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Navigating complexities: A grounded theory of competitive manufacturing capabilities development for high value manufacturing SMEs

Egbunike, Obiajulu 2019. Navigating complexities: A grounded theory of competitive manufacturing capabilities development for high value manufacturing SMEs. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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The overall aims of this study are twofold: the first is to develop a new and practical theory which explains some of the dynamics that stimulate the development of competitive manufacturing capabilities in High Value Manufacturing (HVM) SMEs in Wales. This task was accomplished through an exploratory study that increased our understanding of the concept of competitive manufacturing capabilities. Secondly, our aim was to pursue this task using the Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM), a rarely used methodology in Operations Management research. Based on this methodology, the research involved a combination of methods administered to an initial sample of 13 organisations; 11 HVM SMEs and 2 academic support institutes, followed by a more detailed case study of a selection of 4 SMEs, out of the initial population of 13. Findings from the study included the core capability, Navigating Complexities, of which Balancing Complexities, Smart/Informed Prospecting, Sensing and Organisational Resonance were shown to be key dynamics. Other major findings include 4 closely related categories; Cross Functional Intellectual Benchmarking, Socioeconomic Complexities, Technological Complexities and Situational Knowledge Stretching, each with their own sub - dynamics. While these findings do not claim to provide the only solution available for improving competitive manufacturing capabilities, the framework presented in this thesis will help HVM SMEs better understand some of the actions they need to take to ensure they embed proven methods for enhancing their competitiveness. It will also help other interested stakeholders within the wider innovation ecosystem better understand their roles and responsibilities in supporting these SMEs to success.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Date Type: Completion
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Schools > Business (Including Economics)
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 3 September 2020
Date of Acceptance: July 2020
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2020 10:09

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