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Neurons embodied in a virtual world: evidence for organoid ethics?

Kagan, Brett J, Duc, Daniela ORCID:, Stevens, Ian and Gilbert, Frederick 2022. Neurons embodied in a virtual world: evidence for organoid ethics? {AJOB} Neuroscience 13 (2) , pp. 114-117. 10.1080/21507740.2022.2048731

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The development of neural organoids—three-dimensional constructs of neural tissue—resulted in significant advances in neurophysiological understandings, as well raising key ethical concerns. Sawai et al. (Citation2022) discuss the use of these neural organoids, proposing policies to regulate this technology. The most pressing issue arises in the proposed metrics for assessing phenomenological consciousness and how they may be related to neural organoids. Secondary is their application of the precautionary principle. Our commentary seeks to position these points raised by Sawai et al. (Citation2022) in the broader context of research, including recent evidence that lab-grown human brain cells are able to engage in enactive learning, while embodied in a virtual world through real-time closed-loop electrophysiological stimulation and recording (Kagan et al. Citation2021).

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Pharmacy
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2024 14:45

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