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Number of items: 193.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Li, Cheng-Sen and Berry, Christopher M. ORCID: 2022. Lower Devonian lycophytes from Sichuan and the palaeogeographic context of coeval plant assemblages from South China. International Journal of Plant Sciences 183 (6) 10.1086/720387

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Taylor, Wilson A., Duckett, Jeffrey G., Kenrick, Paul and Pressel, Silvia 2022. Earliest record of transfer cells in Lower Devonian plants. New Phytologist 233 (3) , pp. 1456-1465. 10.1111/nph.17704

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Duckett, Jeffrey G., Pressel, Silvia and Kenrick, Paul 2022. Piecing together the eophytes - a new group of ancient plants containing cryptospores. New Phytologist 233 (3) , pp. 1440-1455. 10.1111/nph.17703

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Duckett, Jeffrey G. 2022. Picking up the pieces: New charcoalified plant mesofossils (eophytes) from a Lower Devonian Lagerst?tte in the Welsh Borderland, UK. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 297 , 104567. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104567

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Boddy, Lynne ORCID: and Selden, Paul 2020. Further evidence for fungivory in the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, UK. PalZ. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 94 , pp. 603-618. 10.1007/s12542-019-00503-9

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Li, Cheng-Sen 2018. Diversity in affinities of plants with lateral sporangia from the Lower Devonian of Sichuan Province, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 258 , pp. 98-111. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.07.002

Morris, Jennifer ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2018. The advantages and frustrations of a plant Lagerstätte as illustrated by a new taxon from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland, UK. Krings, Michael, Harper, Carla, Cuneo, Nestor and Rothwell, Gar, eds. Transformative Paleobotany 1st Edition. Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor, Academic Press,

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Li, Cheng-Sen 2018. Further insights into the Lower Devonian terrestrial vegetation of Sichuan Province, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 253 , pp. 37-48. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.03.004

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Honegger, Rosmarie, Axe, Lindsey and Morris, Jennifer L ORCID: 2018. Anatomically preserved Silurian 'nematophytes' from the Welsh Borderland (UK). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187 (2) , pp. 272-291. 10.1093/botlinnean/boy022

Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Puttick, Mark N., Clark, James W., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Kenrick, Paul, Pressel, Silvia, Wellman, Charles H., Yang, Ziheng, Schneider, Harald and Donoghue, Philip C.J. 2018. Timescale of early land plant evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (10) , E2274-E2283. 10.1073/pnas.1719588115

Puttick, Mark N., Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Williams, Tom A., Cox, Cymon J., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Kenrick, Paul, Pressel, Silvia, Wellman, Charles H., Schneider, Harald, Pisani, Davide and Donoghue, Philip C.J. 2018. The interrelationships of land plants and the nature of the ancestral embryophyte. Current Biology 28 (5) , 733-745.e2. 10.1016/j.cub.2018.01.063

Honegger, Rosmarie, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Strullu-Derrien, Christine 2018. Fertile Prototaxites taiti: a basal ascomycete with inoperculate, polysporous asci lacking croziers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 (1739) , 20170146. 10.1098/rstb.2017.0146

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Kenrick, Paul and Dolan, Liam 2018. History and contemporary significance of the Rhynie cherts - our earliest preserved terrestrial ecosystem. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences 373 (1739) , 20160489. 10.1098/rstb.2016.0489

Benton, M. J., Briggs, D. E. G., Clack, J. A., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Galway-Witham, J., Stringer, C. B. and Turvey, S. T. 2017. Russia-UK collaboration in paleontology: past, present, and future. Paleontological Journal 51 (6) , pp. 576-599. 10.1134/S0031030117060028

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2017. Q & A Dianne Edwards. Current Biology 27 (14) , R685-R686. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.05.054

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2017. Glimpses of the botanical history of Wales. The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 23 , pp. 8-18.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Geng, Bao-Yin and Li, Cheng-Sen 2016. New plants from the Lower Devonian Pingyipu Group, Jiangyou County, Sichuan Province, China. Plos One 11 (11) , e0163549. 10.1371/journal.pone.0163549

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Yang, Nan, Hueber, Francis M. and Li, Cheng-Sen 2015. Additional observations on Zosterophyllum yunnanicum Hsü from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 221 , pp. 220-229. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.03.007

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Raven, A. J. 2015. Could land-based early photosynthesizing ecosystems have bioengineered the planet in mid- Palaeozoic times? Palaeontology 58 (5) , pp. 803-837. 10.1111/pala.12187

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Kenrick, Paul 2015. The early evolution of land plants, from fossils to genomics: a commentary on Lang (1937) 'On the plant-remains from the Downtonian of England and Wales'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 370 (1666) , 20140343. 10.1098/rstb.2014.0343

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2015. A palaeobotanical pot-pourri. Palaeontology 58 (1) , pp. 1-3. 10.1111/pala.12143

Morris, Jennifer ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2014. An analysis of vegetational change in the Lower Devonian: New data from the Lochkovian of the Welsh Borderland, U.K. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 211 , pp. 28-54. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2014.09.006

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer ORCID:, Richardson, John B. and Kenrick, Paul 2014. Cryptospores and cryptophytes reveal hidden diversity in early land floras. New Phytologist 202 (1) , pp. 50-78. 10.1111/nph.12645

