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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 263.

Yue, Shuaichao, Moses, Anthony J., Anderson, Philip I. ORCID:, Harrison, Christopher, Li, Yongjian and Yang, Qingxin 2022. Measurement and analysis of the non-symmetry of transverse magnetisation and resulting loss in grain-oriented steel using a modified RSST. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 561 , 169671. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.169671

Yue, Shuaichao, Anderson, Phil ORCID:, Li, Yongjian, Yang, Qingxin and Moses, Anthony J. 2021. A modified inverse vector hysteresis model for nonoriented electrical steels considering anisotropy for FEA. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (4) , pp. 3251-3260. 10.1109/TEC.2021.3073349

Moses, Anthony, Anderson, Philip ORCID:, Jenkins, Keith and Stanbury, Hugh 2019. Electrical Steels Volume 1: Fundamentals and basic concepts. UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Moses, Anthony, Anderson, Philip ORCID:, Jenkins, Keith and Stanbury, Hugh 2019. Electrical Steels Volume 2: Performance and applications. UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Pluta, Wojciech A. and Moses, Anthony 2018. Prediction of angular variation of specific total loss of Goss oriented electrical steel. Physica B: Condensed Matter 544 , pp. 28-33. 10.1016/j.physb.2018.05.018

Moses, Anthony J., Cheng, Zhiguang, Zhu, Jianguo, Li, Yongjian and Sievert, Johannes 2017. Relevance of microstructure and texture to the accuracy and interpretation of 1 and 2 directional characterisation and testing of grain-oriented electrical steels. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 55 (S1) , pp. 3-13. 10.3233/JAE-172252

Somkun, Sakda, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2016. Magnetostriction in grain-oriented electrical steels under AC magnetisation at angles to the rolling direction. IET Electric Power Applications 10 (9) , pp. 932-938. 10.1049/iet-epa.2016.0170

Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Phophongviwat, Teeraphon 2016. Localised surface vibration and acoustic noise emitted from laboratory-scale transformer cores assembled from grain-oriented electrical steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (10) , -. 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2584004

Moses, Anthony J., Anderson, Philip I. ORCID: and Somkun, Sakda 2015. Modeling 2-D magnetostriction in nonoriented electrical steels using a simple magnetic domain model. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (5) , 6000407. 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2402111

Tang, Qi, Wang, Zhongdong, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Jarman, Paul and Moses, Anthony John 2015. Approximation and prediction of AC magnetization curves for power transformer core analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (5) 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2372672

Cheng, Zhiguang, Norio, Takahashi, Forghani, Behzad, Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Fan, Yana, Liu, Tao, Wang, Xiaoyan, Zhao, Zhigang and Liu, Lanrong 2014. Modeling of magnetic properties of GO electrical steel based on Epstein combination and loss data weighted processing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 (1) , 6300209. 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2279840

Bartlett, Paul Andrew, Lea, Simon C., Meydan, Turgut ORCID:, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID:, Landini, Gabriel, Walmsley, A. and Moses, Anthony John 2013. Generated vibration modes in ultrasonic scaler transducer components. Sensor Letters 11 (1) , pp. 66-68. 10.1166/sl.2013.2796

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2013. Effect of magnetic domain refinement on barkhausen noise of large grain high permeability oriented electrical steel. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM21), Budapest, Hungary, 1-4 September 2013.

Phophongviwat, Teeraphon ORCID:, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2013. Relationship between vibration and acoustic noise of 3 phase 3 limb transformer cores. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM21), Budapest, Hungary, 1-4 September 2013.

Hamzehbahmani, Hamed, Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2013. Opportunities and precautions in measurement of power loss in electrical steel laminations using the initial rate of rise of temperature method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49 (3) , pp. 1264-1273. 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2227274

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2013. Effects of strip thickness and silicon content on Magnetic Barkhausen Noise of non-oriented electrical steel at 50~Hz. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 39 (1-4) , pp. 541-545. 10.3233/JAE-2012-1508

Tang, Qi, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Wang, ZhongDong, Moses, Anthony John and Jarman, Paul 2013. Measurement of magnetic properties of electrical steels at high flux densities using an improved single sheet tester. Presented at: 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 25-30 August 2013.

Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2013. Origins, and some approaches to reduction of acoustic noise emitted from power transformer cores on no-load. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM21), Budapest, Hungary, 1-4 September 2013.

Jiles, David, Nlebedim, Cajetan and Moses, Anthony John 2012. The origin of secondary hematite phase in non-stoichiometric co-ferrite prepared by ceramic method. Presented at: American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2012, Boston, MA, USA, 27 February – 2 March 2012.

Nlebedim, I. C., Snyder, J. E., Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, D. C. 2012. Effect of deviation from stoichiometric composition on structural and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite, CoxFe3-xO4 (x=0.2 to 1.0). Journal of Applied Physics 111 (7) , 07D704. 10.1063/1.3670982

Somkun, Sakda, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2012. Measurement and Modeling of 2-D Magnetostriction of Nonoriented Electrical Steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (2) , pp. 711-714. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2173302

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2012. Study of the Effects of Surface Coating on Magnetic Barkhausen Noise in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (4) , pp. 1393-1396. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2172925

Mazurek, Rafal, Hamzehbahmani, Hamed, Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Belgrand, Thierry 2012. Effect of Artificial Burrs on Local Power Loss in a Three-Phase Transformer Core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (4) , pp. 1653-1656. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2173668

Klimczyk, Piotr, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Davies, Martyn 2012. Influence of Cutting Techniques on Magnetostriction Under Stress of Grain Oriented Electrical Steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (4) , pp. 1417-1420. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2174626

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2012. Investigation of the Effects of Strips Thickness and Grain Size on AC Magnetic Barkhausen Noise of Grain-oriented Electrical Steel. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) 88 (5a) , pp. 18-21.

Xu, X. T., Moses, Anthony John, Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID:, Williams, P. I. ORCID: and Jenkins, K. 2011. A comparison of magnetic domain images using a modified bitter pattern technique and the Kerr method on grain-oriented electrical steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (10) , pp. 3531-3534. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2148101

Moses, Anthony John 2011. Prediction of building factors in transformers. Presented at: UK Magnetics Society Seminar: Developments in Distribution and Power Transformers, Cardiff, UK, 20 October 2011.

Somkun, S., Klimczyk, Piotr, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2011. Magnetostriction of grain oriented electrical steels under alternating magnetisation at angles to the rolling direction. Presented at: 20th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2011 (SMM 20), Kos Island, Greece, 18-22 September 2011.

Phophongviwat, Teeraphon ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2011. Simultaneous measurement of magnetostriction, vibration and noise of distribution transformer cores. Presented at: 20th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2011 (SMM 20), Kos Island, Greece, 18-22 September 2011.

Balehosur, Manjunath, Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Belgrand, T. 2011. Effect of mixing HGO and CGO grain oriented steel laminations on 3 phase, 3 limb, power transformer cores performance. Presented at: 20th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2011 (SMM 20), Kos Island, Greece, 18-22 September 2011.

Moses, Anthony John 2011. Foreword [Editorial]. Magnetics Technology International , p. 1.

Balehosur, Manjunath, Moses, Anthony John and Belgrand, T. 2011. Effect of mixing HGO and CGO grain oriented steel laminations on the no load specific losses and building factor of 3 phase, 3 limb, power transformer cores. Presented at: Intermag 2011: IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-29 April 2011.

Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID:, Williams, P. I. and Xu, X. T. 2011. Analysis of magnetic fields on the surface of grain oriented electrical steel. Presented at: Measurement 2011: 8th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice, Slovakia, 27-30 April 2011. Published in: Maňka, J., Witkovský, V., Tyšler, M. and Frollo, I. eds. Proceedings Measurement 2011. Bratislava: Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 107-110.

Nlebedim, Cajetan Ikenna, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Ranvah, Naresh, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2011. Dependence of magnetomechanical performance of CoGaxFe2-xO4 on temperature variation. Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7) , 07A908. 10.1063/1.3540662

Moses, Anthony John 2011. Loss reduction: Core considerations. Magnetics Technology International , pp. 8-10.

Moses, Anthony John 2011. Possible future trends and research challenges related to 1 & 2 D magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) 2011 (9b) , pp. 11-16.

