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Settler colonialism and indigenous tourism: The pattern of exploitation, assimilation and erasure

Virk, Cole Singh 2024. Settler colonialism and indigenous tourism: The pattern of exploitation, assimilation and erasure. Agoriad 1 (1) , 1.8. 10.18573/agoriad.11

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In recent years, Indigenous tourism has surged in popularity, whilst often praised for being ethical and sustainable, for Indigenous communities globally. This article argues that this portrayal is the antithesis of what the reality is. Instead, Indigenous tourism will be argued to operate as a settler colonial structure that functions to strip Indigenous ontologies, epistemologies, and cultures of their deeper meanings, stylising the Indigenous into romanticised commodified packages that are less politically challenging to the settler hegemonic state. To investigate this, the article employs settler colonial theory and the analytical tool of settler bricolage to explore the constructed realities within tourism in order to reveal the colonial infrastructure that continuously recontextualises Indigenous identities for settler benefit. The article therefore positions itself in spanning the underexplored relation of Indigenous tourism and colonial infrastructures that distort and alter Indigenous representations. Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae twristiaeth frodorol wedi tyfu mewn poblogrwydd, ac mae'n cael ei chanmol yn aml am fod yn foesegol a chynaliadwy i gymunedau frodorol ledled y byd. Mae'r erthygl hon yn dadlau mai gwrthwyneb y disgrifiad hwn yw’r gwir. Yn hytrach, ceir dadl bod twristiaeth frodorol yn strwythur trefedigaethol wladychol sy'n dileu ystyron dyfnach ontoleg, epistemoleg a diwylliannau brodorol, gan ramanteiddio’r brodorol fel eu bod nhw’n llai o her wleidyddol i'r wladwriaeth hegemonaidd wladychol. Er mwyn ymchwilio i hyn, mae'r erthygl yn defnyddio theori drefedigaethol wladychol a bricolage gwladychwyr yn offeryn dadansoddol i drin a thrafod realiti gwneuthuredig twristiaeth er mwyn datgelu'r seilwaith trefedigaethol sy'n rhoi ail gyddestun i hunaniaethau brodorol yn barhaus er budd y gwladychwr. Gan hynny, mae rhychwant yr erthygl yn edrych ar berthynas sydd heb ei hymchwilio’n ddigonol rhwng twristiaeth frodorol a seilwaith trefedigaethol sy'n ystumio ac yn newid cynrychiolaethau brodorol.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
Publisher: Cardiff University Press
ISSN: 2976-8578
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 10 December 2024
Date of Acceptance: 19 November 2024
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2025 15:21

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