Raven, John A. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2014. Photosynthesis in early land plants: adapting to the terrestrial environment. Hanson, David T. and Rice, Steven K., eds. Photosynthesis in Bryophytes and Early Land Plants, Vol. 37. Springer, pp. 29-58. (10.1007/978-94-007-6988-5_3)

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Honegger, Rosmarie 2013. Contributions to the diversity in cryptogamic covers in the mid-Palaeozoic: 'Nematothallus' revisited. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173 (4) , pp. 505-534. 10.1111/boj.12119

Honegger, Rosmarie, Axe, Lindsey and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2013. Bacterial epibionts and endolichenic actinobacteria and fungi in the Lower Devonian lichen Chlorolichenomycites salopensis. Fungal Biology 117 (7-8) , pp. 512-518. 10.1016/j.funbio.2013.05.003

Wang, Yi, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Bassett, Michael, Xu, Hong-He, Xiao, Jiafei, Jiang, Qing, Zhang, Xiaole and Lomax, Barry 2013. Enigmatic occurrence of Permian plant roots in Lower Silurian rocks, Guizhou Province, China. Palaeontology 56 (4) , pp. 679-683. 10.1111/pala.12019

Channing, Alan and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2013. Wetland megabias: ecological and ecophysiological filtering dominates the fossil record of hot spring floras. Palaeontology 56 (3) , pp. 523-556. 10.1111/pala.12043

Honegger, Rosmarie, Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2013. The earliest records of internally stratified cyanobacterial and algal lichens from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. New Phytologist 197 (1) , pp. 264-275. 10.1111/nph.12009

Morris, Jennifer ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2012. Further insights into trilete spore producers from the Early Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, U.K. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 185 , pp. 35-63. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.08.001

Morris, Jennifer ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, John B and Axe, Lindsey 2012. New dyad-producing plants from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal- Linnean Society 169 (4) , pp. 569-595. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2012.01231.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, John B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, Kevin L. 2012. A new group of Early Devonian plants with valvate sporangia containing sculptured permanent dyads. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (3) , pp. 229-257. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2011.01207.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2012. Evidence for a fungal affinity for Nematasketum, a close ally of Prototaxites. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (1) , pp. 1-18. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2011.01195.x

Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Wright, V. P. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2012. Siluro-Devonian landscapes of southern Britain: the stability and nature of early vascular plant habitats. Journal of the Geological Society 169 (2) , pp. 173-190. 10.1144/0016-76492011-072

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Richardson, John B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2012. Notes on sporangia and spore masses containing tetrads or monads from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, U.K. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 179 , pp. 56-85. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.03.008

Guo, Cai-Qing, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wu, Peng-Cheng, Duckett, Jeffrey G., Hueber, Francis M. and Li, Cheng-Sen 2012. Riccardiothallus devonicus gen. et sp. nov., the earliest simple thalloid liverwort from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 176-77 , pp. 35-40. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.03.012

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Selden, P. A. and Axe, Lindsey 2012. Selective Feeding in an Early Devonian Terrestrial Ecosystem. Palaios 27 (7) , pp. 509-522. 10.2110/palo.2011.p11-094r

Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2011. New plant taxa from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, with a hypothesis on the relationship between hilate and trilete spore producers. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 167 (1-2) , pp. 51-81. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2011.06.007

Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Richardson, J. B. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2011. Lower Devonian plant and spore assemblages from Lower Old Red Sandstone strata of Tredomen Quarry, South Wales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 165 (3-4) , pp. 183-208. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2011.03.003

Channing, Alan, Zamuner, A., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Guido, D. 2011. Equisetum thermale sp. nov. (Equisetales) from the Jurassic San Agustin hot spring deposit, Patagonia: Anatomy, paleoecology, and inferred paleoecophysiology. American Journal of Botany 98 (4) , pp. 680-697. 10.3732/ajb.1000211

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Spears, Priscilla and Channing, Alan 2011. Flowering plant families at the National Botanic Garden of Wales based on the classification system of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. London: FIRST.

Morris, Jennifer Louise, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B. and Axe, Lindsey 2011. Small is beautiful: investigations into Early Devonian plant mesofossils from the Welsh borderland, UK. Presented at: The Palaeontological Association 55th Annual Meeting, Plymouth, UK, 17-20 December 2011.

Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 2010. Small is beautiful: new investigations into Lower Devonian plant mesofossils and their in situ spores. Presented at: 25th New Phytologist / Colston Research Society Symposium: Colonization of the terrestrial environment, Clifton Hill House, University of Bristol, UK, 21-22 September 2010.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Poire, D. G., Morel, E. M., Bassett, M .G. and Cingolani, C. A. 2009. Enigmatic fossils from the Upper Silurian of Bolivia: evidence for marine productivity in high-latitude Gondwana. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 325 (1) , pp. 177-200. 10.1144/SP325.10

Yang, N., Li, C. S. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2009. Hueberia Zhichangensis gen. et sp. nov, an Early Devonian (Pragian) plant from Yunnan, China. Palynology 33 (1) , pp. 113-124. 10.2113/gspalynol.33.1.113

