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Studies of atmospheric noise on Mauna Kea at 143 GHz with Bolocam

Sayers, J., Golwala, S. R., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Aguirre, J. E., Bock, J. J., Edgington, S. F., Glenn, J., Goldin, A., Haig, Douglas James, Lange, A. E., Laurent, G. T., Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID:, Nguyen, H. T. and Rossinot, P. 2008. Studies of atmospheric noise on Mauna Kea at 143 GHz with Bolocam. Presented at: Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, Marseille, France, 26-28 June 2008. Published in: Duncan, William D., Holland, Wayne S., Withington, Stafford and Zmuidzinas, Jonas eds. Proceedings of the Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV Conference, Marseille, France, 26-28 June 2008. Proceedings of SPIE (7020) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 70201Q. 10.1117/12.790029

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We report measurements of the fluctuations in atmospheric emission (atmospheric noise) above Mauna Kearecorded with Bolocam at 143 GHz. These data were collected in November and December of 2003 with Bolocammounted on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), and span approximately 40 nights. Below = 0.5 Hz,the data time-streams are dominated by the f-δ atmospheric noise in all observing conditions. We were able tosuccessfully model the atmospheric fluctuations using a Kolmogorov-Taylor turbulence model for a thin wind-drivenscreen in approximately half of our data. Based on this modeling, we developed several algorithms toremove the atmospheric noise, and the best results were achieved when we described the fluctuations using alow-order polynomial in detector position over the 8 arcminute focal plane. However, even with these algorithms,we were not able to reach photon-background-limited instrument photometer (BLIP) performance at frequenciesbelow = 0.5 Hz in any observing conditions. Therefore, we conclude that BLIP performance is not possible fromthe CSO below = 0.5 Hz for broadband 150 GHz receivers with subtraction of a spatial atmospheric templateon scales of several arcminutes.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Physics and Astronomy
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Publisher: SPIE
ISBN: 9780819472304
ISSN: 0277-786X
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2022 08:28

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