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Stabilizing platinum atoms on CeO2 oxygen vacancies by metal-support interaction induced interface distortion: Mechanism and application

Jiang, Zeyu, Jing, Meizan, Feng, Xiangbo, Xiong, Jingchao, He, Chi, Douthwaite, Mark, Zheng, Lirong, Song, Weiyu, Liu, Jian and Qu, Zhiguo 2020. Stabilizing platinum atoms on CeO2 oxygen vacancies by metal-support interaction induced interface distortion: Mechanism and application. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 278 , 119304. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.119304

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Exploring thermally robust single atom catalysts (SACs) is of great significance. Here, we develop a universal strategy for stabilizing Pt atoms on the mono-oxygen vacancies of CeO2 with diverse exposed facets. The stabilization mechanism was proposed that the formed Pt-O-Ce interface will be taken into distortion spontaneously to keep thermodynamics stable through strong metal-support interactions. The highest degree of Pt-O-Ce distortion is achieved over Pt1-CeO2{100} material, which exhibits exceptional efficiency and thermal stability for oxygenated hydrocarbon removal. The enhanced adsorption capacity of O2 and methanol confirmed in the distortion interface is seen as another crucial reason for improving the stability of SACs. Methanol oxidation on Pt1-CeO2{100} obeys the L-H mechanism under relatively low temperature and then goes through to the MVK mechanism with temperature increasing. We believe that these results would bring new opportunities in the fabrication of SACs and applications of them in thermal reactions.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Published Online
Status: Published
Schools: Chemistry
Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI)
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 0926-3373
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 15 September 2020
Date of Acceptance: 2 July 2020
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2024 19:00

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