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Poire, D. G., Morel, E. M. and Cingolani, C. A. 2009. Plant assemblages from SW Gondwana: further evidence for high-latitude vegetation in the Devonian of Argentina. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 325 (1) , pp. 233-255. 10.1144/SP325.12

Channing, Alan and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2009. Silicification of higher plants in geothermally influenced wetlands: Yellowstone as a Lower Devonian Rhynie analog. Palaios 24 (8) , pp. 505-521. 10.2110/palo.2008.p08-131r

Channing, Alan and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2009. Yellowstone hot spring environments and the palaeo-ecophysiology of Rhynie chert plants: towards a synthesis. Plant Ecology & Diversity 2 (2) , pp. 111-143. 10.1080/17550870903349359

Baars, Christian, Jones, Thomas Hefin ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2008. Microcosm studies of the role of land plants in elevating soil carbon dioxide and chemical weathering. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (3) , GB3019. 10.1029/2008GB003228

Yang, N., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Ablaev, A. and Li, C.-S. 2008. The discovery of fertile Haskinsia colophylla (Haskinsiaceae) in far East Russia. Taxon 57 (2) , pp. 588-593.

Baars, Christian and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2008. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on spore capsules of the moss Leptobryum pyriforme. Journal of Bryology 30 (1) , pp. 36-40. 10.1179/174328208X282094

Hillier, Robert D., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Morrissey, Lance B. 2008. Sedimentological evidence for rooting structures in the Early Devonian Anglo-Welsh Basin (UK), with speculation on their producers. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 270 (3-4) , pp. 366-380. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.01.038

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wang, Yi, Bassett, Michael G. and Li, Cheng-Sen 2007. The earliest vascular plant or a later rooting system? Pinnatiramosus qianensis from the marine Lower Silurian Xiushan Formation, Guizhou Province, China. Palaios 22 (2) , pp. 155-165. 10.2110/palo.2005.p05-125r

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Parkes, Ronald John and Rickard, David Terence ORCID: 2006. Provenance and age of bacteria-like structures on mid-Palaeozoic plant fossils. International Journal of Astrobiology 5 (2) , pp. 109-142. 10.1017/S147355040600303X

Glasspool, Ian J., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2006. Charcoal in the Early Devonian: A wildfire-derived Konservat–Lagerstätte. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 142 (3-4) , pp. 131-136. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2006.03.021

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2006. Danziella artesiana, a new name for Zosterophyllum artesianum from the Lower Devonian of Artois, northern France. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 142 (3-4) , pp. 93-101. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2006.04.008

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Li, Cheng-Sen and Raven, John A. 2006. Tracheids in an early vascular plant: a tale of two branches. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 150 (1) , pp. 115-130. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2006.00450.x

Sun, Tong-Xing, Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Li, Cheng-Sen 2005. The stomatal apparatus of Lycopodium japonicum and its bearing on the stomata of the Devonian lycophyte Drepanophycus spinaeformis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 149 (2) , pp. 209-216. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2005.00434.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, John B. 2004. Silurian and Lower Devonian plant assemblages from the Anglo-Welsh Basin: a palaeobotanical and palynological synthesis. Geological Journal 39 (34) , pp. 375-402. 10.1002/gj.997

Channing, Alan, Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Sturtevant, S. 2004. A geothermally influenced wetland containing unconsolidated geochemical sediments. Canadian journal of earth sciences 41 (7) , pp. 809-827. 10.1139/e04-034

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2004. Anatomical evidence in the detection of the earliest wildfires. Palaios 19 (2) , pp. 113-128. 10.1669/0883-1351(2004)019<0113:AEITDO>2.0.CO;2

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Banks, H. P., Ciurca, S. J. Jr. and Laub, R. S. 2004. New Silurian cooksonias from dolostones of north-eastern North America. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146 (4) , pp. 399-413. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00332.x

Glasspool, Ian J., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2004. Charcoal in the Silurian as evidence for the earliest wildfire. Geology 32 (5) , pp. 381-383. 10.1130/G20363.1

Raven, J. A. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2004. Physiological evolution of lower embryophytes: adaptations to the terrestrial environment. Hemsley, Alan R. and Poole, Imogen, eds. The Evolution of Plant Physiology, Linnean Society Symposium Series, vol. 21. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 17-41.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Duckett, J. G. 2003. Diversity in conducting cells in early land plants and comparisons with extant bryophytes. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (3) , pp. 297-347. 10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.00153.x

Channing, Alan and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2003. Experimental taphonomy: silicification of plants in Yellowstone hot-spring environments. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth sciences 94 (4) , pp. 503-521. 10.1017/S0263593300000845

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2003. Xylem in early tracheophytes. Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (1) , pp. 57-72. 10.1046/j.1365-3040.2003.00878.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2003. Embryophytic sporophytes in the Rhynie and Windyfield cherts. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 94 (4) , pp. 397-410. 10.1017/S0263593300000778

Grimes, Stephen T., Davies, Kevin L., Butler, Ian Brett, Brock, F., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Briggs, D. E. G. and Parkes, Ronald John 2002. Fossil plants from the Eocene London Clay: the use of pyrite textures to determine the mechanism of pyritization. Journal of the Geological Society 159 (5) , pp. 493-501. 10.1144/0016-764901-176

