Jewson, Nick, Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Green, Francis 2015. Training in the public sector in a period of austerity: the case of the UK. Journal of Education and Work 28 (3) , pp. 228-249. 10.1080/13639080.2014.900169 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 2014. 'Training floors' and 'training ceilings': metonyms for understanding training trends. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 66 (3) , pp. 296-310. 10.1080/13636820.2014.916739 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis and Jewson, Nick 2013. Training in recession: the impact of the 2008-2009 recession on training at work. [Project Report]. UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Available at: |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis and Jewson, Nick 2012. An analysis of the impact of the 2008-09 recession on the provision of training in the UK. Work, Employment & Society 26 (6) , pp. 968-986. 10.1177/0950017012458016 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 2012. New places of work, new contexts of learning. Brooks, Rachel, Fuller, Alison and Waters, J., eds. Changing Spaces of Education: New Perspectives on the Nature of Learning, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 137-158. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis and Jewson, Nick 2012. The impact of the 2008-09 recession on training at work (second interim report from October 2010 to October 2011). [Project Report]. UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). Available at: |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis and Jewson, Nick 2011. Firms still training despite recession. Adults Learning 22 (7) , pp. 25-27. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis and Jewson, Nick 2011. Training in the recession: findings challenge the common assumption about training during difficult times. People Management Magazine Online |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2011. Working to learn, learning to work. London, UK: UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Available at: |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis and Jewson, Nick 2011. Immunity for recession? The impact of the 2008-09 recession on the extent, form and patterns of training at work. [Working Paper]. LLAKES Research Paper, vol. 22. London: ESRC Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies. Available at: |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2011. Following the retail chain: sandwiches, supermarkets and the potential for workplace learning. Grugulis, Irena and Bozkurt, Ödül, eds. Retail work, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25-48. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Bishop, Dan, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Unwin, Lorna and Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2009. Working as belonging: the management of personal and collective identities. Ecclestone, Kathryn, Biesta, Gert and Hughes, Martin, eds. Transitions and Learning through the Lifecourse, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 147-161. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2009. Changing the way we work. Adults Learning 20 (10) , pp. 12-15. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick, Fuller, Alison, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos and Unwin, Lorna 2009. Establishing rapport: using quantitative and qualitative methods in tandem. Townsend, Keith and Burgess, John, eds. Method in the Madness: Research Stories You Won't Read in Textbooks, Cambridge, UK: Chandos Publishing, pp. 107-118. |
Fuller, Alison, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2009. Learning, knowing and controlling the stock: the nature of employee discretion in a supermarket chain. Journal of Education and Work 22 (2) , pp. 105-120. 10.1080/13639080902854037 |
Unwin, Lorna, Fuller, Alison, Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 2009. Worlds within world: The relational dance between context and learning in the workplace. Edwards, Richard, Biesta, Gert and Thorpe, Mary, eds. Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching: Communities, Activites and Networks, Improving Learning, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 106-118. |
Bishop, Daniel, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Unwin, Lorna and Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2009. Constructing learning: adversarial and collaborative working in the British construction industry. Journal of Education and Work 22 (4) , pp. 243-260. 10.1080/13639080903290355 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Unwin, Lorna, Bishop, Dan and Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2009. Mind the gap: personal and collective identities at work. Studies in the Education of Adults 41 (1) , pp. 6-20. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2009. Improving working as learning. Improving learning series, London: Routledge. |
Khan, Asma, Shirani, Fiona Jane, Jewson, Nick, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos and Unwin, Lorna 2008. "The prawn sandwich will live forever”: learning to innovate in commercial sandwich production. [Working Paper]. Learning as Work Research Paper, vol. 17. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: |
Jewson, Nick, Unwin, Lorna, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison and Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2008. "What’s the vision for this profession?” Learning environments of health visitors in an English city. [Working Paper]. Learning as Work Research Paper, vol. 14. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: |
