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Cyclopalladated acac and cp liquid crystals: A comparative study

Lydon, D.P., Cave, G.W.V. and Rourke, J.P. ORCID: 1997. Cyclopalladated acac and cp liquid crystals: A comparative study. Journal of Materials Chemistry 7 (3) , pp. 403-406. 10.1039/a605791h

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The cyclopalladation of mesogenic Schiff bases yields two series of novel metallomesogens. The flat acetylacetonate derivatives show both nematic and smectic A phases with extended mesogenic ranges. In contrast, the non-planar cyclopentadienyl complexes show nematic phases at much lower temperatures than those of the acetylacetonate complexes.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Chemistry
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISSN: 0959-9428
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2023 13:15

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