Habgood, K. S., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2002. New perspectives on Cooksonia from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 139 (4) , pp. 339-359. 10.1046/j.1095-8339.2002.00073.x

Rogerson, C., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2002. A new embryophyte from the Upper Silurian of Shropshire, England. Studies in Palaeozoic Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy in Honour of Charles Hepworth Holland, Special Papers in Palaeontology, vol. 67. Aberystwyth: Palaeontological Association, pp. 233-249.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morel, E., Poire, D. G. and Cingolani, C. A. 2001. Land plants in the Devonian Villavicencio Formation, Mendoza Province, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 116 (1-2) , pp. 1-18. 10.1016/S0034-6667(01)00059-8

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morel, E. M., Paredes, F., Ganuza, D. G. and Zuniga, A. 2001. Plant assemblages from the Silurian of southern Bolivia and their palaeogeographic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135 (3) , pp. 229-250. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2001.tb01093.x

Raven, J. A. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2001. Roots: evolutionary origins and biogeochemical significance. Journal of Experimental Botany 52 (S1) , pp. 381-401. 10.1093/jexbot/52.suppl_1.381

Grimes, Stephen T., Brock, F., Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Davies, Kevin L., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Briggs, D.E.G. and Parkes, Ronald John 2001. Understanding fossilization: Experimental pyritization of plants. Geology -Boulder- 29 (2) , pp. 123-126. 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0123:UFEPOP>2.0.CO;2

Gensel, Patricia and Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, eds. 2001. Plants invade the land: evolutionary & environmental perspectives. Critical Moments and Perspectives in Earth History and Paleobiology, New York: Columbia University Press.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Mendez, E. 2001. A new genus for isolated bivalved sporangia with thickened margins from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 137 (3) , pp. 297-310. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2001.tb01125.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2001. Early land plants. Briggs, D. E. G. and Crowther, Peter R., eds. Palaeobiology II: A Synthesis, Oxford: Blackwell Science, pp. 63-66.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Wellman, C. 2001. Embryophytes on land: the Ordovician to Lochkovian (Lower Devonian) record. Gensel, Patricia and Edwards, Dianne, eds. Plants Invade the Land: Evolutionary & Environmental Perspectives, Critical Moments and Perspectives in Earth History and Paleobiology, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 3-28.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2000. The role of Mid-Palaeozoic mesofossils in the detection of early bryophytes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B - Biological Sciences 355 (1398) , pp. 733-755. 10.1098/rstb.2000.0613

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Duckett, J. G. and Read, D. J. 2000. Preface: Bryophyte phylogeny and interrelationships with early embryophytes - Papers of a discussion meeting organized and edited by D. Edwards, D. J. Read & J. G. Duckett. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B - Biological Sciences 355 (1398) , p. 715. 10.1098/rstb.2000.0611

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2000. Novel conducting tissues in Lower Devonian plants. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (1-2) , pp. 383-399. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2000.tb02359.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 2000. Progress in reconstructing vegetation on the Old Red Sandstone Continent: two Emphanisporites producers from the Lochkovian sequence of the Welsh Borderland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 180 , pp. 355-370. 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.180.01.18

Powell, C. L., Trewin, N. H. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2000. Palaeoecology and plant succession in a borehole through the Rhynie cherts, Lower Old Red Sandstone, Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 180 , pp. 439-457. 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.180.01.23

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Fairon-Demaret, M. and Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: 2000. Plant megafossils in Devonian stratigraphy: a progress report. Bultynck, Pierre, ed. Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy: Fossil groups important for boundary definition, Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, vol. 220. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, pp. 25-37.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wellman, C. H. and Axe, Lindsey 1999. Tetrads in sporangia and spore masses from the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 130 (2) , pp. 111-156. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1999.tb00515.x

Powell, C. L., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Trewin, N. H. 1999. A new vascular plant from the Lower Devonian Windyfield chert, Rhynie, NE Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 90 , pp. 331-349.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1999. Origins of plant architecture: adapting to life in a brave new world. Kurmann, M. H. and Hemsley, Alan Richard, eds. The Evolution of Plant Architecture, Brough: Kew Publishing, pp. 3-21.

Hilton, J. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1999. New data on Xenotheca devonica Arber and Goode, an enigmatic early seed plant cupule with preovules. Kurmann, M. H. and Hemsley, Alan Richard, eds. The Evolution of Plant Architecture, Brough: Kew Publishing, pp. 75-90.

Wellman, C. H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1998. Ultrastructure of laevigate hilate spores in sporangia and spore masses from the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 353 (1378) , pp. 1983-2004.

