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Development and psychopathology: a life course perspective

Maughan, Barbara and Collishaw, Stephan ORCID: 2015. Development and psychopathology: a life course perspective. Thapar, Anita, Pine, Daniel S., Leckman, James F., Scott, Stephen, Snowling, Margaret J. and Taylor, Eric, eds. Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-14. (10.1002/9781118381953.ch1)

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A life course perspective is central to developmental psychopathology. Longitudinal research has consistently demonstrated that most adult disorders have roots in childhood difficulties, and most childhood disorders have sequelae that persist to adult life. Identifying the processes that underlie these long-term continuities and discontinuities is central to the developmental psychopathology approach. This chapter draws together evidence of this kind, using findings on homotypic continuities in selected disorders, heterotypic transitions among disorders, and the long-term sequelae of exposure to early adversity to highlight current issues in the field. Because longitudinal research poses particular methodological challenges, it also includes a brief overview of methodological issues in long-term research.

Item Type: Book Section
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2022 10:50

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