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Number of items: 24.

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Gasso, Diana, Goncalves, Pilar, Risco, David, Garcia, Waldo L., Segale, Joaquim, Garrido-Amaro, Cristina, Mentaberre, Gregorio, Torres-Blas, Irene, Velarde, Roser, Lopez-Olvera, Jorge R., Fernandez-Llario, Pedro and Serrano, Emmanuel 2023. Annual short-burst mass anthelmintic administration reduces tuberculosis severity but not prevalence in a wildlife reservoir. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 , 1186295. 10.3389/fevo.2023.1186295

Imrie, Ryan M., Walsh, Sarah K., Roberts, Katherine E., Lello, Joanne ORCID: and Longdon, Ben 2023. Investigating the outcomes of virus coinfection within and across host species. PLoS Pathogens 19 (5) , e1011044. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011044

McDowell, Daniel, Hurt, Lisa ORCID:, Kabatereine, Narcis B., Stothard, John Russell and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2022. Infection history and current co-infection with Schistosoma mansoni decreases Plasmodium species intensities in pre-school children from Uganda. Journal of Infectious Diseases 225 (12) , pp. 2181-2186. 10.1093/infdis/jiac072

Gharpure, Radhika, Mor, Siobhan, Viney, Mark, Hodobo, Tinashe, Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Siwila, Joyce, Dube, Kululeko, Robertson, Ruairi C., Mutasa, Kuda, Berger, Cedric N. ORCID:, Hirai, Mitsuaki, Brown, Tim, Ntozini, Robert, Evans, Ceri, Hoto, Patience, Smith, Laura E., Tavengwa, Naume V., Joyeux, Mathieu, Humphrey, Jean H., Berendes, David and Prendergast, Andrew J. 2021. A one health approach to child stunting: evidence and research agenda. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (5) , pp. 1620-1624. 10.4269/ajtmh.20-1129

Prendergast, Andrew J., Gharpure, Radhika, Mor, Siobhan, Viney, Mark, Dube, Kululeko, Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Berger, Cedric ORCID:, Siwila, Joyce, Joyeux, Mathieu, Hodobo, Tinashe, Hurt, Lisa ORCID:, Brown, Tim, Hoto, Patience, Tavengwa, Naume, Mutasa, Kuda, Craddock, Susan, Chasekwa, Bernard, Robertson, Ruairi C, Evans, Ceri, Chidhanguro, Dzivaidzo, Mutasa, Batsirai, Majo, Florence, Smith, Laura, Hirai, Mitsuaki, Ntozini, Robert, Humphrey, Jean H and Berendes, David 2019. Putting the "A" into WaSH: A call for integrated management of water, animals, sanitation and hygiene. Lancet Global Health 3 (8) , Pe336-e337. 10.1016/S2542-5196(19)30129-9

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, McClure, Susan J, Tyrrell, Kerri and Viney, Mark E 2018. Predicting the effects of parasite co-infection across species boundaries. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1874) , 20172610. 10.1098/rspb.2017.2610

Lello, Joanne ORCID: and Fenton, Andy 2017. Opening the black box: re-examining the ecology and evolution of parasite transmission. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 (1720)

Lello, Joanne ORCID: and Fenton, Andy 2017. Lost in transmission...? Philosophical Transactions- Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 372 (1719) , 20160082. 10.1098/rstb.2016.0082

McCallum, Hamish, Fenton, Andy, Hudson, Peter J., Lee, Brian, Levick, Beth, Norman, Rachel, Perkins, Sarah E. ORCID:, Viney, Mark, Wilson, Anthony J. and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2017. Breaking beta: deconstructing the parasite transmission function. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences 372 (1719) , 20160084. 10.1098/rstb.2016.0084

Randall, Joanna, Cable, Joanne ORCID:, Guschina, Irina, Harwood, John L. ORCID: and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2013. Endemic infection reduces transmission potential of an epidemic parasite during co-infection. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1769) , 20131500. 10.1098/rspb.2013.1500

Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2013. Coinfection: Doing the math. Science Translational Medicine 5 (191) , 191fs24. 10.1126/scitranslmed.3006565

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Knopp, Stefanie, Mohammed, Khalfan A., Khamis, I. Simba, Utzinger, Jurg and Viney, Mark E. 2013. The relative contribution of co-infection to focal infection risk in children. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1754) , 20122813. 10.1098/rspb.2012.2813

Hunt, P. W. and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2012. How to make DNA count: DNA-based diagnostic tools in veterinary parasitology. Veterinary Parasitology 186 (1-2) , pp. 101-108. 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.11.055

Kimbi, Helen K., Lum, Emmaculate, Wanji, Samuel, Mbuh, Judith V., Ndamukong-Nyanga, Judith L., Eyong, Ebanga E. J. and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2012. Co-Infections of asymptomatic malaria and soil-transmitted helminths in school children in localities with different levels of urbanization in the Mount Cameroon region. Journal of Parasitology and Bacteriology 03 (02) , 1000134. 10.4172/2155-9597.1000134

Fenton, A., Viney, M. and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2010. Detecting interspecific macroparasite interactions from ecological data: patterns and process. Ecology Letters 13 (5) , pp. 606-615. 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01458.x

Harwood, James D., Phillips, Sarah W., Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Sunderland, Keith D., Glen, David M., Bruford, Michael William ORCID:, Harper, Georgina L. and Symondson, William Oliver Christian ORCID: 2009. Invertebrate biodiversity affects predator fitness and hence potential to control pests in crops. Biological Control 51 (3) , pp. 499-506. 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2009.09.007

Lello, Joanne ORCID: and Hussell, T. 2008. Functional group/guild modelling of inter-specific pathogen interactions: A potential tool for predicting the consequences of co-infection. Parasitology 135 (7) , pp. 825-839. 10.1017/S0031182008000383

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Norman, R. A., Boag, B., Hudson, P. J. and Fenton, A. 2008. Pathogen interactions, population cycles, and phase shifts. American Naturalist 171 (2) , pp. 176-182. 10.1086/525257

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Bonsall, M.B. and Fenton, A. 2006. Pathogen responses to host immunity: the impact of time delays and memory on the evolution of virulence. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Vol 27 (No 159) , pp. 2083-2090. 10.1098/rspb.2006.3552

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Boag, B. and Hudson, P. J. 2005. The effect of single and concomitant pathogen infections on condition and fecundity of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). International Journal for Parasitology 35 (14) , pp. 1509-1515. 10.1016/j.ijpara.2005.06.002

Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Boag, B., Fenton, A., Stevenson, I. R. and Hudson, P. J. 2004. Competition and mutualism among the gut helminths of a mammalian host. Nature 428 (6985) , pp. 840-844. 10.1038/nature02490

Bown, K. J., Ellis, B. A., Birtles, R. J., Durden, L. A., Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Begon, M. and Bennett, M. 2003. New World origins for haemoparasites infecting United Kingdom grey squirrels ( Sciurus carolinensis ), as revealed by phylogenetic analysis of bartonella infecting squirrel populations in England and the United States. Epidemiology and Infection 129 (03) , pp. 647-653. 10.1017/S0950268802007768

Paterson, S. and Lello, Joanne ORCID: 2003. Mixed models: getting the best use of parasitological data. Trends in Parasitology 19 (8) , pp. 370-375. 10.1016/S1471-4922(03)00149-1

Boag, B., Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Tompkins, D. M. and Hudson, P. J. 2001. Patterns of parasite aggregation in the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). International Journal of Parasitology 31 (13) , pp. 1421-8. 10.1016/S0020-7519(01)00270-3

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