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What is the evidence base for the assessment and management of cancer cachexia in adults with incurable pancreatic cancer? A rapid review

Davies, James Michael Vernon, Mann, Mala ORCID:, Woodward, Amanda, Torrens-Burton, Anna ORCID:, Evans, Alison and Byrne, Anthony 2019. What is the evidence base for the assessment and management of cancer cachexia in adults with incurable pancreatic cancer? A rapid review. [Documentation]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

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Cancer associated cachexia is a multifactorial disorder characterised by weight loss, and specifically the loss of muscle mass (with or without adipose tissue loss). It is distinct from malnutrition or starvation in that its effects may be partially, but not fully, reversed through nutritional support alone. It is associated with changes in muscle strength and results in progressive functional decline, treatment associated complications, worsening quality of life and cancer-related mortality. These cumulative effects are particularly relevant in pancreatic cancer, for which the majority of patients present with incurable disease and in which the rates of cancer cachexia are very high. Despite the well documented symptomatic and functional burdens - and associated implications for anticancer treatment receipt - there is very little structured assessment of cachexia by cancer Multidisciplinary Teams (MDT) and limited evidence on optimal interventions. International consensus driven guidelines have provided strong recommendations on a multidisciplinary and multimodal interventional approach to the assessment of cachexia and of the assessment and management of nutrition in cancer, whilst acknowledging that the levels of evidence for specific components is often moderate or low. The consensus guide-line on definition of cancer cachexia encourages assessment based on four domains: Storage (body composition, BMI, degree and rate of weight loss), Intake (nutritional assessment; symptom assessment for anorexia, nausea), Potential (evidence of catabolism e.g. CRP) and Performance. The rationale for this review is to examine the evidence base for the assessment and management of cancer cachexia specifically in pancreatic cancer where treatment intent is non-curative.

Item Type: Monograph (Documentation)
Date Type: Publication
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Academic & Student Support Service
Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre (MCPCRC)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pancreatic Neoplasms,cachexia, cancer cachexia, pancreatic cancer, palliative care
Additional Information: Report uploaded to WCRC PaCERS website:
Publisher: Cardiff University
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 20 February 2023
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2023 16:26

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