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What is the evidence base for care models within care homes that improve the end of life for patients and their carers? A rapid review

Chatland, Laura, Mann, Mala ORCID:, Woodward, Amanda, Byrne, Anthony and Best, Sabine 2020. What is the evidence base for care models within care homes that improve the end of life for patients and their carers? A rapid review. [Documentation]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

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Care homes are a common place of residence for older people who are nearing the end of their lives. Often those living in care or residential homes have multiple long-term conditions and palliative care needs and this can lead to poorer quality of life, quality of death and unnec-essary hospital admissions. There is anecdotal evidence from service evaluations that suggest there are benefits of imple-menting interventions within care homes for people at the end of life and their families/carers (Garden et al. 2016; Finucance et al. 2013). This rapid review aims to identify robust evidence for interventions/care models within care homes which improve quality of life and quality of care outcomes within the UK or comparable countries. The findings from this rapid review will be presented to the Marie Curie care homes project group to inform future plans of how Marie Curie may support care homes in their provision end of life care, to ensure everyone has the best end of life experience possible, irrespective of their place of death.

Item Type: Monograph (Documentation)
Date Type: Publication
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Academic & Student Support Service
Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre (MCPCRC)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Care homes, nursing homes, Palliative care,end of life:
Additional Information: Report uploaded to WCRC PaCERS website:
Publisher: Cardiff University
Funders: Health and Care Research Wales through the Wales Cancer Research Centre
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 20 February 2023
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2023 16:22

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