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Predicted VO2max and effectiveness of external chest compression by Chinese nurses

Ho, Leo S.T., Jones, Alice Y.M. and Rainer, Timothy ORCID: 2017. Predicted VO2max and effectiveness of external chest compression by Chinese nurses. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 24 (4) , pp. 268-271. 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000336

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Objectives: The aims of this study were to assess the influence of sex and body position on external chest compression (ECC) to a manikin by Chinese nurses and to determine the relationship between rescuer's predicted VO2max and ECC depth. Participants and methods: A total of 40 nurses performed ECC on a manikin for 5 min in the standing (S) and bed-mount kneeling (K) position, then completed a Chester step-test, in 3 separate days. The rate and depth of compressions and oxygen consumption during ECC were measured. Results: Mean compression rate recorded was above 100/min in both positions throughout ECC. Mean compression depth for male participants was more than 38 mm for 5 min in the K-position but only 3 min in the S-position. Female participants achieved this compression depth for less than 90 s in the K-position but not at all in the S-position. Conclusion: Irrespective of sex, the K-position appears to facilitate effective ECC. The relationship between aerobic fitness of female nurses and their ability to perform effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation warrants further investigation.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Publisher: : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0969-9546
Date of Acceptance: 21 September 2015
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2022 10:42

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