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Number of items: 82.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2025. Kofi Annan and the United Nations. International Politics 10.1057/s41311-024-00663-9

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2023. Mauritius and seabed mining. Campanella, Virginie Tassin, ed. Routledge Handbook of Seabed Mining and the Law of the Sea, Routledge Handbooks in Law, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 405-413.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2023. Africa and seabed mining. Campanella, Virginie Tassin, ed. Routledge Handbook of Seabed Mining and the Law of the Sea, Routledge Handbooks in Law, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 261-270.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2023. The International Seabed Authority and the Polar Regions. Tanaka, Yoshifumi, Johnstone, Rachael Lorna and Ulfbeck, Vibe, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Polar Law, Abingdon, Oxon/New York: Routledge, pp. 342-355.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2023. UNCLOS 82: Africa's contributions to the development of modern law of the sea 40 years later. Marine Policy 148 , 105463. 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105463

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. From apathy to action: Africa’s role in deep seabed mining. Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies. Available at:

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. "UNCLOS at 40, has the convention lived up to its promises?". Presented at: "UNCLOS at 40, Has the Convention lived up to its promises?", University of West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago (online presentation), August 25, 2022.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. Human rights and the law of the sea: Prospects in Africa? Presented at: The 5th Annual Conference of the Law and Development Network - ?Beyond the Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Law and Development", Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (Online Presentation), 24-26 November 2021.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. Equitable sharing of financial and other economic benefits under UNCLOS 82: direct distribution of monetary benefits or a global seabed sustainability fund? Presented at: Dalian Maritime University, China, the 9th Annual Ocean Law and Governance International Symposium on ?Human Community with Shared Future and the Law of the Sea", Online Presentation, 19 November 2022.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. Maritime law and legislation, authorities' expectations, and format of the regulations. Presented at: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC), Expert Group Meeting on Enforcement Related Issues in Deep Sea Mining, Bali, Indonesia(My presentation was virtual), 29-30 August 2022.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. International navigation freedom of navigation through straits. Presented at: International Foundation for the Law of the Sea(IFLOS) Maritime Talks, Security, Safety and Freedom of Navigation through Straits, International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea, Hamburg, Germany, 25 September 2022.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2022. Content and achievements of UNCLOS and its significance for African States. Presented at: Workshop for the Promotion of Sustainable Development of Africa?s Deep Seabed Resources in Support of Africa?s Blue Economy, Abuja, Nigeria, 5-7 October 2022.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2021. Gulf of Guinea and maritime (in)security: musings on some implications of applicable legal instruments. Brooklyn Journal of International Law 46 (2) , 369.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: and Charles, Eden 2021. Common heritage of mankind and the deep seabed area beyond national jurisdiction: past, current, and future prospects. Marine Technology Society Journal 55 (6) , pp. 40-52. 10.4031/MTSJ.55.6.10

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2021. UNC0006 - UNCLOS: fit for purpose in the 21st century? Written evidence. UK House of Lords International and Defence Committee. Available at:

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2020. Maritime security and deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction. Banet, Catherine, ed. The Law of the Seabed: Access, Uses, and Protection of Seabed Resources, Brill, pp. 185-210.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2020. Strategic roadmap for the development of deep seabed mining (DSM) regulations in the framework of the African blue economy. United Nations Economic Commision fo Africa (UNECA).

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2020. Africa's prosperity is tied to its oceans and seas. Presented at: African Union Commission and the Institute for Security Studies Africa?s prosperity is tied to its oceans and seas, Webinar, 8 December 2020.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. Law of the sea. Marlin-Bennett, Rene, ed. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies., Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.254)

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. Historic rights in African state practice. Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law 7 (2) , pp. 166-188. 10.1163/22134484-12340123

Egede, Edwin ORCID:, Pal, Mati and Charles, Eden 2019. A study on issues related to the operationalization of the enterprise in particular on the legal, technical and financial implications for the international seabed authority and for states parties to the United Nations convention on the law of the sea. [Technical Report]. International Seabed Authority. Available at:

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. The outer limit of the continental shelf in Africa: present situation and prospects. Presented at: Workshop for the promotion of sustainable development of Africa’s deep seabed resources in support to Africa’s blue economy, Pretoria, South Africa, 16-18 May 2019. -.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. Myron H. Nordquist, John Norton Moore and Ronán Long, eds., Legal Order in the World’s Oceans: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Volume 21 (Leiden/Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2018), 463 pp [Book Review]. Ocean Yearbook Online 33 (1) , pp. 598-601.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: and Apaalse, Lawrence 2019. Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire in the Atlantic Ocean - Lessons from another maritime delimitation case arising from the African region. Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 29 (1) , pp. 55-90.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. Independent operation of the Enterprise: perspectives and challenges. Presented at: International Seabed Authority, African Union and South African Government Capacity Building Workshop for the Promotion of Sustainable Development of Africa's Deep Seabed Resources in Support of Africa's Blue Economy, Pretoria, South Africa, 16-18 May 2019.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. Balancing geopolitical economic and geostrategic interests in maritime security initiatives in the Gulf of Guinea - Way forward: the 3 Cs. Presented at: Global Maritime Security Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 7-9 October 2019.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. The Enterprise? Update on activities. Presented at: African Group of the International Seabed Authority Deep Seabed Mining Policy Capacity Building Workshop, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Accra, Ghana, 30-31 January, 2019. -.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2019. African blue economy and China's maritime silk road project: Opportunities for cooperation? Presented at: International Symposium on Blue Economic Sustainable Development along the Maritime Silk Road, Lancashire Law School, University of Lancashire, Preston, UK, 9-10 May, 2019. -.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2018. Maritime Security: Horn of Africa and Implementation of the 2050 AIM Strategy. Horn of Africa Bulletin 30 (2) , pp. 7-11.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2018. The Area: Common heritage of mankind, sponsoring states of convenience and developing states. Presented at: 3rd Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 April 2016. Published in: Kotzur, Markus, Matz-Luck, Nele, Proelss, Alexander, Verheyen, Roda and Sanden, Joachim eds. Sustainable Ocean Resource Governance: Deep Sea Mining, Marine Energy and Submarine Cables. Brill,

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2018. The Area: Common heritage of mankind, sponsoring states of convenience and developing states. Kotzur, Markus, Matz-Luck, Nele, Proelss, Alexander, Verheyen, Roda and Sanden, Joachim, eds. Sustainable Ocean Resource Governance: Deep Sea Mining, Marine Energy and Submarine Cables, Brill, pp. 155-184.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2018. African transboundary national resources management: Institutions and instruments (discussant paper). Presented at: United Nations Economic Commission(UNECA) Capacity Development Division High Level Policy Dialogue on Transboundary Natural Resource Disputes in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 12-13 July 2018. -.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2018. Nigeria-Sao Tome & Principe Joint Development Agreement (Nigerian Perspectives). Presented at: 2nd International Workshop of 'Beyond the Joint Development Agreement' Project, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, 2-4 May 2018.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2018. China's belt and road initiative: the Indian Ocean and African maritime security. Presented at: Maritime Security and the Belt & Road Initiative: European Perspectives, Lancashire Law School, University of Lancashire, 9-10 May 2018.

Egede, Edwin E. ORCID: 2017. The land and maritime boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening) case: interrogating some ongoing law of the sea challenges. Egede, Edwin E. ORCID: and Igiehon, Mark Osa, eds. The Bakassi Dispute and the International Court of Justice: Continuing Challenges, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 117-137.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: and Igiehon, Mark, eds. 2017. The Bakassi dispute and the International Court of Justice: continuing challenges. Routledge.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. The common heritage of mankind and its application in the new draft exploitation regulations. Presented at: Workshop for the African Group of Member States of the International Seabed Authority, New York, USA, 2-3 December 2017.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. Nigeria. Vrancken, P. and Tsamenyi, M., eds. The Law of the Sea: The African Union and its Member States, Kenwyn, South Africa: Juta & Company Ltd,