Klimczyk, Piotr, Somkun, Sakda, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2011. Comparison of uniaxial and rotational magnetostriction of nonoriented and grain-oriented electrical steel. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) 2011 (9b) , pp. 33-36.

Nlebedim, Cajetan Ikenna, Ranvah, Naresh, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID:, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2010. Effect of heat treatment on the magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of cobalt ferrite. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (14) , pp. 1929-1933. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2010.01.009

Somkun, S., Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Klimczyk, P. 2010. Magnetorestriction anisotropy and rotational magnetorestriction of a non-oriented electrical steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2) , pp. 302-305. 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2033123

Balehosur, M.B., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2010. Packet to packet variation of flux density in a 3 phase, 3 limb power transformer core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2) , pp. 642-645. 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2033021

Mazurek, Rafal, Marketos, P., Moses, Anthony John and Vincent, J. N. 2010. Effect of artificial burrs on the power loss of a three phase transformer core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2) , pp. 638-641. 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2032094

Nlebedim, I. C., Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2010. Dependence of the magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of cobalt ferrite on processing parameters. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (24) , pp. 3938-3942. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2010.08.026

Zirka, S.E., Moroz, Y.I., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2010. Loss separation in nonoriented electrical steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2) , pp. 286-289.

Turner, Steven, Moses, Anthony John, Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: and Jenkins, Keith 2010. The effect of precipitate size on magnetic domain behavior in grain-oriented electrical steels. Journal of Applied Physics 107 (9) , 09A307. 10.1063/1.3334201

Zirka, Sergey E., Moroz, Yuriy I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2010. Loss Separation in Nonoriented Electrical Steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2) , pp. 286-289. 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2032858

Marketos, Philip, Moses, Anthony John and Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: 2010. Effect of DC voltage on AC magnetisation of transformer core steel. Journal of Electrical Engineering 61 (7/s) , pp. 123-125.

Somkun, Sakda ORCID:, Klimczyk, Piotr, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2010. Comparisons of AC magnetostriction of non-oriented electrical steels measured in Epstein and disc samples. Journal of Electrical Engineering 61 (7/s) , pp. 89-92.

Chukwuchekwa, Nkwachukwu, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2010. Barkhausen Noise in Grain-Oriented 3% Si-Fe AT 50 HZ. Journal of Electrical Engineering 61 (7/s) , pp. 69-72.

Nlebedim, I. C., Ranvah, N., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Williams, Paul Ieuan, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2010. Effect of temperature variation on the magnetostrictive properties of coAlxFe2-xO4. Presented at: 11th Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference, Washington, USA, (BT-09)

Kutrowski, T., Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2010. A model to predict amplitude and phase errors in current transformers. Presented at: 11th Joint MMM-INTERMAG IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Washington, USA, (HD-12)

Turner, S., Moses, Anthony John, Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: and Jenkins, K. 2010. The effect of precipitate size on magnetic domain behaviour in grain-oreinted electrical steels. Presented at: 11th Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference, Atlanta, USA, (BX-06)

Marketos, P., Moses, Anthony and Hall, J. 2010. Effect of DC offset voltage on AC magnetisation of transformer core steel. Journal of Electrical Engineering 61 (7S) , pp. 123-125.

Mazurek, Rafal, Marketos, Philip, Moses, Anthony John and Belgand, T. 2010. Development of sensors for measurement of localised flux density in transformer cores. Presented at: 8th European Conference on Sensors and Actuators, Bodrum, Turkey, 4-7 July 2010. 8th European Conference on Sensors and Actuators (Abstract Book). Turkey: Uludag University,

Bartlett, Paul Andrew, Lea, S., Meydan, Turgut ORCID:, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID:, Landini, G, Walmsley, A. D. and Moses, Anthony John 2010. Generated vibration modes in ultrasonic dental scaler transducer components. Presented at: 8th European Conference on Sensors and Actuators, Bodrum, Turkey, 4-7 July 2010. 8th European Conference on Sensors and Actuators(Abstract Book). WP.91.

