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Number of items: 40.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Duckett, Jeffrey G. 2022. Picking up the pieces: New charcoalified plant mesofossils (eophytes) from a Lower Devonian Lagerst?tte in the Welsh Borderland, UK. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 297 , 104567. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104567

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Duckett, Jeffrey G., Pressel, Silvia and Kenrick, Paul 2022. Piecing together the eophytes - a new group of ancient plants containing cryptospores. New Phytologist 233 (3) , pp. 1440-1455. 10.1111/nph.17703

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Taylor, Wilson A., Duckett, Jeffrey G., Kenrick, Paul and Pressel, Silvia 2022. Earliest record of transfer cells in Lower Devonian plants. New Phytologist 233 (3) , pp. 1456-1465. 10.1111/nph.17704

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Morris, Jennifer L. ORCID:, Boddy, Lynne ORCID: and Selden, Paul 2020. Further evidence for fungivory in the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, UK. PalZ. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 94 , pp. 603-618. 10.1007/s12542-019-00503-9

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Honegger, Rosmarie, Axe, Lindsey and Morris, Jennifer L ORCID: 2018. Anatomically preserved Silurian 'nematophytes' from the Welsh Borderland (UK). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187 (2) , pp. 272-291. 10.1093/botlinnean/boy022

Honegger, Rosmarie, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Strullu-Derrien, Christine 2018. Fertile Prototaxites taiti: a basal ascomycete with inoperculate, polysporous asci lacking croziers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 (1739) , 20170146. 10.1098/rstb.2017.0146

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Honegger, Rosmarie 2013. Contributions to the diversity in cryptogamic covers in the mid-Palaeozoic: 'Nematothallus' revisited. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173 (4) , pp. 505-534. 10.1111/boj.12119

Honegger, Rosmarie, Axe, Lindsey and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2013. Bacterial epibionts and endolichenic actinobacteria and fungi in the Lower Devonian lichen Chlorolichenomycites salopensis. Fungal Biology 117 (7-8) , pp. 512-518. 10.1016/j.funbio.2013.05.003

Honegger, Rosmarie, Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2013. The earliest records of internally stratified cyanobacterial and algal lichens from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. New Phytologist 197 (1) , pp. 264-275. 10.1111/nph.12009

Morris, Jennifer ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2012. Further insights into trilete spore producers from the Early Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, U.K. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 185 , pp. 35-63. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.08.001

Morris, Jennifer ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, John B and Axe, Lindsey 2012. New dyad-producing plants from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal- Linnean Society 169 (4) , pp. 569-595. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2012.01231.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, John B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, Kevin L. 2012. A new group of Early Devonian plants with valvate sporangia containing sculptured permanent dyads. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (3) , pp. 229-257. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2011.01207.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2012. Evidence for a fungal affinity for Nematasketum, a close ally of Prototaxites. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (1) , pp. 1-18. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2011.01195.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Selden, P. A. and Axe, Lindsey 2012. Selective Feeding in an Early Devonian Terrestrial Ecosystem. Palaios 27 (7) , pp. 509-522. 10.2110/palo.2011.p11-094r

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Richardson, John B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2012. Notes on sporangia and spore masses containing tetrads or monads from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, U.K. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 179 , pp. 56-85. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.03.008

Morris, Jennifer Louise ORCID:, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B., Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2011. New plant taxa from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, with a hypothesis on the relationship between hilate and trilete spore producers. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 167 (1-2) , pp. 51-81. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2011.06.007

Morris, Jennifer Louise, Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Richardson, J. B. and Axe, Lindsey 2011. Small is beautiful: investigations into Early Devonian plant mesofossils from the Welsh borderland, UK. Presented at: The Palaeontological Association 55th Annual Meeting, Plymouth, UK, 17-20 December 2011.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Poire, D. G., Morel, E. M., Bassett, M .G. and Cingolani, C. A. 2009. Enigmatic fossils from the Upper Silurian of Bolivia: evidence for marine productivity in high-latitude Gondwana. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 325 (1) , pp. 177-200. 10.1144/SP325.10

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey, Parkes, Ronald John and Rickard, David Terence ORCID: 2006. Provenance and age of bacteria-like structures on mid-Palaeozoic plant fossils. International Journal of Astrobiology 5 (2) , pp. 109-142. 10.1017/S147355040600303X

Glasspool, Ian J., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2006. Charcoal in the Early Devonian: A wildfire-derived Konservat–Lagerstätte. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 142 (3-4) , pp. 131-136. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2006.03.021

