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Carbon dissolution and segregation in Pd(110)

Bowker, Michael ORCID:, Counsell, Jonathan David, El-Abiary, Kareem, Gilbert, Lee Alexander, Morgan, Chris, Nagarajan, Sankaranarayanan and Gopinath, Chinnakonda S. 2010. Carbon dissolution and segregation in Pd(110). Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (11) , pp. 5060-5067. 10.1021/jp9108046

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The bulk-surface diffusion of carbon in Pd(110) has been investigated using molecular beams to examine the clean-off of carbon with gas-phase oxygen. The dominant product of the reaction above 600 K is CO; CO2 is only produced at much lower temperatures where the lifetime of adsorbed CO is significant. The segregation from the bulk only occurs at a measurable rate at >750 K, while loss of carbon into the bulk can occur at much lower temperatures. The reaction of carbon at high temperatures shows two regimes: (i) a non steady-state evolution of CO due to the clean-off of surface carbon already present on the surface, followed by (ii) a near steady-state reaction due to the continuous diffusion of carbon to the surface.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Chemistry
Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI)
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry
Publisher: ACS Publications
ISSN: 1932-7447
Last Modified: 11 Mar 2023 02:16

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