Unwin, Lorna, Fuller, Alison, Bishop, Dan, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2008. Exploring the dangers and benefits of the UK’s permissive competence-based approach: the use of vocational qualifications as learning artefacts and tools for measurement in the automotive sector. [Working Paper]. Learning as Work Research Paper, vol. 15. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences , Cardiff University. Available at: |
Bishop, Dan, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos and Unwin, Lorna 2008. Constructing learning: adversarial and collaborative working in the British construction industry. [Working Paper]. Learning as Work Research Paper, vol. 13. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: |
Bishop, Dan, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos and Unwin, Lorna 2008. Constructing learning: adversarial and collaborative working in the British construction industry. [Working Paper]. Learning as Work Research Paper, vol. 13. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: |
Fuller, Alison, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2008. Learning, knowing and controlling “the stock”: the changing nature of employee discretion in a supermarket chain. [Working Paper]. Learning as Work Research Paper, vol. 12. Cardiff: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: |
Kakavelakis, Konstantinos, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick and Unwin, Lorna 2008. Making a sales advisor: the limits of training 'instrumental empathy'. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 60 (3) , pp. 209-221. 10.1080/13636820802305546 |
Unwin, Lorna, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos, Lee, Tracey and Butler, Peter 2008. Worlds within worlds: the relationship between context and pedagogy in the workplace. Nijhof, Wim J. and Nieuwenhuis, A. F. M., eds. The Learning Potential of the Workplace, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 129-140. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Kakavelakis, Konstantinos and Unwin, Lorna 2007. Grooving to the same tunes? Learning, training and productive systems in the aerobics studio. Work, Employment & Society 21 (2) , pp. 189-208. 10.1177/0950017007076626 |
Fuller, Alison, Unwin, Lorna, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2007. Creating and using knowledge: an analysis of the differentiated nature of workplace learning environments. British Educational Research Journal 33 (5) , pp. 743-759. 10.1080/01411920701582397 |
Unwin, Lorna, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Bishop, Dan, Lee, Tracey, Jewson, Nick and Butler, Peter 2007. Looking inside the Russian doll: the interconnections between context, learning and pedagogy in the workplace. Pedagogy Culture and Society 15 (3) , pp. 333-348. 10.1080/14681360701602232 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Unwin, Lorna and Kakavelakis, Kostas 2007. Learning, communities and performance: Evidence from the 2007 Communities of Practice Survey. [Project Report]. Leciester: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education. |
Aldridge, Fiona, Tuckett, Alan, Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Fuller, Alison, Jewson, Nick, Unwin, Lorna and Kakavelakis, Kostas 2007. Practice makes perfect. [Project Report]. Leicester: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Walters, Sally 2005. The Shifting Locations of Work: New Statistical Evidence on the Spaces and Places of Employment. Work, Employment and Society 19 (2) , pp. 415-431. 10.1177/0950017005053186 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Walters, Sally 2005. Changing places of work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Walters, Sally 2004. Images, interviews and interpretations: making connections in visual research. Studies in Qualitative Methodology 7 , pp. 105-121. 10.1016/S1042-3192(04)07007-7 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick and Walters, Sally 2003. Managerial Control of Employees Working at Home. British Journal of Industrial Relations 41 (2) , pp. 241-264. 10.1111/1467-8543.00271 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick, Phizacklea, Annie and Walters, Sally 2002. The option to work at home: Another privilege for the favoured few? New Technology, Work and Employment 17 (3) , pp. 204-223. 10.1111/1468-005X.00105 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Jewson, Nick, Phizacklea, Annie and Walters, Sally 2001. Working at Home: Statistical Evidence for Seven Key Hypotheses. Work, Employment and Society 15 (2) , pp. 215-231. 10.1177/09500170122118922 |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 2000. In work, at home: Towards an understanding of homeworking. London: Routledge. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 1999. Domestic product. People Management 1999 (Dec) , pp. 34-36. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick, eds. 1999. Global trends in flexible labour. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 1997. Researching a problematic concept: Homeworkers in Britain. Work Employment and Society 11 (2) , pp. 327-346. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 1996. Homeworkers in Britain. [Project Report]. London: HMSO. |
Felstead, Alan ORCID: and Jewson, Nick 1995. Working at home: estimates from the 1991 Census. Employment Gazette 103 , pp. 95-99. |