability of biexciton engineering in atomically thin MoSe2 provides a route for exploring fundamental many-body interactions and enabling device applications, such as bright entangled photon sources operating at room temperature.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Physics and Astronomy
Publisher: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 1936-0851
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 19 July 2017
Date of Acceptance: 3 July 2017
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2024 00:15

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