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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 67.

Sandoval-Castellanos, Edson, Hare, Andrew J., Lin, Audrey T., Dimopoulos, Evangelos A., Daly, Kevin G., Geiger, Sheila, Mullin, Victoria E., Wiechmann, Ingrid, Mattiangeli, Valeria, Lühken, Gesine, Zinovieva, Natalia A., Zidarov, Petar, Çak?rlar, Canan, Stoddart, Simon, Orton, David, Bulatovi, Jelena, Mashkour, Marjan, Sauer, Eberhard W., Horwitz, Liora Kolska, Horejs, Barbara, Atici, Levent, Özkaya, Vecihi, Mulville, Jacqui ORCID:, Parker Pearson, Michael, Mainland, Ingrid, Card, Nick, Brown, Lisa, Sharples, Niall ORCID:, Griffiths, David, Allen, David, Arbuckle, Benjamin, Abell, Jordan T., Duru, Güne, Mentzer, Susan M., Munro, Natalie D., Uzdurum, Melis, Gülçur, Sevil, Buitenhuis, Hijlke, Gladyr, Elena, Stiner, Mary C., Pöllath, Nadja, Özbaaran, Mihriban, Krebs, Stefan, Burger, Joachim, Frantz, Laurent, Medugorac, Ivica, Bradley, Daniel G. and Peters, Joris 2024. Ancient mitogenomes from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Central Anatolia and the effects of a Late Neolithic bottleneck in sheep (Ovis aries). Science Advances 10 (15) , eadj0954. 10.1126/sciadv.adj0954

Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2024. Trelai Park, Cardiff: An interim report on the 2023 excavations. [Project Report]. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, vol. 41. Cardiff: Department of Archaeology & Conservation, School of History Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University.

Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2024. Caerau, Trelai Park, Middle Bronze Age Enclosure (ST 14714 75875). Archaeology in Wales 62 , pp. 95-96.

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall ORCID:, Deacon, Jody, Murphy, Connor, Riby, Sorcha, Wells, Nick, Young, Anna-Elyse and Young, Tim 2023. Trelai Park, Cardiff: An interim report on the 2022 excavations. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, Cardiff: Department of Archaeology & Conservation, School of History Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2023. The use of space in Norse houses: some observations from the Hebrides. Horne, Tom, Pierce, Elizabeth and Barrowman, Rachel, eds. The Viking Age in Scotland. Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology., Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 75-84.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2021. The reuse of monuments in Atlantic Scotland; variation between practices in the Hebrides and Orkney. Stoddart, Simon, Aines, E. D. and Malone, Caroline, eds. Gardening Time. Monuments and landscape from Sardinia, Scotland and Central Europe in the very long Iron Age, Cambridge, UK: MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 141-150.

Greaney, Susan ORCID:, Hazell, Zoe, Barclay, Alistair, Bronk Ramsey, Christopher, Dunbar, Elaine, Hajdas, Irka, Reimer, Paula, Pollard, Joshua, Sharples, Niall ORCID: and Marshall, Peter 2020. Tempo of a mega-henge: a new chronology for Mount Pleasant, Dorchester, Dorset. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 86 , pp. 199-236. 10.1017/ppr.2020.6

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2020. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury. The human body in early Iron Age Europe: burial practices and images of the Hallstatt world [Book Review]. European Journal of Archaeology 23 (4) , pp. 613-616. 10.1017/eaa.2020.44

Sharples, Niall ORCID:, ed. 2020. The economy of a Norse settlement in the Outer Hebrides: excavations at mounds 2 and 2A Bornais, South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Casanova, Emmanuelle, Knowles, Timothy D., Ford, Candice, Cramp, Lucy, Sharples, Niall ORCID: and Evershed, Richard P. 2020. Compound-specific radiocarbon, stable carbon isotope and biomarker analysis of mixed marine/terrestrial lipids preserved in archaeological pottery vessels. Presented at: 9th Radiocarbon & Archaeology Symposium, Athens, GA, United States, 20-24 May 2019. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium. Radiocarbon. , vol.62 Cambridge University Press, pp. 1679-1697. 10.1017/RDC.2020.11

Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2020. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff: towards a narrative for the hillforts of southeast Wales. Late Prehistoric Fortifications in Europe: Defensive, Symbolic and Territorial Aspects from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age: Proceedings of the International Colloquium 'FortMetalAges', Guimarães, Portugal, Archaeopress, pp. 163-181.

