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Number of items: 15.

Langford, Rachael ORCID: 2020. The Sole of Africa: Shoes in Borom Sarret (1963), La Noire de…/Black Girl (1966) and Hyènes/Hyenas (1992). Ezra, Elizabeth and Wheatley, Catherine, eds. Shoe ReShoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film els: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,

Langford, Rachael ORCID: 2018. Resistant representations? Genre and gender in Francophone African film. Transnational Cinemas 9 (2) , pp. 181-196. 10.1080/20403526.2017.1419551

Langford, Rachael ORCID: 2015. Locating colonisation and globalisation in Francophone African cinema. Cole, Ernest and Diop, Oumar Cherif, eds. Ousmane Sembene: Writer, Filmmaker, and Revolutionary Artist, Africa World Press,

Langford, Rachael ORCID: 2014. Framing and masking: photographing the interpreter in/of colonial conflict. Wolf, Michaela, ed. Framing the Interpreter: Towards a Visual Perspective, London: Routledge, pp. 39-50.

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2013. Revenant(s) de Guerre? Spectres of Decolonialisation in the French Second World War Combat Film. French Studies 67 (3) , pp. 355-370. 10.1093/fs/knt074

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2013. Re-reading migrancy in film history, form and genre: Bekolo’s Le Complot d’Aristote/Aristotle’s Plot (1996) and Kouyaté’s Ouaga Saga (2004). Transnational Cinemas 4 (1) , pp. 89-108. 10.1386/trac.4.1.89_1

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2009. Post-Colonial cowboys: masculinity and the western in Francophone African cinema. Fouz-Hernandez, Santiago, ed. Mysterious Skin: The Male Body in Contemporary Cinema, London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 77-92.

Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID: and Langford, Rachael ORCID: 2009. Introduction: ‘Self and Other’. New Readings 10 , i-i. 10.18573/newreadings.66

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2009. Intertextual, intermedial, intersections. Langford, Rachael Elizabeth, ed. Textual Intersections: Literature, History and the Arts in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, vol. 129. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 9-17.

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID:, ed. 2009. Textual intersection: Literature, history and the arts in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, vol. 129. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2008. Photography, Belgian colonialism and Hergé's Tintin au Congo. Journal of Romance Studies 8 (1) , pp. 77-89. 10.3828/jrs.8.1.77

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2006. Politics and aesthetics in francophone African film: the case of Souleymane Cissé's Finyé (1982). International Journal of Francophone Studies 9 (2) , pp. 185-202. 10.1386/ijfs.9.2.185_1

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2005. Colonial False Memory Syndrome? The Cinémémoire Archive of French Colonial films and Mémoire d'Outremer (Claude Bossion, 1997). Studies in French Cinema 5 (2) , pp. 99-110. 10.1386/sfci.5.2.99/1

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2005. Locating colonisation and globalisation in Francophone African film and literature: Spatial relations in Borom Sarret (1963), La Noir de... (1965) and cinéma (1997). French Cultural Studies 16 (1) , pp. 91-104. 10.1177/0957155805049568

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2003. Challenging the colonisation of space: exteriors and interiors in the films of Ousmane Sembène and Souleymane Cissé. Sahli, K., ed. Francophone Post-Colonial Cultures: Critical Essays, After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France, Lanham, MD & Oxford: Lexington Books, pp. 114-125.

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