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Planck 2013 results. VI. High Frequency Instrument data processing

Tauber, Jan, Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Aghanim, N., Armitage-Caplan, C., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Banday, A. J., Barreiro, R. B., Battaner, E., Benabed, K., Benoît, A., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bernard, J.-P., Bersanelli, M., Bielewicz, P., Bobin, J., Bock, J. J., Bond, J. R., Borrill, J., Bouchet, F. R., Boulanger, F., Bowyer, J. W., Bridges, M., Bucher, M., Burigana, C., Cardoso, J.-F., Catalano, A., Chamballu, A., Chary, R.-R., Chen, X., Chiang, H. C., Chiang, L.-Y, Christensen, P. R., Church, S., Clements, D. L., Colombi, S., Colombo, L. P. L., Combet, C., Couchot, F., Coulais, A., Crill, B. P., Curto, A., Cuttaia, F., Danese, L., Davies, R. D., Davis, R. J., de Bernardis, P., de Rosa, A., de Zotti, G., Delabrouille, J., Delouis, J.-M., Désert, F.-X., Dickinson, C., Diego, J. M., Dole, H., Donzelli, S., Doré, O., Douspis, M., Dunkley, J., Dupac, X., Efstathiou, G., Enßlin, T. A., Eriksen, H. K., Finelli, F., Forni, O., Frailis, M., Fraisse, A. A., Franceschi, E., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Giard, M., Giardino, G., Girard, D., Giraud-Héraud, Y., González-Nuevo, J., Górski, K. M., Gratton, S., Gregorio, A., Gruppuso, A., Gudmundsson, J. E., Hansen, F. K., Hanson, D., Harrison, D., Helou, G., Henrot-Versillé, S., Herent, O., Hernández-Monteagudo, C., Herranz, D., Hildebrandt, S. R., Hivon, E., Hobson, M., Holmes, W. A., Hornstrup, A., Hou, Z., Hovest, W., Huffenberger, K. M., Hurier, G., Jaffe, A. H., Jaffe, T. R., Jones, W. C., Juvela, M., Keihänen, E., Keskitalo, R., Kisner, T. S., Kneissl, R., Knoche, J., Knox, L., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Lagache, G., Lamarre, J.-M., Lasenby, A., Laureijs, R. J., Lawrence, C. R., Le Jeune, M., Leonardi, R., Leroy, C., Lesgourgues, J., Liguori, M., Lilje, P. B., Linden-Vørnle, M., López-Caniego, M., Lubin, P. M., Macías-Pérez, J. F., MacTavish, C. J., Maffei, B., Mandolesi, N., Maris, M., Marleau, F., Marshall, D. J., Martin, P. G., Martínez-González, E., Masi, S., Massardi, M., Matarrese, S., Matthai, F., Mazzotta, P., McGehee, P., Meinhold, P. R., Melchiorri, A., Melot, F., Mendes, L., Mennella, A., Migliaccio, M., Mitra, S., Miville-Deschênes, M.-A., Moneti, A., Montier, L., Morgante, G., Mortlock, D., Mottet, S., Munshi, D., Murphy, J. A., Naselsky, P., Nati, F., Natoli, P., Netterfield, C. B., Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., North, Christopher E., Noviello, F., Novikov, D., Novikov, I., Orieux, F., Osborne, S., Oxborrow, C. A., Paci, F., Pagano, L., Pajot, F., Paladini, R., Paoletti, D., Pasian, F., Patanchon, G., Perdereau, O., Perotto, L., Perrotta, F., Piacentini, F., Piat, M., Pierpaoli, E., Pietrobon, D., Plaszczynski, S., Pointecouteau, E., Polenta, G., Ponthieu, N., Popa, L., Poutanen, T., Pratt, G. W., Prézeau, G., Prunet, S., Puget, J.-L., Rachen, J. P., Racine, B., Reach, W. T., Rebolo, R., Reinecke, M., Remazeilles, M., Renault, C., Ricciardi, S., Riller, T., Ristorcelli, I., Rocha, G., Rosset, C., Roudier, G., Rowan-Robinson, M., Rusholme, B., Sanselme, L., Santos, D., Sauvé, A., Savini, G., Scott, D., Shellard, E. P. S., Spencer, Locke, Starck, J.-L., Stolyarov, V., Stompor, R., Sudiwala, Rashmikant V. ORCID:, Sureau, F., Sutton, D., Suur-Uski, A.-S., Sygnet, J.-F., Tauber, J. A., Tavagnacco, D., Techene, S., Terenzi, L., Tomasi, M., Tristram, M., Tucci, M., Umana, G., Valenziano, L., Valiviita, J., Van Tent, B., Vibert, L., Vielva, P., Villa, F., Vittorio, N., Wade, L. A., Wandelt, B. D., White, S. D. M., Yvon, D., Zacchei, A. and Zonca, A. 2014. Planck 2013 results. VI. High Frequency Instrument data processing. Astronomy & Astrophysics 571 , A6. 10.1051/0004-6361/201321570

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We describe the processing of the 531 billion raw data samples from the High Frequency Instrument (HFI), which we performed to produce six temperature maps from the first 473 days of Planck-HFI survey data. These maps provide an accurate rendition of the sky emission at 100, 143, 217, 353, 545, and 857GHz with an angular resolution ranging from 9.́7 to 4.́6. The detector noise per (effective) beam solid angle is respectively, 10, 6 , 12, and 39 μK in the four lowest HFI frequency channels (100−353GHz) and 13 and 14 kJy sr-1 in the 545 and 857 GHz channels. Relative to the 143 GHz channel, these two high frequency channels are calibrated to within 5% and the 353 GHz channel to the percent level. The 100 and 217 GHz channels, which together with the 143 GHz channel determine the high-multipole part of the CMB power spectrum (50 <ℓ < 2500), are calibrated relative to 143 GHz to better than 0.2%.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Physics and Astronomy
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Additional Information: Publisher PDF uploaded in accordance with policy at [accessed 14/03/2016]
Publisher: EDP Sciences
ISSN: 0004-6361
Funders: UKSA
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 30 March 2016
Date of Acceptance: 22 July 2014
Last Modified: 07 May 2023 07:23

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