Sharples, Niall ORCID:, ed. 2019. A Norse settlement in the Outer Hebrides: excavations at mounds 2 and 2A, Bornais, South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2019. Monumentalising the domestic: house societies in Atlantic Scotland. Curras, Brais X. and Sastre, Ines, eds. Alternative Iron Ages. Social Theory from Archaeological Analysis, Routledge Studies in Archaeology, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 284-306.

Waddington, Kate, Bayliss, Alex, Higham, Thomas, Madgwick, Richard ORCID: and Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2019. Histories of deposition: creating chronology for the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age transition in Southern Britain. Archaeological Journal 176 (1) , pp. 84-133. 10.1080/00665983.2018.1504859

Clarke, David, Sheridan, Alison, Shepherd, Alexandra, Sharples, Niall ORCID:, Armour-Chelu, Miranda, Hamlet, Laura, Bronk-Ramsey, Christopher, Dunbar, Elaine, Reimer, Paula, Marshall, Peter and Whittle, Alasdair ORCID: 2017. The end of the world, or just 'Goodbye to all that'? Contextualising the red deer heap from the Links of Noltland, Westray, within late third millennium cal BC Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 146 , pp. 57-89. 10.9750/PSAS.146.1226

Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2017. Early Neolithic enclosures in Wales: a review of the evidence in light of recent discoveries at Caerau, Cardiff. Antiquaries Journal 97 , pp. 1-26. 10.1017/S0003581517000282

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2017. Introduction: westward on the high-hilled plains. Hurst, D., ed. Westward on the high-hilled plains: the later prehistory of the West Midlands., Oxford: Oxbow Books,

Sharples, Niall ORCID: and Dennis, Ian 2016. Combs and comb production in the Western Isles during the Norse period. Hunter, Fraser and Sheridan, Alison, eds. Ancient Lives. Object, people and place in early Scotland. Essays for David V. Clarke on his 70th birthday., Leiden, Netherlands: Sidestone Press, pp. 331-357.

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall ORCID:, Wyatt, David ORCID:, Brook, Diane and Young, Timothy 2016. Geophysical survey and community engagement at Caerau Ringwork, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 55 , pp. 13-19.

Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2016. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2015: an interim report. [Project Report]. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, vol. 36. Cardiff: Cardiff Studies in Archaeology.

Sharples, Niall ORCID:, Ingrem, Claire, Marshall, Peter, Mulville, Jacqui ORCID:, Powell, Adrienne and Reed, Kelly 2015. The Viking occupation of the Hebrides: evidence from the excavations at Bornais, South Uist. Barrett, James H. and Gibbon, Sarah Jane, eds. Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World, Society of Medieval Archaeology Monographs, vol. 37. Leeds: Maney Publishing, pp. 237-258.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 2015. A short history of archaeology in the Uists, Outer Hebrides. Journal of the North Atlantic 9 (sp9) , pp. 1-15. 10.3721/037.002.sp910

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2015. Excavations at Caerau hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2014: an interim report. [Project Report]. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, vol. 35. Cardiff: School of History Archaeology and Religion Cardiff University,. Available at: https://caerheritageprojectdotcom1.files.wordpress...

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2015. The CAER Heritage Project: A note on a second season of fieldwork at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, 2014. Archaeology in Wales 54 , pp. 35-42.

Cramp, Lucy J. E., Jones, Jennifer ORCID:, Sheridan, Alison, Smyth, Jessica, Whelton, Helen, Mulville, Jacqui ORCID:, Sharples, Niall ORCID: and Evershed, Richard P. 2014. Immediate replacement of fishing with dairying by the earliest farmers of the northeast Atlantic archipelagos. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1780) , 20132372. 10.1098/rspb.2013.2372

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: and Wyatt, David ORCID: 2014. The CAER Heritage Project: A preliminary note on recent research and community engagement at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff. Archaeology in Wales 53 , pp. 119-125.

Davis, Oliver ORCID: and Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: 2014. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2013: an interim report. [Project Report]. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, vol. 34. Cardiff University. Available at: https://caerheritageprojectdotcom1.files.wordpress...

