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Cost-effectiveness of Dermabond versus sutures for lacerated wound closure: a randomised controlled trial

Wong, E.M.L., Rainer, Timothy ORCID:, Ng, Y.C., Chan, M.S. and Lopez, V. 2011. Cost-effectiveness of Dermabond versus sutures for lacerated wound closure: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Medical Journal 17 (6 (S6)) , S4-S8.

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1. For management of simple lacerated wounds, tissue adhesive (Dermabond) achieved more positive outcomes but incurred higher cost, compared with standard sutures. 2. Dermabond may be more cost-effective than standard sutures from a societal viewpoint. 3. Use of sutures required more nursing time and additional costs from subsequent dressing, whereas use of Dermabond incurred higher equipment costs. 4. Dermabond achieved better appearance outcome and patient satisfaction, compared with sutures. 5. Pain levels were not significantly different in patients treated with Dermabond or sutures.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Publisher: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press
ISSN: 1024-2708
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2022 10:51

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