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Multiphoton absorption stimulated metal chalcogenide quantum dot solar cells under ambient and concentrated irradiance

Hou, Bo ORCID:, Kim, Byung-Sung, Lee, Harrison K. H., Cho, Yuljae, Giraud, Paul, Liu, Mengxia, Zhang, Jingchao, Davies, Matthew L., Durrant, James R., Tsoi, Wing C., Li, Zhe, Dimitrov, Stoichko, Sohn, Jung Inn, Cha, SeungNam and Kim, Jong Min 2020. Multiphoton absorption stimulated metal chalcogenide quantum dot solar cells under ambient and concentrated irradiance. Advanced Functional Materials 30 (39) , 2004563. 10.1002/adfm.202004563

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Colloidal metal chalcogenide quantum dots (QDs) have excellent quantum efficiency in light–matter interactions and good device stability. However, QDs have been brought to the forefront as viable building blocks in bottom‐up assembling semiconductor devices, the development of QD solar cell (QDSC) is still confronting considerable challenges compared to other QD technologies due to their low performance under natural sunlight, as a consequence of untapped potential from their quantized density‐of‐state and inorganic natures. This report is designed to address this long‐standing challenge by accessing the feasibility of using QDSC for indoor and concentration PV (CPV) applications. This work finds that above bandgap photon energy irradiation of QD solids can generate high densities of excitons via multi‐photon absorption (MPA), and these excitons are not limited to diffuse by Auger recombination up to 1.5 × 1019 cm−3 densities. Based on these findings, a 19.5% (2000 lux indoor light) and an 11.6% efficiency (1.5 Suns) have been facilely realized from ordinary QDSCs (9.55% under 1 Sun). To further illustrate the potential of the MPA in QDSCs, 21.29% efficiency polymer lens CPVs (4.08 Suns) and viable sensor networks powered by indoor QDSCs matrix have been demonstrated.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Physics and Astronomy
Publisher: Wiley
ISSN: 1616-301X
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 23 June 2020
Date of Acceptance: 5 June 2020
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2025 16:15

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