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Number of items: 17.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2020. Reading between the lines: tracking slaves and slavery in the early middle ages. Gruszczyński, Jacek, Jankowiak, Marek and Shepard, Jonathan, eds. Viking-Age Trade : Silver, Slaves and Gotland, Routledge Archaeologies of the Viking World, London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 17-39. (10.4324/9781315231808-2)

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Horton, Dave, McCarthy, Helen and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2019. CAER heritage: legacies of co-produced research. Graham, Helen and Vergunst, Jo, eds. Heritage as community research: Legacies of co-production, Policy Press, pp. 129-148.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2017. Taking history into the World. Loughran, Tracey ORCID:, ed. A practical Guide to Studying History: Skills and Approaches, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 299-310.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2017. Slavery and cultural antipathy. Rosu, F. and Pargas, D.A., eds. Critical Readings on Global Slavery, Brill, pp. 742-799. (10.1163/9789004346611)

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall ORCID:, Wyatt, David ORCID:, Brook, Diane and Young, Timothy 2016. Geophysical survey and community engagement at Caerau Ringwork, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 55 , pp. 13-19.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2016. Community impact. Sharples, Niall and Davis, Oliver, eds. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales 2015: An Interim Report, Department of Archaeology and Conservation,

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2015. The CAER Heritage Project: A note on a second season of fieldwork at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, 2014. Archaeology in Wales 54 , pp. 35-42.

Ancarno, Clyde, Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2015. Forging communities: the CAER Heritage Project and the dynamics of co-production. O'Brien, D. and Matthews, P., eds. After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place, Policy Press, pp. 113-130.

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2015. Excavations at Caerau hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2014: an interim report. [Project Report]. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, vol. 35. Cardiff: School of History Archaeology and Religion Cardiff University,. Available at: https://caerheritageprojectdotcom1.files.wordpress...

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2014. Slavery, power and cultural identity in the Irish Sea region, 1066-1171. Sigurðsson, J. V. and Bolton, T., eds. Celtic-Norse Relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800-1200, The Northern World, vol. 40. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 97-108.

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2014. The CAER Heritage Project: A preliminary note on recent research and community engagement at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 53 , pp. 119-125.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2013. The Welshman, the Irishman and the Viking - Aberlleiniog Castle. Bowen, Huw V., ed. Buildings and Places in Welsh History, Gomer,

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2012. Owain ap Cadwgan – the forgotten firebrand. Bowen, H. V., ed. Heroes and villains in Welsh history, Llandysul: Gomer, pp. 29-36.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2012. Slavery in northern Europe (Scandinavia and Iceland) and the British Isles 500-1420. Bradley, Keith, Cartledge, Paul, Eltis, David and Engerman, Stanley, eds. Cambridge World History of Slavery, Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press,

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2010. Slavery. Rogers, Clifford J., ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology, Vol. 3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 274-275.

Wyatt, David ORCID: and Jones, William David 2010. Caethwas Ffoedig yng Nghaerdydd: Hanes William A. Hall a diddymiaeth Gymreig 1861-65' [A Fugitive Slave in Cardiff: The narrative of William A. Hall and Welsh anti-slavery sentiments 1861-65]. Williams, Daniel G., ed. Canu Caeth: Y Cymry A'r Affro-Americaniaid, Llandysul: Gomer, pp. 39-62.

Wyatt, David ORCID: 2009. Slaves and warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland, 800-1200. The Northern World, vol. 45. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.

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