Wellman, C. H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1998. Permanent dyads in sporangia and spore masses from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (2) , pp. 117-147. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1998.tb02092.x

Wellman, C. H., Thomas, R. G., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Kenrick, P. 1998. The Cosheston Group (Lower Old Red Sandstone) in southwest Wales: age, correlation and palaeobotanical significance. Geological Magazine 135 (3) , pp. 397-412. 10.1017/S0016756898008723

Abbott, G. D., Ewbank, G., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Wang, G.-Y. 1998. Molecular characterization of some enigmatic Lower Devonian fossils. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (8) , pp. 1407-1418. 10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00078-7

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Kerp, H. and Hass, H. 1998. Stomata in early land plants: an anatomical and ecophysiological approach. Journal of Experimental Botany 49 (90001) , pp. 255-278. 10.1093/jxb/49.Special_Issue.255

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1998. Climate signals in Palaeozoic land plants. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 353 (1365) , pp. 141-157. 10.1098/rstb.1998.0197

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wellman, C.H. and Axe, Lindsey 1998. The fossil record of early land plants and interrelationships between primitive embryophytes: too little and too late? Bates, Jeff W., Ashton, N. W. and Duckett, Jeffrey G., eds. Bryology for the Twenty-First Century, Leeds: British Bryological Society (Maney Publishing), pp. 15-43.

Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1997. A new species of the lycopsid Gilboaphyton Arnold from the Devonian of Venezuela and New York State, with a revision of the closely related genus Archaeosigillaria Kidston. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 96 (1-2) , pp. 47-70. 10.1016/S0034-6667(96)00015-2

Li, Cheng-Sen and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1997. A new microphyllous plant from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan Province, China. American Journal of Botany 84 (10) , pp. 1441-1448. 10.2307/2446142

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Ewbank, G. and Abbott, G. D. 1997. Flash pyrolysis of the outer cortical tissues in Lower DevonianPsilophyton dawsonii. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 124 (4) , pp. 345-360. 10.1006/bojl.1997.0101

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1997. Charting diversity in early land plants: Some challenges for the next millennium. Iwatsuki, Kunio and Raven, Peter H., eds. Evolution and Diversification of Land Plants, Tokyo: Springer, pp. 3-26.

Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1996. The herbaceous lycophyte Haskinsia Grierson and Banks from the Devonian of western Venezuela, with observations on leaf morphology and fertile specimens. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 122 (2) , pp. 103-122. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1996.tb02067.x

Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1996. Anapaulia moodyi gen et sp nov: A probable iridopteridalean compression fossil from the Devonian of western Venezuela. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 93 (1-4) , pp. 127-145. 10.1016/0034-6667(95)00123-9

Hilton, Jason and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1996. A new Late Devonian acupulate preovule from the Taff Gorge, South Wales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 93 (1-4) , pp. 235-252. 10.1016/0034-6667(95)00128-X

Li, Cheng-Sen and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1996. Demersatheca Li et Edwards, gen. nov., a new genus of early land plants from the Lower Devonian, Yunnan Province, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 93 (1-4) , pp. 77-88. 10.1016/0034-6667(95)00120-4

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1996. New insights into early land ecosystems: a glimpse of a Lilliputian world. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 90 (3-4) , pp. 159-174. 10.1016/0034-6667(95)00081-X

Ewbank, G., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Abbott, G. D. 1996. Chemical characterization of Lower Devonian vascular plants. Organic Geochemistry 25 (8) , pp. 461-473. 10.1016/S0146-6380(96)00140-4

Wellman, Charles H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1996. Curation of exceptionally preserved early land plant fossils: problems and solutions. Curator: The Museum Journal 39 (3) , pp. 209-216. 10.1111/j.2151-6952.1996.tb01094.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L., Richardson, J. B., Wellman, C. H. and Axe, Lindsey 1996. Ultrastructure of synorisporites downtonensis and retusotriletes cf. coronadus in spore masses from the Pridoli of the Welsh Borderland. Palaeontology 39 (3) , pp. 783-800.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Abbott, G. D. and Raven, J. A. 1996. Cuticles of early land plants: a palaeoecophysiological evaluation. Plant Cuticles an integrated functional approach, Environmental Plant Biology, Oxford: BIOS Scientific Publishers, pp. 1-31.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Wellman, C.H. 1996. Older plant macerals (excluding spores). Jansonius, J. and McGregor, D. C., eds. Palynology: Principles and Applications, Vol. 1. Salt Lake City: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation (Publishers Press), pp. 383-387.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 1996. Review of in situ spores in early land plants. Jansonius, Jan and McGregor, D. Colin, eds. Palynology: Principles and Applications, Vol. 1. Salt Lake City: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation (Publishers Press), pp. 391-407.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Selden, Paul A., Richardson, John B. and Axe, Lindsey 1995. Coprolites as evidence for plant–animal interaction in Siluro–Devonian terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 377 (6547) , pp. 329-331. 10.1038/377329a0

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Duckett, J. G. and Richardson, J. B. 1995. Hepatic characters in the earliest land plants. Nature 374 (6523) , pp. 635-636. 10.1038/374635a0

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Fanning, U., Davies, K. L., Axe, Lindsey and Richardson, J. B. 1995. Exceptional preservation in Lower Devonian coalified fossils from the Welsh Borderland: a new genus based on reniform sporangia lacking thickened borders. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 117 (3) , pp. 233-254. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1995.tb00454.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L., Richardson, J. B. and Axe, Lindsey 1995. The ultrastructure of spores of Cooksonia pertoni. Palaeontology 38 (1) , pp. 153-168.

Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1995. New species of the lycophyte Colpodexylon Banks from the Devonian of Venezuela. Palaeontographica Abteilung B -Stuttgart- 237 (1-3) , pp. 59-74.

