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Pharmacokinetics of 14C CDP-choline

Dinsdale, J. R., Griffiths, G. K., Rowlands, C., Castello, J., Ortiz, J. A., Maddock, J. and Aylward, Mansel 1983. Pharmacokinetics of 14C CDP-choline. Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung Progress in Drug Research Progres des Recherches Pharmaceutiques 33 (7A) , pp. 1066-1070.

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The absorption, metabolism and excretion of cytidine diphosphate choline (CDP-choline, citicoline, Somazina) were investigated in six adult healthy subjects after a single oral dose of 300 mg of the 14C-labelled compound. The compound was well tolerated by the subjects. Absorption was virtually complete with less than 1% of the dose being found in the faeces during the 5-day collection period. Two peaks were found in the plasma radioactivity time profile: the first at 1 h, and a second larger peak at 24 h post-dose. Elimination of the ingested dose occurred via respiratory CO2 and through urinary excretion; the former predominating, and both routes exhibited biphasic patterns characterized by an early phase followed by slower decline. It is postulated that in the healthy human subject CDP-choline is metabolized in the gut wall and in the liver; the products arising from the compound's extensive hepatic metabolism being subsequently available for diverse biosynthetic pathways, tissue metabolism, and excretion.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
Publisher: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 0071-786X
Last Modified: 04 Jun 2017 04:18

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