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The life of Frank Coles Phillips (1902–1982) and the structural geology of the Moine Petrofabric controversy

Howarth, Richard J. and Leake, Bernard E. 2002. The life of Frank Coles Phillips (1902–1982) and the structural geology of the Moine Petrofabric controversy. Geological Society of London.

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Frank Coles Phillips was a photographer mineralogists and structural petrologists working in themiddle of the twentieth century. He was very influential, both in the UK and abroad and was responsible for encouraging the development of structural geology as a discipline in Australia and for the adoption of the stereogram as a fundamental interpretational tool in structural geology in the UK. He was a superb teacher, perhaps best known amongst mineralogist and geologist of today for his classic textbooks, An Introduction to Crystallography and The Use Steographic Projection in Structural Geology.Phillips was the first to apply the methods of structural petrology (the study of the microscopic fabric of deformed rocks) in an attempt to unravel the complex structural history of the Moine rocks of northwestern Scotland. his findings were at odds with those of his contemporaries and resulted in the Moine petrofabrics becoming embroiled in a long-running controversy, only completely resolved since the mid-1980s.This geological biography of an important twentieth century mineralogist and petrolohist takes a critical look at Philips' research in the context of contemporaneous developments in structural and Moine geology. It reviews his work in relation to both past problems and present solutions. It will be of interest to all gelogist, especially structural and microstructural geologist, historians of science and the general leader with an interest in science.

Item Type: Book
Book Type: Authored Book
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Earth and Environmental Sciences
Publisher: Geological Society of London
ISBN: 9781862393981
Last Modified: 09 Jul 2020 14:45

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