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Does cytosolic free Ca2+ signal neutrophil chemotaxis in response to formylated chemotactic peptide?

Laffafian, Iraj and Hallett, Maurice Bartlett ORCID: 1995. Does cytosolic free Ca2+ signal neutrophil chemotaxis in response to formylated chemotactic peptide? Journal of Cell Science 108 (10) , pp. 3199-3205.

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Cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration was measured and imaged in human neutrophils moving towards a source of formylated peptide in a micropipette held close to the cells. Under these conditions, neutrophils changed shape and displayed chemotaxis without significant or persistent global or localised elevations in cytosolic free Ca2+. A rear-to-front persistent Ca2+ gradient of less than 0.5 nM/micron was present in the migrating neutrophils, until they reached the zone of higher peptide concentration, when an abrupt rise in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration was triggered and chemotaxis stopped. Small localised rises in cytosolic free Ca2+, which were occasionally observed during neutrophil manoeuvring, were attributed to the effect of local deformation of the neutrophil membrane, since deformation of the membrane with a blunt micropipette caused similar Ca2+ changes. These data suggest that neutrophil chemotaxis towards a source of formylated peptide occurs without significant changes in Ca2+ signalling.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Calcium/physiology*, Cell Movement, Chemotactic Factors/metabolism, Chemotaxis, Humans, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted, Neutrophils/physiology*
Publisher: The Company of Biologists Ltd
ISSN: 0021-9533
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2022 09:51

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