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Investigating the influence of Fe speciation on N2O decomposition over Fe–ZSM-5 catalysts

Richards, Nia, Nowicka, Ewa ORCID:, Carter, James H, Morgan, David J ORCID:, Dummer, Nicholas F ORCID:, Golunski, Stanislaw ORCID: and Hutchings, Graham J ORCID: 2018. Investigating the influence of Fe speciation on N2O decomposition over Fe–ZSM-5 catalysts. Topics in Catalysis 61 (18-19) , pp. 1983-1992. 10.1007/s11244-018-1024-0

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The influence of Fe speciation on the decomposition rates of N2O over Fe–ZSM-5 catalysts prepared by Chemical Vapour Impregnation were investigated. Various weight loadings of Fe–ZSM-5 catalysts were prepared from the parent zeolite H-ZSM-5 with a Si:Al ratio of 23 or 30. The effect of Si:Al ratio and Fe weight loading was initially investigated before focussing on a single weight loading and the effects of acid washing on catalyst activity and iron speciation. UV/Vis spectroscopy, surface area analysis, XPS and ICP-OES of the acid washed catalysts indicated a reduction of ca. 60% of Fe loading when compared to the parent catalyst with a 0.4 wt% Fe loading. The TOF of N2O decomposition at 600 °C improved to 3.99 × 103 s−1 over the acid washed catalyst which had a weight loading of 0.16%, in contrast, the parent catalyst had a TOF of 1.60 × 103 s−1. Propane was added to the gas stream to act as a reductant and remove any inhibiting oxygen species that remain on the surface of the catalyst. Comparison of catalysts with relatively high and low Fe loadings achieved comparable levels of N2O decomposition when propane is present. When only N2O is present, low metal loading Fe–ZSM-5 catalysts are not capable of achieving high conversions due to the low proximity of active framework Fe3+ ions and extra-framework ɑ-Fe species, which limits oxygen desorption. Acid washing extracts Fe from these active sites and deposits it on the surface of the catalyst as FexOy, leading to a drop in activity. The Fe species present in the catalyst were identified using UV/Vis spectroscopy and speculate on the active species. We consider high loadings of Fe do not lead to an active catalyst when propane is present due to the formation of FexOy nanoparticles and clusters during catalyst preparation. These are inactive species which lead to a decrease in overall efficiency of the Fe ions and consequentially a lower TOF.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI)
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1022-5528
Funders: RC Funding 'After the GoldRush' code, ERCAtG- 291319
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 31 July 2018
Date of Acceptance: 26 June 2018
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025 22:25

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