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2004. Anatomical evidence in the detection of the earliest wildfires. Palaios 19 (2) , pp. 113-128. 10.1669/0883-1351(2004)019<0113:AEITDO>2.0.CO;2

Glasspool, Ian J., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2004. Charcoal in the Silurian as evidence for the earliest wildfire. Geology 32 (5) , pp. 381-383. 10.1130/G20363.1

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Duckett, J. G. 2003. Diversity in conducting cells in early land plants and comparisons with extant bryophytes. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (3) , pp. 297-347. 10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.00153.x

Rogerson, C., Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Davies, K. L. 2002. A new embryophyte from the Upper Silurian of Shropshire, England. Studies in Palaeozoic Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy in Honour of Charles Hepworth Holland, Special Papers in Palaeontology, vol. 67. Aberystwyth: Palaeontological Association, pp. 233-249.

Habgood, K. S., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2002. New perspectives on Cooksonia from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 139 (4) , pp. 339-359. 10.1046/j.1095-8339.2002.00073.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Mendez, E. 2001. A new genus for isolated bivalved sporangia with thickened margins from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 137 (3) , pp. 297-310. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2001.tb01125.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2000. Novel conducting tissues in Lower Devonian plants. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (1-2) , pp. 383-399. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2000.tb02359.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wellman, C. H. and Axe, Lindsey 1999. Tetrads in sporangia and spore masses from the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 130 (2) , pp. 111-156. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1999.tb00515.x

Wellman, C. H. and Axe, Lindsey 1999. Extracting plant mesofossils and megafossils by bulk acid maceration. Jones, T. P. and Rowe, N. P., eds. Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques, Bath: Geological Society of London, pp. 11-14.

Wellman, C. H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1998. Ultrastructure of laevigate hilate spores in sporangia and spore masses from the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 353 (1378) , pp. 1983-2004.

Wellman, C. H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1998. Permanent dyads in sporangia and spore masses from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (2) , pp. 117-147. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1998.tb02092.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Wellman, C.H. and Axe, Lindsey 1998. The fossil record of early land plants and interrelationships between primitive embryophytes: too little and too late? Bates, Jeff W., Ashton, N. W. and Duckett, Jeffrey G., eds. Bryology for the Twenty-First Century, Leeds: British Bryological Society (Maney Publishing), pp. 15-43.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L., Richardson, J. B., Wellman, C. H. and Axe, Lindsey 1996. Ultrastructure of synorisporites downtonensis and retusotriletes cf. coronadus in spore masses from the Pridoli of the Welsh Borderland. Palaeontology 39 (3) , pp. 783-800.

Wellman, Charles H., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1996. Curation of exceptionally preserved early land plant fossils: problems and solutions. Curator: The Museum Journal 39 (3) , pp. 209-216. 10.1111/j.2151-6952.1996.tb01094.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Selden, Paul A., Richardson, John B. and Axe, Lindsey 1995. Coprolites as evidence for plant–animal interaction in Siluro–Devonian terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 377 (6547) , pp. 329-331. 10.1038/377329a0

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Fanning, U., Davies, K. L., Axe, Lindsey and Richardson, J. B. 1995. Exceptional preservation in Lower Devonian coalified fossils from the Welsh Borderland: a new genus based on reniform sporangia lacking thickened borders. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 117 (3) , pp. 233-254. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1995.tb00454.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L., Richardson, J. B. and Axe, Lindsey 1995. The ultrastructure of spores of Cooksonia pertoni. Palaeontology 38 (1) , pp. 153-168.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Davies, K. L. and Axe, Lindsey 1992. A vascular conducting strand in the early land plant Cooksonia. Nature 357 (6380) , pp. 683-685. 10.1038/357683a0

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 1992. Stomata and mechanics of stomatal functioning in some early land plants. Presented at: International Symposium on Palaeobotany "Anatomical Investigations of Plant Fossils": 3rd International Senckenberg Conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1990. Published in: Schaarschmidt, F. ed. International Symposium on Palaeobotany "Anatomical Investigations of Plant Fossils": 3rd International Senckenberg Conference Frankfurt am Main 1990. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (147) Stuttgart: Schweizerbart und Borntraeger, pp. 59-73.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Rose, Valerie, Axe, Lindsey and Kenrick, P. 1986. Studies on Lower Devonian petrifactions from Britain, 3. Notes on putative fungal remains in zosterophylls from the Brecon Beacons, Powys, South Wales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 48 (1-3) , pp. 241-251. 10.1016/0034-6667(86)90060-6

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