Li, Cheng-Sen and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1995. A re-investigation of Halle's Drepanophycus spinaeformis Göpp. from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan Province, southern China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 118 (3) , pp. 163-192. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1995.tb00468.x

Morel, E., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Iñigez Rodriguez, M. 1995. The first record of Cooksonia from South America in Silurian rocks of Bolivia. Geological Magazine 132 (4) , pp. 449-452. 10.1017/S0016756800021506

Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1994. New data on the morphology and anatomy of the Devonian zosterophyll Serrulacaulis Hueber and Banks from Venezuela. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 81 (2-4) , pp. 141-150. 10.1016/0034-6667(94)90104-X

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Fanning, U. and Richardson, J. B. 1994. Lower Devonian coalified sporangia from Shropshire: Salopella Edwards & Richardson and Tortilicaulis Edwards. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 116 (2) , pp. 89-110. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1994.tb00425.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1994. Towards an understanding of pattern and process in the growth of early vascular plants. Ingram, D. S. and Hudson, A., eds. Shape and Form in Plants and Fungi, Linnean Society Symposium Series, vol. 16. London: Linnean Society of London (Academic Press), pp. 39-59.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1993. Cells and tissues in the vegetative sporophytes of early land plants. New Phytologist 125 (2) , pp. 225-247. 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1993.tb03879.x

Rogerson, E. C. W., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L. and Richardson, J. B. 1993. Identification of in situ spores in a Silurian Cooksonia from the Welsh Borderland. Collinson, M. E. and Scott, A. C., eds. Studies in Palaeobotany and Palynology in Honour of Professor W.G. Chaloner, Special Papers in Palaeontology, vol. 49. London: The Palaeontological Association, pp. 17-30.

Cai, Chong-Yang, Dou, Ya-Wei and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1993. New observations on a Pridoli plant assemblage from north Xinjiang, northwest China, with comments on its evolutionary and palaeogeographical significance. Geological Magazine 130 (2) , pp. 155-170. 10.1017/S0016756800009821

Lees, D. R. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, eds. 1993. Evolutionary patterns and processes. Linnean Society Symposium Series, vol. 14. London: Academic Press.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L. and Axe, Lindsey 1992. A vascular conducting strand in the early land plant Cooksonia. Nature 357 (6380) , pp. 683-685. 10.1038/357683a0

Fanning, U., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 1992. A diverse assemblage of early land plants from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 109 (2) , pp. 161-188. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1992.tb00264.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1992. Stomata and mechanics of stomatal functioning in some early land plants. Presented at: International Symposium on Palaeobotany "Anatomical Investigations of Plant Fossils": 3rd International Senckenberg Conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1990. Published in: Schaarschmidt, F. ed. International Symposium on Palaeobotany "Anatomical Investigations of Plant Fossils": 3rd International Senckenberg Conference Frankfurt am Main 1990. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (147) Stuttgart: Schweizerbart und Borntraeger, pp. 59-73.

Li, Cheng-Sen and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1992. A new genus of early land plants with novel strobilar construction from the Lower Devonian Posongchong Formation, Yunnan Province, China. Palaeontology 35 (2) , pp. 257-272.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Selden, P. A. 1992. The development of early terrestrial ecosystems. Botanical Journal of Scotland 46 (2) , pp. 337-366. 10.1080/03746600508684794

Burgess, N. D. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1991. Classification of uppermost Ordovician to Lower Devonian tubular and filamentous macerals from the Anglo-Welsh Basin. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 106 (1) , pp. 41-66. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1991.tb02282.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: 1991. Silurian and Devonian. Cleal, C. J., ed. Plant Fossils in Geological Investigation: The Palaeozoic, Ellis Horwood series in applied geology, Chichester: Ellis Horwood Limited, pp. 117-153.

Lyon, A. G. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1991. The first zosterophyll from the Lower Devonian Rhynie Chert, Aberdeenshire. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 82 , pp. 323-332.

Kenrick, P., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Dales, R. C. 1991. Novel ultrastructure in water-conducting cells of the Lower Devonian plant Sennicaulis hippocrepiformis. Palaeontology 34 (4) , pp. 751-766.

Fanning, U., Richardson, J. B. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1991. A review of in situ spores in Silurian land plants. Blackmore, S. and Barnes, S. H., eds. Pollen and Spores: Patterns of Diversification, Systematics Association Special Volume, vol. 44. Oxford: The Systematics Association (Clarendon Press), pp. 25-47.

Fanning, U., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 1991. A new rhyniophytoid from the late Silurian of the Welsh Borderland. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 183 , pp. 37-47.