Somkun, S., Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip ORCID: and Klimczyk, Piotr 2010. Quantification of magnetostriction for analysis of vibration of electrical machine stator cores. Presented at: 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2010, Cardiff, UK, 31 August - 3 September 2010. 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC 2010. London: IEEE, pp. 91-96.

Somkun, S., Klimczyk, Piotr, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2010. Comparison of AC magnetostriction of non-oriented electrical steels measured in Epstein and disc samples. Presented at: Magnetic Measurements 2010, Prague, Czechoslavakia, 12-15 September 2010. Magnetic Measurements 2010: Book of Abstracts. Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, pp. 28-29.

Marketos, Philip, Moses, Anthony John and Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: 2010. Effect of DC voltage on AC magnetization of transformer core steel. Presented at: Magnetic Measurements 2010, Prague, Czechoslavakia, 12-15 September 2010. Magnetic Measurements 2010: Book of Abstracts. Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, pp. 57-58.

Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Phophongviwat, Teeraphon ORCID: and Tabrizi, Shervin 2010. Contribution of magnetostriction to transformer noise. Presented at: 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Cardiff, UK, 31 August - 3 September 2010. 2010 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2010). London: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 956-960.

Nlebedim, Cajetan Ikenna, Ranvah, Naresh, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID:, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Influence of vacuum sintering on microstructure and magnetic properties of magnetostrictive cobalt ferrite. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (17) , pp. 2528-2532. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.03.021

Abdul, J., Moses, Anthony John and Williams, Paul Ieuan 2009. Dynamic studies of magnetic domains using a Hall probe scanner. Sensor letters 7 (3) , pp. 310-312. 10.1166/sl.2009.1072

Ranvah, N., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Nlebedim, I., Jiles, David, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Williams, P. I. 2009. Temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy of germanium/cobalt cosubstituted cobalt ferrite. Journal of Applied Physics 105 (7) , 07A518. 10.1063/1.3077201

Nlebedim, C. I., Ranvah, N., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Magnetic and Magnetomechanical Properties of CoAlxFe2-xO4 for Stress Sensor Application. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45 (10) , pp. 4120-4123.

Ranvah, N., Nlebedim, C. I., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Williams, P. I., Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Temperature dependence on magnetic properties of CoAlxFe2-xO4. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45 (10) , pp. 4261-4264. 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2024767

Somkun, S, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2009. Effect of magnetorestriction anisotropy in non-oriented electrical steels on deformation of induction motor cores. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45 (10) , pp. 4744-4747. 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2022320

Moses, Anthony John, Zurek, S., Anderson, Philip Ian and Somkun, S. ORCID: 2009. Development of an induction motor core model for measuring rotational magnetorestriction under PWM magnetisation. Przegald Elektrotechniczny (01) , pp. 103-107.

Balehosur, M., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2009. Effect of excitation voltage harmonics on the no-load loss and apparent power of a 3-phase, 3-limb transformer core. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 85 (1) , pp. 108-111.

Klimczyk, P., Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Davies, M. 2009. Challenges in magnetorestriction measurements under stress. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 85 (1-9) , pp. 100-102.

Wood, R., Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Jenkins, K. 2009. Divergence of flux in a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet locally magnetised by a single-yoke system. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 85 (1) , pp. 31-33.

Zurek, S., Marketos, P., Tumanski, S., V., Patel H. and Moses, Anthony John 2009. Correlation between surface magnetic field and Barkenhausen noise in grain-oriented electrical steel. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 85 (1) , pp. 111-114.

Mazurek, R., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2009. Effect of artificial burrs on the power loss of a three phase transformer core. Presented at: 19th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Torino, Italy, (H2-20)

Moses, Anthony John 2009. Characterisation and performance of electrical steels for power transformers operating under extremes of magnetisation conditions. Presented at: Cigre International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management, Cavtat, Croatia,

Nlebedim, I., Ranvah, N., Moses, Anthony John, Jiles, David, Williams, P. I., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2009. Effect of heat treatment on the cation distribution of magnetorestrictive ceramic CoFe2O4. Presented at: 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Vancouver, Canada, (572435)

