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What should the Cis-tem look like? A critical thematic analysis investigating the views of young people and their ideal trans*-inclusive school'

Morris, Sally 2024. What should the Cis-tem look like? A critical thematic analysis investigating the views of young people and their ideal trans*-inclusive school'. DEdPsy Thesis, Cardiff University.
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The thesis consists of three distinct, but connected, parts; a major literature review, an empirical paper, and a critical appraisal of the research process. Together they aim to explore the views of trans and gender diverse youth (TGDY) pertaining to the development of trans*-inclusive schools. Part One: Major Literature Review Part One is presented in three sections. It initially provides a narrative review synthesising the current understanding surrounding trans*-inclusion within the societal, historical and political context of the United Kingdom (UK). Learning is taken from an exploration of relevant psychological concepts and paradigms before a systematic review of the available literature explores contemporary trans*-inclusive practices in UK secondary schools. Presented across four themes, the systematic review provides discussion and critical consideration of contemporary practices within the context of wider social context. Finally, a synthesis of the narrative and systematic reviews allows conclusions regarding contemporary knowledge, practice and rationale for the empirical paper. Part Two: Major Empirical Research Study Part Two presents the current empirical study which aims to provide an exploration of what TGDY perceive to be important features of a trans*-inclusive school with consideration of factors that may influence the development of such practices. An overview of relevant literature is provided followed by an in-depth account of the employed research paradigm. Results of the critical thematic analysis are provided across four themes, exploring participants’ ideal trans*-inclusive school within the wider context of power, hierarchy and societal ideologies. These are further discussed in relation to relevant literature, and synthesised in the Systems View of School Climate of Trans*-Inclusion, which considers wider systemic factors, and the possible role of the Educational Psychologist in practice. Part Three: Critical Appraisal The critical appraisal provides an overview of the current research in relation to its contribution to knowledge and a critical account of the research practitioner. It therefore provides a reflective and reflexive account of the research process from the view of the primary researcher. In engaging in this process, the rationale of key decision-making points is explored and implications of these discussed in relation to the research process and researcher learning. Implications of such are discussed in relation to learnings regarding ethical practices and biases. A detailed dissemination strategy provides a multi-level approach to sharing results of the study, the SVSC of trans*-inclusion as well as ethical practice considerations/recommendations at individual, group and systemic levels.

Item Type: Thesis (DEdPsy)
Date Type: Completion
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Psychology
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 15 October 2024
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2024 10:49

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