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Promotion of healthy aging within a community center through behavior change: health and fitness findings from the AgeWell pilot randomized controlled trial

Thom, Jeanette M., Nelis, Sharon M., Cooney, Jennifer K., Hindle, John V., Jones, Ian R. ORCID: and Clare, Linda 2021. Promotion of healthy aging within a community center through behavior change: health and fitness findings from the AgeWell pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29 (1) , pp. 80-88. 10.1123/japa.2019-0396

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The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to determine if behavior change through individual goal setting (GS) could promote healthy aging, including health and fitness benefits in older adults who attended a community “AgeWell” Center for 12 months. Seventy-five older adults were randomly allocated to either a control or a GS group. Health outcomes were measured at baseline and after 12 months of the participants’ having access to the exception of Agewell Center facilities. The findings demonstrate that participation in the Center in itself was beneficial, with improved body composition and reduced cardiovascular risk in both groups (p < .05), and that this kind of community-based resource offers valuable potential for promoting protective behaviors and reducing health risk. However, a specific focus on identifying individual behavior change goals was required in order to achieve increased activity engagement (p < .05) and to bring about more substantial improvements in a range of health, diet, and physical function measures (p < .05).

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Social Sciences (Includes Criminology and Education)
Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD)
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISSN: 1063-8652
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 17 August 2020
Date of Acceptance: 5 May 2020
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2024 11:15

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