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Summary of young-OGEMID symposium No. 17: "The role of artificial intelligence in shaping ADR practices"

Nedeva, Stanislava ORCID: 2024. Summary of young-OGEMID symposium No. 17: "The role of artificial intelligence in shaping ADR practices". TDM - Transnational Dispute Management

[thumbnail of TDM-YO-Draft-AI-ADR_SN_16.01.24.pdf]
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Young-OGEMID conducted its seventeenth virtual symposium, The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping ADR Practices, from 17th until 24th July 2023. It focused on the important role of AI in furthering dispute resolution as well as on examining some of the challenges with it, and the future of AI. As various artificial intelligence (AI)-driven processing tools, such as ChatGPT, Google's Bard, and many more continue to gain prominence, AI has become the subject of discussions within the legal world, particularly in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) community. AI is swiftly emerging as a disruptive force, poised to revolutionize the field of ADR and reshape the practices of arbitrators, lawyers, and various legal professionals in both the present and the future. We will delve into AI's integration into arbitration processes, exploring its potential benefits and the challenges it poses. Additionally, we will also explore topics that reflect the developments and opportunities AI brings and will also discuss the ethical considerations that should underpin its responsible and equitable use. The structure of the symposium and list of speakers who kindly agreed to share their insights as well as their respective topics are as follows: Prof. Amy Schmitz - Opportunities and Challenges of AI in Arbitration Ms. Mihaela Apostol - Role of AI in Arbitral Decision-Making Dr. Paul Cohen - Ethical and Fair Use of AI in Arbitration Mr. Abhinav K. Mishra - The Possible Future of AI in Arbitration Earvin Delgado (MCIArb, Senior Young-OGEMID Rapporteur) acted as moderator of the Symposium.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Published Online
Status: In Press
Schools: Law
Cardiff Law & Politics
Publisher: Maris
ISSN: 1875-4120
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 20 March 2024
Date of Acceptance: January 2024
Last Modified: 12 Nov 2024 15:30

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