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Spatial and structural segregation of the transcribed and nontranscribed alleles of c-myc in Namalva-S cells

Djondjurov, L. P., Andreeva, M. M., Markova, D. Z. and Donev, Rossen Mintchev 1994. Spatial and structural segregation of the transcribed and nontranscribed alleles of c-myc in Namalva-S cells. Oncology Research 6 (8) , pp. 347-356.

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By using various approaches we received evidence that, in Namalva-S cells carrying a t(8;14) translocation and highly expressing c-myc, the two alleles of the gene are spatially and structurally segregated. Spatial segregation of the alleles was observed in all nuclei analyzed by in situ hybridization technique. Their structural segregation, i.e., association with different intranuclear structures, was confirmed in a number of experiments. When high-salt extracted nuclei were digested with EcoRI, which is known to produce fragments containing the entire c-myc locus, the sequences of the gene were found separated between the pellet, containing sequences firmly associated with the heavier matrix structures, and the supernatant, containing sequences from the free length of the DNA loops. Southern hybridization performed with a probe representative for the constant region of the human IgH locus revealed that this fractionation in fact segregates the reorganized from the normal allele of c-myc. Run-on experiments carried out with two fractions, topologically equivalent to the above P and S but isolated as intact chromatin structures, indicated that the allele associated with nuclear matrix is actively transcribed, while that located in the free length of the chromatin loops is practically nontranscribed. Studies on the chromatin organization of transcribed and nontranscribed alleles revealed the existence in them of two alternative chromatin structures. Control experiments with beta-globin gene, performed with cells constitutively nontranscribing or actively transcribing this gene, confirmed our conclusions about the spatial segregation of the two alleles and clarified that their structural segregation occurs when the gene is activated for transcription.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Publisher: Cognizant Communication Corporation
ISSN: 0965-0407
Last Modified: 19 Mar 2016 23:46

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