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Investigating autonomic behaviours in grid-based computational science applications

Jha, Shantenu, Parashar, Manish, Rana, Omer Farooq ORCID: and Book Group Authors 2009. Investigating autonomic behaviours in grid-based computational science applications. Grids Meet Autonomic Computing Workshop - GMAC 2009 , pp. 29-38.

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Emerging Grid infrastructures present unprecedented op- portunities for computational science and engineering, with the potential for fundamental insights into complex phe- nomenon. However, it also presents unprecedented chal- lenges in terms of its scale, heterogeneity, dynamism and overall complexity that must be addressed before this po- tential can be realized. Autonomic computing concepts have been effectively used to address similar challenges in enter- prise systems and applications; in this paper, we explore the role of autonomic computing to Grid-based computational science applications. Specifcally, we use three represen- tative computational applications to motivate Autonomic Computational Science (ACS). Using these applications, we develop a conceptual framework for ACS, consisting of mech- anisms, strategies and objectives, and demonstrate how these concepts can be used to express autonomic behaviors. Fi- nally we explore a research agenda towards realizing ACS behaviors and developing self-* patterns for large scale au- tonomic computational science application.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Computer Science & Informatics
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2022 10:33

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