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Number of items: 6.

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2013. Effects of strip thickness and silicon content on Magnetic Barkhausen Noise of non-oriented electrical steel at 50~Hz. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 39 (1-4) , pp. 541-545. 10.3233/JAE-2012-1508

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2012. Study of the Effects of Surface Coating on Magnetic Barkhausen Noise in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (4) , pp. 1393-1396. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2172925

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2012. Investigation of the Effects of Strips Thickness and Grain Size on AC Magnetic Barkhausen Noise of Grain-oriented Electrical Steel. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) 88 (5a) , pp. 18-21.

Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID:, Williams, P. I. and Xu, X. T. 2011. Analysis of magnetic fields on the surface of grain oriented electrical steel. Presented at: Measurement 2011: 8th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice, Slovakia, 27-30 April 2011. Published in: Maňka, J., Witkovský, V., Tyšler, M. and Frollo, I. eds. Proceedings Measurement 2011. Bratislava: Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 107-110.

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu 2011. Investigation of magnetic properties and Barkhausen noise of electrical steel. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2010. Barkhausen Noise in Grain-Oriented 3% Si-Fe AT 50 HZ. Journal of Electrical Engineering 61 (7/s) , pp. 69-72.

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