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A comparative study on mesoporous Y zeolites prepared by hard-templating and post-synthetic treatment methods

Abdulridha, Samer, Jiao, Yilai, Xu, Shaojun, Zhang, Rongxin, Ren, Zhongyuan, Garforth, Arthur A. and Fan, Xiaolei 2021. A comparative study on mesoporous Y zeolites prepared by hard-templating and post-synthetic treatment methods. Applied Catalysis A: General 612 , 117986. 10.1016/j.apcata.2020.117986

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Mesoporous Y zeolites were prepared comparatively using the bottom-up templating (with carbon nanotubes, CNTs, and nanocrystalline cellulose, NCC, as the templates) and the top-down post-synthetic treatment (with the sequential chemical and alkaline treatment) methods and characterised comprehensively using various techniques. The relevant findings show that the mesoporous Y zeolites with the intercrystal mesoporosity were prepared by the templating methods, and the NCC is the more effective, economic and sustainable hard template than the CNTs for promoting the formation of intercrystal mesoporosity. While for the post-synthetic strategy, the microwave (MW)-assisted chemical treatment (using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA, as the chemical agent for dealumination) was much more effective than the conventional hydrothermal (HT) treatment for introducing intracrystalline mesoporosity under the comparable condition, e.g. the external surface area: 287 m2 g−1 by 1 min MW treatment vs. 205 m2 g−1 by 6 h HT treatment. The prepared mesoporous Y zeolites, along with the parent Y, were assessed using the catalytic cracking of 1,3,5 triisopriopylbenzene (TiPBz). It was found that the well-developed intracrystalline mesoporosity promoted by the effective MW-assisted post-synthesis method is highly beneficial to the catalysis involving the bulky molecules, and accordingly showed the comparatively best catalytic performance (regarding the conversion and selectivity) among all zeolites under study in this work.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Chemistry
Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI)
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 0926-860X
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 11 March 2021
Date of Acceptance: 26 December 2020
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2024 15:00

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