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2014. Are the developed hillforts of southern England urban? Fernandez-Gotz, Manuel, Wendling, Holger and Winger, Katja, eds. Paths to Complexity. Centralisation and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe, Oxbow Books, pp. 224-232.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2014. Problems and opportunities: Iron Age burial traditions in southern Britain. Cahen-Delhaye, A. and De Mulder, G., eds. Des espaces aux esprits: L'organisation de la mort aux âges des Métaux dans le nord-ouest de l'Europe, Etudes et Documents, Archéologie, vol. 32. Namur: Institute du Patrimoine Wallon (IPW), pp. 141-159.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2013. Longbridge Deverill Cow Down. An Early Iron Age settlement in West Wiltshire. By Sonia Chadwick Hawkes with Christopher Hawkes [Book Review]. [Online]. London, UK: Prehistoric Society. Available at:

Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: 2012. From Bronze Age enclosure to Anglo-Saxon settlement. Archaeological excavations at Taplow Hillfort, Buckinghamshire 1999-2005 by T Allen, C Hayden and H Lamdin-Whymark and Castle Hill and its landscape archaeological investigations at the Wittenhams, Oxfordshire by T Allen, K Cramp, H Lamdin-Whymark and L Webley [Book Review]. [Online]. London, UK: Prehistoric Society. Available at:

Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: 2012. Winds of Change. The living landscapes of Hirta, St Kilda by Jill Harden & Olivia Lelong [Book Review]. [Online]. London, UK: Prehistoric Society. Available at:

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID:, Cummings, Vicki and Henley, Cole 2012. The chambered cairns of South Uist. Parker Pearson, Mike, ed. From machair to mountains: archaeological survey and excavation in South Uist, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 118-133.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID:, ed. 2012. A late iron age farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at mound 1, Bornais, South Uist. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and Hamilton, Mike 2012. Early Bronze Age settlement at Machair Mheadhanaach and Cill Donnain. Parker Pearson, Mike, ed. From machair to mountains: archaeological survey and excavation in South Uist, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 199-214.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2012. The Beaker-period and Early Bronze Age settlement at Sligeanach, Cill Donnain. Parker Pearson, Michael, ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist, Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides, vol. 4. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 215-258.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2011. Aspiring to greatness: the recent excavations at Maiden Castle. Schofield, J., ed. Great Excavations: Shaping the Archaeological Profession, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 58-73.

Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: 2011. Boundaries, status and conflict: an exploration of Iron Age research in the 20th century. Moore, Tom and Armada, Xosé-Lois, eds. Atlantic Europe in the first millennium BC: crossing the divide, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 668-682.

Waddington, Katherine Emma and Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2011. The excavations at Whitchurch 2006-2009: an interim report. [Project Report]. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, Specialist Report, vol. 31. Cardiff: Department of Archaeology, School of History Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University. Available at:

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2010. Social Relations in Later Prehistory: Wessex in the First Millennium BC. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mulville, Jacqueline ORCID:, Madgwick, Richard ORCID:, Stevens, Rhiannon, O'Connell, Tamsin, Powell, Adrienne, Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and Parker Pearson, Mike 2009. Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland. Journal of the North Atlantic , pp. 51-59. 10.3721/037.002.0106

Allen, Michael J., Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and O'Connor, Terry 2009. Land and people: Papers in memory of John G. Evans. Prehistoric Society Research Papers, vol. 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2009. Beaker settlement in the Western Isles. Allen, Michael J., Sharples, Niall MacPherson and O'Connor, Terry, eds. Land and People: Papers in Memory of John G. Evans, Prehistoric Society Research Papers, vol. 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 147-158.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and Smith, Rachel 2009. Norse settlement in the Western Isles. Woolf, A., ed. Scandinavian Scotland - Twenty Years After, St John's House Papers, vol. 12. St Andrews: The Committee for Dark Age Studies, University of St Andrews, pp. 103-130.

Sharples, Niall Macpherson ORCID: 2008. New perspectives in later prehistory. Presented at: 8th Annual Iron Age Research Student Seminar, Cardiff, UK, 18-19 May 2006. Published in: Davis, Oliver, Sharples, Niall MacPherson and Waddington, Katherine Emma eds. Changing Perspectives on the First Millennium BC: Proceedings of the Iron Age Research Student Seminar 2006. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 1-10.

