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Housing in African cities : A lens on urban governance

Rubin, M. ORCID:, Charlton, S. and Klug, N., eds. 2023. Housing in African cities : A lens on urban governance. Switzerland: Springer Cham. 10.1007/978-3-031-37408-1

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This edited collection from across the African continent offers a diverse set of analytical accounts that engage with the urban governance dynamics, drivers and impacts of a wide variety of housing initiatives. These include insights into the relationships between parties and actors undertaking developments, or whose housing activities impact on the city. The book illustrates issues of power distribution, the visions or agendas motivating these actions, and the instruments used to advance them. It considers the rise of mega housing projects; private sector driven residential developments; unobtrusive transformations of existing building stock, establishment and upgrading of informal settlements; and state driven low cost housing schemes. It surfaces the contestation, collaborations and conflicts as well as the power relations that operate within cities and which are made visible on cityscapes. Housing and human settlement scholars as well as those interested in urban politics and governance dynamics in the global south and across the African continent will find much to appreciate in this volume.

Item Type: Book
Book Type: Edited Book
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Geography and Planning (GEOPL)
Publisher: Springer Cham
ISBN: 9783031374074
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2023 12:00

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