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Facilitation of extinction by an increase or a decrease in trial duration

Haselgrove, Mark and Pearce, John Martindale ORCID: 2003. Facilitation of extinction by an increase or a decrease in trial duration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 29 (2) , pp. 153-166. 10.1037/0097-7403.29.2.153

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Five experiments examined the effects of altering the duration of a conditioned stimulus (CS) for extinction. For the first 3 experiments, rats received conditioning with a 10-s CS before different groups received extinction with a CS that was either the same duration or longer than that used for conditioning. For the remaining 2 experiments, conditioning was conducted with a 60-s CS before different groups received extinction with a CS of either the same duration or a shorter duration than that used for conditioning. In all experiments, extinction progressed more readily when the CS duration was different for the 2 stages than when it was constant. The results are discussed in terms of rate expectancy theory and associative learning theory.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Psychology
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Publisher: American Psychological Association
ISSN: 0097-7403
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2022 09:30

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