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Guided readings on indigenous ontologies: Decolonisation and the problem of naming difference

Doel, Marcus ORCID: and Rose, Mitch ORCID: 2024. Guided readings on indigenous ontologies: Decolonisation and the problem of naming difference. Agoriad 1 (1) , 1.4. 10.18573/agoriad.28

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This paper presents a guided reading list on texts chosen for discussion at the Gregynog Theory School on Indigenous Ontologies: Decolonisation and the Problem of Naming Difference, held at Gregynog Hall in Powys, Wales, on the 8th and 9th June 2023. The Gregynog Theory School is an annual event for postgraduate research students and early career researchers, as part of the ‘Human Geography’ pathway of the ESRC Welsh Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) / Ysgol Graddedigion Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Cymru ESRC (YGGCC). The event is structured around a set of readings, curated by Human Geographers at Aberystwyth, Cardiff, and Swansea Universities in Wales, and a keynote speaker. The readings are discussed at length by participants at the event. The keynote speaker for this event was Professor Jenny Pickerill, Professor in Environmental Geography at the University of Sheffield in the UK. Mae’r papur hwn yn cyflwyno rhestr ddarllen dan arweiniad ar destunau a ddewiswyd i’w trafod yn Ysgol Theori Gregynog ar Ontolegau Brodorol: Dad-drefedigaethu a Phroblem Gwahaniaethu rhwng Enwau, a gynhaliwyd yn Neuadd Gregynog, Powys, ar 8 a 9 Mehefin 2023. Mae Ysgol Theori Gregynog yn ddigwyddiad blynyddol ar gyfer myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ac ymchwilwyr ar ddechrau eu gyrfa, yn rhan o lwybr ‘Daearyddiaeth Ddynol’ Ysgol Graddedigion Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Cymru ESRC (YGGCC). Mae’r digwyddiad wedi’i strwythuro ar sail darlleniadau penodol, wedi’u curadu gan Ddaearyddwyr Dynol ym Mhrifysgolion Aberystwyth, Caerdydd, ac Abertawe, yn ogystal â phrif siaradwr. Trafodir y deunydd darllen yn helaeth gan gyfranogwyr y digwyddiad. Y prif siaradwr ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn oedd yr Athro Jenny Pickerill, Athro mewn Daearyddiaeth Amgylcheddol ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
Publisher: Cardiff University Press
ISSN: 2976-8578
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 10 December 2024
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2025 15:16

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