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Interaction between lymphocytes and cultured high endothelial cells: an in vitro model of lymphocyte migration across high endothelial venule endothelium

Ager, Ann ORCID: and Mistry, Shilaben 1988. Interaction between lymphocytes and cultured high endothelial cells: an in vitro model of lymphocyte migration across high endothelial venule endothelium. European Journal of Immunology 18 (8) , pp. 1265-1274. 10.1002/eji.1830180818

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The interaction between lymphocytes and cultured high endothelial venule endothelium has been studied using light and electron microscopy. High endothelial cells (HEC) in monolayer culture bound lymphocytes 15-200-fold more efficiently than aortic endothelium, aortic fibroblasts or serum-coated glass. Light microscopy of lymphocytes bound to HEC showed two populations. Type I lymphocytes were phase-light, round and revealed no intracellular detail. Type II lymphocytes were phase-dark and flattened. The nucleus and cytoplasm of type II cells were clearly visible under high power light microscopy. The relative positions of these two populations were determined by electron microscopy. Type I lymphocytes were attached to the surface of HEC and type I1 lymphocytes were flattened underneath. The transition from type I to type II was accompanied by a loss of surface microvilli and a redistribution of intracellular organelles. This suggested that lymphocytes actively migrated across the HEC layer in this assay. The relationship between migrated lymphocytes and total adherent cells was determined by analysis of surface phenotype. Lymphocytes did not adhere randomly from the cell population plated. After 60 min there was an enrichment for B over T lymphocytes and the adherent T cell population was itself enriched for CD8′ cells over CD4′ cells. Migrated cells were, however, a random subpopulation of lymphocytes which adhered to HEC. This is clear evidence that migration was preceded by specific binding to HEC. Lymphocyte adhesion was independent of viable HEC showing that it was a passive event on the part of the endothelium. Lymphocyte migration was, however, completely dependent on viable high endothelium. We conclude that cultured HEC provide a biologically relevant, 3-dimensional matrix which supports the specific adhesion of lymphocytes and actively promotes lymphocyte migration. These observations suggest to us that cultured high endothelium provides a novel in vitro model for the study of lymphocyte migration into lymph nodes from the blood.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Systems Immunity Research Institute (SIURI)
Subjects: Q Science > QR Microbiology > QR180 Immunology
Additional Information: This article has a correction: The last sentence on page 1271 should read: “No correlationwas found between the number of blasts in the adherent popu-lation and the number of migrated lymphocytes; blast celladhesion was consistently lower than lymphocyte migrationfrom both TDL and LNC”. European Journal of Immunology 17(11) 1871.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISSN: 0014-2980
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Last Modified: 05 Jun 2024 09:28

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