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Total and specific IgG4 antibody levels in atopic eczema

Merrett, J., Barnetson, R. S., Burr, Michael Leslie and Merrett, T. G. 1984. Total and specific IgG4 antibody levels in atopic eczema. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 56 (3) , pp. 645-652.

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Total IgG4 and IgG4 antibody levels specific for 10 allergens (three inhaled and seven ingested) were measured by radioimmunoassay of sera taken from three groups of adult patients: (1) 32 cases of atopic eczema, (2) 28 cases of respiratory allergy and (3) 156 normal volunteers. In all three groups IgG4 antibody activity was mainly directed against common foods, and generally the group with atopic eczema had higher total and specific IgG4 levels than the cases of respiratory allergy, who in turn had higher titres than the normal group. There was within each group a tendency for men to have more total IgG4 than women and the difference was statistically significant among the normals. There was evidence of an IgG4 restricted response in atopic eczema because despite the group's elevated total IgG4 its total IgG4 remained within normal limits. Furthermore specific IgG4 was correlated with the corresponding specific IgE level in five of the 10 allergens examined. These results are generally consistent with the view that IgG4 levels are raised in cases of atopic eczema due to prolonged exposure to an allergen which initiated an IgE response.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RZ Other systems of medicine
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISSN: 0009-9104
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Last Modified: 04 May 2016 03:06

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