Egede, Edwin ORCID:, Busia, Kojo and de Souza, Kaiser Goncalves 2017. The African Mineral Development Centre and the prospects for improving African participation in the deep seabed mining regime. Presented at: 23rd Session of the International Seabed Authority, Kingston, Jamaica, 7-18 August 2017.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. Africa's Lomé Charter on maritime security: what are the next steps? [Online]. Available at:

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. Opportunities for improvement of the AIM Strategy and other related African legal regimes to support the sustainable development and coordination of activities in the Africa’s maritime domain and Africa’s Blue Economy. Presented at: Marine Mineral Resources of Africa's Continental Shelf and Adjacent International Seabed Area - Prospects for Sustainable Development of the African Maritime Domain, Kampala, Uganda, 2-4 May 2017.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. Africa's engagement with deep seabed mining. Presented at: The Deep Sea Mining Summit 2017, London, UK, 22-23 May 2017.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. A ‘new frontier’ for mining? Time for Africa's engagement with deep seabed mining. Public Law Committee Newsletter, August 2017, International Bar Association, Public Law Committee. Available at:

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. Historic rights in African state practice. Presented at: 6th Zhejiang University, Guanghua Law School Annual Ocean Law and Governance International Conference, Hangzhou, China, 28-29 October 2017.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2017. African blue economy and deep seabed mining. Presented at: Capacity Development Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa(UNECA) Policy Dialogue on Governance of resources and maritime activities for sustainable development in Africa, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, 21-23 June 2017.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: and Egede, Hephzibah ORCID: 2016. The force of the community in the Niger Delta of Nigeria: propositions for new oil and gas legal and contractual arrangements. Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 25 (1) , pp. 45-88.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2016. Institutional gaps in the 2050 Africa's Integrated Maritime Strategy. Iilwandle Zethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa 2016 (1) , pp. 1-27.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2016. Military uses of the seabed. Among others, the Seabed Arms Control Treaty. Presented at: University of Oslo, Faculty of Law - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Workshop on New uses and abuses of the seabed - legal challenges., Oslo, Norway, 3 June 2016.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2016. The area: sponsoring states of convenience and developing states. Presented at: 3rd Hamburg International Environmental Conference 2016 - A Sea Change for Sustainable Ocean Resource Governance, Hamburg, Germany, 15 - 16 April 2016.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2016. Africa and deep seabed mining in the area. Presented at: Africa Union Commission(AUC) Conference on Maritime Governance for Sustainable Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25 July 2016.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2015. Maritime security and oil bunkering in maritime zones within national jurisdiction: the Gulf of Guinea as a case study. Presented at: UBCEES Conference on Contemporary Opportunities and Challenges in Offshore Energy Exploitation, University of Buckingham, UK, 28 October 2015.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2015. Maritime security: a comparison of the African and Asian approaches. Presented at: Xiamen University- Cardiff University Maritime Security Workshop, Xiamen, China, 5 May 2015.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. United Nations Secretary-General appointment process: Time for a female Secretary-General? Academic Council on the United Nations System(ACUNS) Quarterly Newsletter 2014 (3) , pp. 7-10.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. Piracy and the East African region. Koutrakos, Panos and Skordas, Achilles, eds. The Law and Practice of Piracy at Sea: European and International Perspectives, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 249-265.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. The common heritage of mankind and the sub-Saharan African native land tenure system: A 'clash of cultures' in the interpretation of concepts in international law? Journal of African Law 58 (1) , pp. 71-88. 10.1017/S0021855313000144

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. Anglo-Nigerian relations: colonialism and social justice & development after 50 years. Presented at: British International Studies Association (BISA) Africa and International Studies working group: Public lecture on 'Britain and Africa after 50: Social justice and development', Cardiff, Wales, UK, 6 February 2014.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. Institutional gaps in AIM strategy. Presented at: 2014 Marine and Maritime Law Conference - "The 2050 African Integrated Maritime(AIM) Strategy: Legal Opportunities and Challenges", Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 13-14 November 2014.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. Common heritage of mankind. Carty, Anthony, ed. Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Law, Oxford University Press,

