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Millimeter observations of galactic sources

Clegg, P. E., Rowan-Robinson, M. and Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID: 1976. Millimeter observations of galactic sources. Astronomical Journal 81 , pp. 399-406. 10.1086/111899

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Observations at wavelengths close to 1 mm of 53 Galactic source positions, including most of the available strong CO sources and infrared sources associated with compact H II regions, are described. Strip maps across W49 and W51, and a complete map of Orion, are presented, the latter suggesting a strong correlation between far-infrared radiation from dust and molecular line emission. Spectra of some of the sources are shown. A composite spectrum suggests similar dust cloud properties in the various sources. Comparison of the present fluxes and upper limits with CO excitation temperatures enables the 1-mm optical depths to be estimated.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Physics and Astronomy
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Additional Information: A&AA ID. AAA017.141.637
Publisher: IOP Science
ISSN: 0004-6256
Last Modified: 27 Oct 2022 08:40

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