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BICEP3 focal plane design and detector performance

Hui, H., Ade, P. A. R. ORCID:, Ahmed, Z., Alexander, K. D., Amiri, M., Barkats, D., Benton, S. J., Bischoff, C. A., Bock, J. J., Boenish, H., Bowens-Rubin, R., Buder, I., Bullock, E., Buza, V., Connors, J., Filippini, J. P., Fliescher, S., Grayson, J. A., Halpern, M., Harrison, S., Hilton, G. C., Hristov, V. V., Irwin, K. D., Kang, J., Karkare, K. S., Karpel, E., Kefeli, S., Kernasovskiy, S. A., Kovac, J. M., Luo, C. L., Leitch, E. M., Lueker, M., Megerian, K. G., Monticue, V., Namikawa, T., Netterfield, C. B., Nguyen, H. T., O'Brient, R., Ogburn IV, R. W., Pryke, C., Reintsema, C. D., Richter, S., Schwarz, R., Sorensen, C., Sheehy, C. D., Staniszewski, Z. K., Steinbach, B., Teply, G. P., Thompson, K. L., Tolan, J. E., Tucker, C. ORCID:, Turner, A. D., Vieregg, A. G., Wandui, A., Weber, A. C., Wiebe, D. V., Willmert, J., Wu, W. L. K. and Yoon, K. W. 2016. BICEP3 focal plane design and detector performance. Presented at: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 June - 1 July 2016. Proceedings Volume 9914, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. , vol.9914 SPIE, 99140T. 10.1117/12.2232986

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BICEP3, the latest telescope in the BICEP/Keck program, started science observations in March 2016. It is a 550mm aperture refractive telescope observing the polarization of the cosmic microwave background at 95 GHz. We show the focal plane design and detector performance, including spectral response, optical efficiency and preliminary sensitivity of the upgraded BICEP3. We demonstrate 9.72 μKCMB√s noise performance of the BICEP3 receiver.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Date Type: Published Online
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Physics and Astronomy
Publisher: SPIE
Last Modified: 04 May 2023 14:00

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