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Removing the rose-tinted glasses: Exploring the dark side of cross-sector partnerships.

Stadtler, Lea, MacDonald, Adriane, Knight, Helena H. ORCID: and Hustad, Oda 2022. Removing the rose-tinted glasses: Exploring the dark side of cross-sector partnerships. Presented at: CSSI 2022: 8th Cross-Sector Social Interactions Symposium, Wageningen, Netherlands, 22-24 June 2022.

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Attention to cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) continues to grow in management practice and research - with little scrutiny of their potential dark side. Evidence of the potential for CSPs to produce harmful effects is found in disciplines outside of management. For example, urban studies scholars have criticized CSPs for their role in facilitating damaging public austerity measures and global development studies shed light on problems caused by power asymmetries in CSPs. In contrast, systematic analysis on the downsides of CSPs is lacking in management studies. This panel seeks to counterbalance the tendency to look at partnerships through rose-tinted glasses by calling for papers and creating space for discussions on the negative effects of CSPs. Such effects can result from a failed CSP or adverse consequences (direct or indirect) of a so-called successful CSP. Examples include situations where CSPs promote “solutions” that do not fit the local needs, replicate or reinforce extant power structures, maintain an undesirable status quo, or under the guise of ‘doing good’ covertly spread “westernized” ideas and aggrandize the power of dominant global actors. Furthermore, examining CSPs through a critical lens may reveal that marginal benefits are gained at the high cost of dependencies and/or tying up scarce resources, such that they are unavailable to other, potentially more urgent problems.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Date Type: Completion
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Business (Including Economics)
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Last Modified: 25 May 2023 10:50

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