Davis, Oliver ORCID:, Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and Waddington, Kate, eds. 2008. Changing perspectives on the First Millennium BC: proceedings of the Iron Age Research Student Seminar 2006. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, Oxford: Oxbow.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2008. Comment I. Contextualising Iron Age art. Garrow, Duncan, Gosden, Chris and Hill, J. D., eds. Rethinking Celtic Art, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 203-213.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2007. A find of Ringerike art from Bornais in the Outer Hebrides. Hines, John ORCID:, Lane, Alan ORCID: and Redknap, M., eds. Land, Sea and Home, Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs, vol. 20. Leeds: Maney, pp. 255-272.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2006. The first (permanent) houses: an interpretation of the monumental domestic architecture of Iron Age Orkney. Journal of Iberian Archaeology 8 , pp. 281-305.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2005. A Norse farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: excavations at Mound 3, Bornais, South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2005. Life histories and the buildings of the Atlantic Iron Age. Dockrill, S., Bond, M., Nicholson, R. and Turner, V., eds. Tall Stories: 2 Millennia of Brochs, Lerwick: Shetland Amenity Trust, pp. 102-114.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2005. Building communities and creating identities in the first millennium BC. Haselgrove, Colin and Pope, Rachel, eds. The Earlier Iron Age in Britain and the Near Continent, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 174-184.

Parker Pearson, Mike, Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and Symonds, Jim 2004. South Uist: archaeology and history of a Hebridean island. Stroud: Tempus Publishing Ltd.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID:, Parker Pearson, M. and Symonds, J. 2004. The archaeological landscape of South Uist. Housley, R. A. and Coles, G., eds. Atlantic Connections and Adaptations: Economies, environments and subsistence in lands bordering the North Atlantic, Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology, vol. 21. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 28-47.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2003. From monuments to artefacts: changing social relationships in the later Iron Age. Downes, Jane and Ritchie, Anna, eds. Sea Change: Orkney and Northern Europe in the Later Iron Age AD 300-800, Balgavies: Pinkfoot Press, pp. 151-165.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 2000. Antlers and Orcadian rituals: An ambiguous role for red deer in the Neolithic. Ritchie, Anna, ed. Neolithic Orkney in its European context, McDonald Institute Monographs, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 107-116.

Parker Pearson, Mike and Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1999. Between land and sea: excavations at Dun Vulan, South Uist. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1999. Stuart Piggott (1910-1996). Murray, Tim, ed. Encyclopedia of archaeology: the great archaeologists, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, pp. 615-634.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1998. Scalloway: A broch, Late Iron Age settlement and Medieval cemetery in Shetland. Oxbow Monographs in Archaeology, Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: and Parker Pearson, Mike 1997. Why were brochs built? Recent studies in the iron age of Atlantic Scotland. Gwilt, Adam and Haselgrove, Colin, eds. Reconstructing Iron Age Societies: New Approaches to the British Iron Age, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 254-265.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1996. Nationalism or internationalism: the problematic Scottish experience. Atkinson, John A, Banks, Iain and O'Sullivan, Jerry, eds. Nationalism and Archaeology: Scottish Archaeological Forum, Glasgow: Cruithne Press, pp. 77-88.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1991. Warfare in the Iron Age of Wessex. Scottish Archaeological Review 8 , pp. 79-89.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1991. English Heritage book of Maiden Castle. London: B. T. Batsford/English Heritage.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 1991. Maiden Castle. Excavations and field survey 1985-6. Archaeological Report, vol. 19. London: English Heritage.

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1990. Late iron age society and continental trade in Dorset. Revue Archeologique de l'Ouest (Supp 3) , pp. 299-304.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 1985. Radiocarbon dates from three chambered tombs at Loch Calder, Caithness. Scottish Archaeological Review 4 (1) , pp. 2-10.

Sharples, Niall ORCID: 1981. The excavation of a chambered cairn, the Ord North, at Lairg, Sutherland, by J. X. W. P. Corcoran. Proceedings Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 111 , pp. 21-62.

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