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2014. Reform of the UN. Presented at: United Nations Cardiff and District Branch Public Lecture, Cardiff, Wales, 8th April 2014. pp. 1-16.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2013. Historic title, historic rights and their application in the South China Sea. Presented at: South China Sea: UNCLOS and State Practice Conference, Haikou, Hainan Island Province, China, 23-25 October 2013.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: and Sutch, Peter David Edward ORCID: 2013. The politics of international law and international justice. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2013. International straits, compulsory pilotage and the marine environment. Caddell, Richard and Thomas, Rhidian, eds. Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea - Legal Implications and Liabilities, Lawtext Publishing Limited, pp. 35-52.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2012. Africa and the Extended Continental Shelf under the Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) 1982. The Journal Jurisprudence 14 , pp. 173-200.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2012. The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2009 and 2010: Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs (vol.23), edited by Jurgen Basedow, Ulrich Magnus and Rudiger Wolfrum [Book Review]. The Journal of International Maritime Law 18 (5) , pp. 399-402.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2011. Africa and the deep seabed regime: Politics and international law of the common heritage of mankind. London: Springer.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2011. Are there commonalities between the European Union and African Union approaches to the definition of terrorism? Presented at: Public Lecture, European Governance, Identity & Public Policy Research Unit, Cardiff University School of European Languages, Translation & Politics, Cardiff, UK, 1 June 2011.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2010. Compliance with Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) 1982: A burden for developing states? - An African perspective. Presented at: 6th International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO /International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea(ABLOS) Conference 2010, Monaco, 25-28 October 2010.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2010. International straits, compulsory pilotage and the protection of the marine environment. Presented at: Sixth International Colloquium of the Institute for International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea, UK, 9-10 September 2010.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2010. The right to the enjoyment of the common heritage of mankind under the African Charter: Legal right or political rhetoric? Presented at: The African Studies Association of the UK(ASAUK) 2010 Conference, Oxford, UK, 16 -19 September 2010.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2010. The common heritage of mankind of global commons and ownership under African native land tenure system: Are there parallels? Presented at: Socio-Legal Studies Association(SLSA) 2010 Annual Conference, Bristol, UK, March 2010.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2010. Law of the Sea. Denemark, Robert A., ed. The International Studies Encyclopedia, Vol. 8. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 4839-4855.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: and Apaalse, Lawrence 2010. Ghana’s Extended Continental Shelf and Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf under Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 22 (1) , pp. 141-172.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2009. African States and Participation in Deep Seabed Mining: Problems and Prospects. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 24 (4) , pp. 683-712. 10.1163/157180809X455601

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2008. Bakassi: Critical look at the Green Tree Agreement [Newspaper Article]. Nigerian Daily Independent , n/a.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2007. Bringing human rights home: An examination of the domestication of human rights treaties in Nigeria. Journal of African Law 51 (2) , pp. 249-284. 10.1017/S0021855307000290

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2007. Human Rights and the Environment: Is there a Legally Enforceable Right to a Clean and Healthy Environment for the ‘Peoples’ of the Niger Delta under the framework of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 19 (1) , pp. 51-83.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2006. Submission of Brazil and Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) 1982. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 21 (1) , pp. 33-55. 10.1163/157180806776639493

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2005. Who owns the Nigerian offshore seabed: federal or states? An examination of the Attorney General of the Federation v. Attorney General of Abia State & 35 Ors Case. Journal of African Law 49 (1) , pp. 73-93. 10.1017/S0021855305000069

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2005. Deep seabed regime: Africa's contribution to its evolution and system of mining. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2004. The outer limits of the continental shelf: African states and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention. Ocean Development & International Law 35 (2) , pp. 157-178. 10.1080/00908320490434266

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2004. The Nigerian Territorial Waters Legislation and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 19 (2) , pp. 151-176. 10.1163/1571808041220119

Egede, Edwin ORCID: 2000. The New Territorial Waters (Amendment) Act 1998 - Comments on the impact of international law on Nigerian law. African Journal of International and Comparative Law 12 (1) , pp. 84-104.

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