Jeram, A. J., Selden, P. A. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1990. Land animals in the Silurian: arachnids and myriapods from Shropshire, England. Science 250 (4981) , pp. 658-661. 10.1126/science.250.4981.658

Fanning, U., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 1990. Further evidence for diversity in late Silurian land vegetation. Journal of the Geological Society 147 (4) , pp. 725-728. 10.1144/gsjgs.147.4.0725

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Burgess, N. D. 1990. Plants. Briggs, D. E. G. and Crowther, Peter R., eds. Palaeobiology: A Synthesis, Paleobiology, vol. 1. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 60-64.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Davies, M. S. 1990. Interpretations of early land plant radiations: 'facile adaptationist guesswork' or reasoned speculation? Taylor, P. D. and Larwood, G. P., eds. Major Evolutionary Radiations, The Systematics Association Special Volume, vol. 42. Oxford: Systematics Association (Clarendon Press), pp. 351-376.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1990. Constraints on Silurian and Early Devonian phytogeographic analysis based on megafossils. Geological Society of London Memoirs 12 , pp. 233-242. 10.1144/GSL.MEM.1990.012.01.22

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1990. Silurian-Devonian paleobotany: problems, progress, and potential. Taylor, T. N. and Taylor, E. L., eds. Antarctic Paleobiology. Its role in the reconstruction of Gondwana, New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 89-101.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Kenrick, Paul and Carluccio, Leeds M. 1989. A reconsideration of cf. Psilophyton princeps (Croft & Lang, 1942), a zosterophyll widespread in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of South Wales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 100 (4) , pp. 293-318. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1989.tb01723.x

Shute, C. H. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1989. A new rhyniopsid with novel sporangium organization from the Lower Devonian of South Wales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 100 (2) , pp. 111-137. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1989.tb01713.x

Selden, P. A. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1989. Colonisation of the land. Allen, K. and Briggs, D. E. G., eds. Evolution and the Fossil Record, London: Belhaven Press (Pinter Publishers Ltd), pp. 122-152.

Richardson, J. B. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1989. Sporomorphs and plant megafossils. Holland, C. H. and Bassett, M. G., eds. A Global Standard for The Silurian System, National Museum of Wales, Geological Series, vol. 9. Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, pp. 216-226.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1989. Evolutionary innovation in early land plants. Harper, D. A. T., ed. William King D.Sc. - A Palaeontological Tribute, Galway: Galway University Press, pp. 33-43.

Kenrick, P. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1988. A new zosterophyll from a recently discovered exposure of the Lower Devonian Senni Beds in Dyfed, Wales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 98 (2) , pp. 97-115. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1988.tb01698.x

Burgess, N. D. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1988. A new Palaeozoic plant closely allied to Prototaxites Dawson. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 97 (2) , pp. 189-203. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1988.tb02461.x

Kenrick, P. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1988. The anatomy of Lower Devonian Gosslingia breconensis Heard based on pyritized axes, with some comments on the permineralization process. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 97 (2) , pp. 95-123. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1988.tb02456.x

Fanning, U., Richardson, J. B. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1988. Cryptic evolution in an early land plant. Evolutionary Trends in Plants (ETP) 2 (1) , pp. 13-24.

Larsen, P.-H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Escher, J. C. 1987. Late Silurian plant megafossils from the Peary Land Group, North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse 133 , pp. 107-112.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Edwards, D. S. 1986. A reconsideration of the Rhyniophytina Banks. Presented at: International Symposium on Systematic and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany, London, UK, April 1985. Published in: Spicer, R. and Thomas, B. eds. Systematic and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany: Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Goldsmiths' College, London, April 1985. The Systematics Association Special Volume (31) Oxford: Systematics Association (Clarendon Press), pp. 199-220.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Fanning, U. and Richardson, J. B. 1986. Stomata and sterome in early land plants. Nature 323 (6087) , pp. 438-440. 10.1038/323438a0

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Rose, Valerie, Axe, Lindsey and Kenrick, P. 1986. Studies on Lower Devonian petrifactions from Britain, 3. Notes on putative fungal remains in zosterophylls from the Brecon Beacons, Powys, South Wales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 48 (1-3) , pp. 241-251. 10.1016/0034-6667(86)90060-6

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Kenrick, P. 1986. A new zosterophyll from the Lower Devonian of Wales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 92 (3) , pp. 269-283. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1986.tb01432.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1986. Dispersed cuticles of putative non-vascular plants from the Lower Devonian of Britain. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 93 (3) , pp. 259-275. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1982.tb01025.x

Ager, Derek and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1986. The fauna and flora of the Rhaetian of South Wales and adjacent areas. Nature in Wales, N.s. 4 (1/2) , pp. 71-79.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1986. Preservation in early vascular plants. Geology Today 2 (6) , pp. 176-181. 10.1111/j.1365-2451.1986.tb00202.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Fanning, U. and Chaloner, W. G. 1985. Evolution and environment in the Late Silurian-Early Devonian: The rise of the Pteridophytes [and discussion]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 309 (1138) , pp. 147-165. 10.1098/rstb.1985.0076

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Benedetto, J. L. 1985. Two new species of herbaceous lycopods from the Devonian of Venezuela with comments on their taphonomy. Palaeontology 28 (3) , pp. 599-618.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Rose, Valerie 1984. Cuticles of Nematothallus: a further enigma. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 88 (1-2) , pp. 35-54. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1984.tb01563.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Feehan, J. and Smith, D. G. 1983. A late Wenlock flora from Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 86 (1-2) , pp. 19-36. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1983.tb00715.x

Dick, M. W. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, eds. 1983. Contributions to palaeontology: Retirement tribute to Professor W. S. Lacey. London: Academic Press Inc. (The Linnean Society of London).

