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Rethinking lifelong learning in the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'

James, David ORCID:, Sadik, Sahara and Brown, Philip 2021. Rethinking lifelong learning in the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'. [Working Paper]. Digital Futures of Work Research Programme, Working Paper 5, Singapore: Inst of Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences.

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Two key discourses of our time, lifelong learning (LLL) and the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), have been inextricably linked to offer a compelling narrative of the coupling of education models and technological change to enable individual empowerment, social inclusion and a shared prosperity. This article takes an analytical view, examining the development and use of each concept and identifying how they have come to be brought together. We suggest that despite fundamental flaws, the 4IR has given a new impetus to ideas about lifelong learning that are broader than the individual employment-focused conceptualisation that has dominated in recent times. We then offer a discussion of the nature a progressive conceptualisation of lifelong learning which might respond in a more authentic and realistic way to key changes in the nature of work, life, social and economic activity and indeed more fundamental issues for humanity.

Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Social Sciences (Includes Criminology and Education)
Publisher: Inst of Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Funders: SkillsFuture, Singapore Ministry
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 22 July 2024
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2025 13:28

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