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H&S implications, regulations and international scenarios

Rowenhorst, K., Guati-Rojo, A. and Valera-Medina, A. ORCID: 2024. H&S implications, regulations and international scenarios. Valera Medina, A., Li, Y., Shi, H., Dong, D., de Joannon, M. and Bellotti, D., eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 313-347. (10.1049/pbpo224e_ch8)

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Although ammonia is a very promising fuelling vector, there are still many concerns about its use at commercial scale. Overall, ammonia is considered a toxic and corrosive chemical, and victims exposed to its release should be removed to an uncontaminated area wearing self-contained breathing apparatus or taken to hospital immediately to avoid tissue and/or organ dead. Ammonia impacts to the environment are also a concern, especially to water bodies where ammonia concentrations can be lethal to some species, whilst its sudden release to the environment at higher concentrations can preclude the formation of particle matter. Therefore, ammonia is still treated with lot of respect, and its global deployment will require better understanding of its nature, hence enabling better health and safety practices for its employment in fuelling systems. Favourably, good compromise is currently being reached at various levels, from storage and distribution regulations that are improving the scaling up of ammonia power systems, through certification plans that will ensure a globally standardise supply, to ambitions political agendas that have been imposed across the world, ensuring that ammonia as an energy vector is seem more real than ever. Therefore, this chapter will address some of the challenges of using ammonia in combustion systems, moving away from those challenges related to the technical aspect of combustion and reaching other areas of high importance for the global use of this chemical - health and safety aspects, storage and distribution methods, and finally the political scenario that is currently driving local, national and regional agendas for the implementation of ammonia combustion systems.

Item Type: Book Section
Date Type: Published Online
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Engineering
Publisher: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
ISBN: 978-1-83953-659-5
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2025 10:45

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