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1982. Fragmentary non-vascular plant microfossils from the late Silurian of Wales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (3) , pp. 223-256. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1982.tb00536.x

Bassett, M. G. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1982. Fossil plants from Wales. Geological Series, vol. 2. Cardiff: National Museum of Wales.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Edwards, D. S. and Rayner, R. 1982. The cuticle of early vascular plants and its evolutionary significance. Cutler, E. F., Alvin, K. A. and Price, C. E., eds. The Plant Cuticle, Linnean Society Symposium Series, vol. 10. Academic Press, pp. 341-361.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1981. Studies on Lower Devonian petrifactions from Britain. 2. Sennicaulis, a new form genus for sterile axes based on pyrite and limonite petrifactions from the Senni Beds. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 32 (2-3) , pp. 207-226. 10.1016/0034-6667(81)90004-X

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1980. Studies on Lower devonian petrifactions from Britain. 1. Pyritised axes of Hostinella from the Brecon Beacons Quarry, Powys, South Wales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 29 , pp. 189-200. 10.1016/0034-6667(80)90058-5

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Feehan, J. 1980. Records of Cooksonia-type sporangia from late Wenlock strata in Ireland. Nature 287 (5777) , pp. 41-42. 10.1038/287041a0

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1980. Early land floras. Panchen, A. L., ed. The Terrestrial Environment and the Origin of Land Vertebrates, The Systematics Association Special Volume, vol. 15. London: Academic Press, pp. 55-85.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Bassett, Michael G. and Rogerson, E. Catherine W. 1979. The earliest vascular land plants: continuing the search for proof. Lethaia 12 (4) , pp. 313-324. 10.1111/j.1502-3931.1979.tb01017.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1979. The early history of vascular plants based on late Silurian and early Devonian floras of the British Isles. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 8 , pp. 405-410. 10.1144/GSL.SP.1979.008.01.46

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Rogerson, E. C. W. 1979. New records of fertile Rhyniophytina from the late Silurian of Wales. Geological Magazine 116 (2) , pp. 93-98. 10.1017/S0016756800042503

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1979. A late Silurian flora from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of south-west Dyfed. Palaeontology 22 (1) , pp. 23-52.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B. and Thomas, R. G. 1978. Locality B8, B9, B10. Presented at: International Symposium on the Devonian System (P.A.D.S. 78), Bristol, UK, September 1978. Published in: Friend, P. F. and Williams, B. P. J. eds. A field guide to selected outcrop areas of the Devonian of Scotland, the Welsh Borderland and South Wales: International Symposium on the Devonian System (P.A.D.S. 78), September 1978. Special Papers in Palaeontology (23) London: The Palaeontological Association, pp. 74-79.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1977. A new non-calcified alga from the upper Silurian of mid Wales. Palaeontology 20 (4) , pp. 823-832.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1976. The systematic position of Hicklingia edwardii Kidston and Lang. New Phytologist 76 (1) , pp. 173-181. 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1976.tb01449.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Davies, E. C. W. 1976. Oldest recorded in situ tracheids. Nature 263 (5577) , pp. 494-495. 10.1038/263494a0

Scott, A. C., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Rolfe, W. D. I. 1976. Fossiliferous Lower Old Red Sandstone near Cardross, Dunbartonshire. Proceedings of the Geological Society of Glasgow 117 , pp. 4-5.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1975. Some observations on the fertile parts of Zosterophyllum myretonianum Penhallow from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 69 (11) , pp. 251-265.

Matten, L. C., Lacey, W. S. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1975. Discovery of one of the oldest gymnosperm floras containing cupulate seeds. Phytologia 32 (4) , pp. 299-303.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 1974. Lower Devonian (Dittonian) plants from the Welsh Borderland. Palaeontology 17 (2) , pp. 311-324.

Bassett, M. G. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1973. Fossil plants from Wales. Amgueddfa, Bulletin of the National Museum of Wales 13 , pp. 2-27.

Gayer, Rodney A., Allen, K. C., Bassett, M. G. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1973. The structure of the Taff Gorge area, Glamorgan, and the stratigraphy of the Old Red Sandstone—Carboniferous Limestone transition. Geological Journal 8 (2) , pp. 345-374. 10.1002/gj.3350080212

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1973. Devonian floras. Hallam, A., ed. Atlas of Palaeobiogeography, Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific, pp. 105-115.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1972. A Zosterophyllum fructification from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 14 (1-2) , pp. 77-83. 10.1016/0034-6667(72)90009-7

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1970. Further observations on the Lower Devonian Plant, Gosslingia breconensis Heard. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B - Biological Sciences 258 (821) , pp. 225-243. 10.1098/rstb.1970.0034

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1970. Fertile rhyniophytina from the Lower Devonian of Britain. Palaeontology 13 (3) , pp. 451-461.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1969. Further observations on Zosterophyllum llanoveranum from the Lower Devonian of South Wales. American Journal of Botany 56 (2) , pp. 201-210.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1969. Zosterophyllum from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of South Wales. New Phytologist 68 (4) , pp. 923-931. 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1969.tb06491.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 1968. A new plant from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of South Wales. Palaeontology 11 (5) , pp. 683-690.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Banks, H. P. 1965. Branching in Gosslingia breconensis. American Journal of Botany 52 (6) , p. 636.

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