Nlebedim, I., Ranvah, N., Williams, P. I., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Investigation of the dependence of sensitivity of magentostriction of cobalt ferrite to applied field on cation ratio and processing parameters. Presented at: 19th Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials, Turin, Italy, (M3-15)

Nlebedim, I., Ranvah, N., Williams, Paul Ieuan, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Magntic and magnetomechanical properties of CoA1xFe2-xO4 for stress sensor and actuator applications. Presented at: IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG2009), Sacramento, USA, May 2009

Nlebedim, I., Ranvah, N., Williams, P. I., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Magnetoelastic properties of CoAlxFe2-xO4 and improved strain sensitivity in CoFe2O4. Presented at: IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2009), Sacramento, USA, (AP-11)

Balehosur, M. B., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2009. Packet to packet variation of flux density in a 3 phase, 3 limb transformer core. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials 19, Torino, Italy, (H2-21)

Klimczyk, P., Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Davies, M. 2009. Effect of strip thickness on magnetorestriction of grain oriented silicon steel. Presented at: 19th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials, Torino, Italy, (C2-05)

Ranvah, N., Nlebedim, I. C., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID: and Jiles, David 2009. Temperature dependence of magnetic anistropy of CoAlFe2-xO4 for magnetostrictive sensor and actuator applications. Presented at: International Conference on Magnetics (Intermag2009), Sacramento, USA, (EU-04)

Somkun, S., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2009. Effect of magnetorestriction anisotropy in non-oriented electrical steels on deformation of induction motor cores. Presented at: INTERMAG 2009 The International Magnetic Conference, Sacramento, USA, (FQ-01)

Somkun, S., Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Klimczyk, Piotr 2009. Magnetorestriction anisotropy and rotational magnetorestriction of a non-oriented electrical steel. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM19), Torino, Italy, (C1-10)

Yao, X., Moses, Anthony John, Somkun, S. and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2009. Rotating flux and rotational loss within laminations at T-joint of a 3-phase transformer under PWM voltage excitation. Presented at: IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 09), Sacramento, USA, (FT-06)

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2009. Loss separation in NO electrical steels. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials 19, Torino, Italy, (J8A)

Somkum, S., Moses, Anthony John, Zurek, S. and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2009. Development of an induction motor core model for measuring rotational magnetostriction under PWM magnetization. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 85 (1) , pp. 103-107.

Moses, Anthony John, Somkun, S., Takahashi, N. and Miyagi, D. 2009. Accuracy of surface field detectors in AC characterisation of electrical steels. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM), Xi'an, China, 20-24 September 2009. JSAEM Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. , vol.13 Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp. 27-28.

Nlebedim, I. C., Ranvah, N., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Williams, P. I., Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2009. Highly magnetostrictive CoAlxFe2-xO4 advanced magnetomechanical sensor and actuator applications. Presented at: Materials Network Wales Meeting, Technium Springboard, Cwmbran, UK, 14 May 2009.

Bartlett, Paul Andrew, Meydan, Turgut, Lea, S. C., Moses, Anthony John ORCID:, Williams, Paul Ieuan, Landini, G. and Walmsley, A. D. 2008. A Comparison of and the Compensation for magnetostrictive Core Inductances in Magnetic Transducer Systems. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e1061-e1064. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.171

Zirka, S.E., Moroz, Y.I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Evolution of Loss Components in Ferromagnetic Laminations with Induction Level and Frequency. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e1039-e1043. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.084

Zurek, Stan, Moses, Anthony John, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. Prediction of power loss and permeability with the use of an artificial neural network in wound toroidal cores. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e1001-e1005. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.177

Zirka, S., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P., Moses, Anthony John, Jiles, David and Matsuo, T. 2008. Generalization of the classical method for calculating dynamic Hhysteresis loops in grain-oriented electrical steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (9) , pp. 2113-2126. 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2000662

Ranvah, Naresh, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Jiles, David, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John, Williams, Paul Ieuan and Song, S.H. 2008. Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Anisotropy of Ga-substituted Cobal Ferrite. Journal of Applied Physics 103 (7) , 07E506. 10.1063/1.2832503

Augustyniak, B, Sablik, MJ, Landgraf, FJG, Jiles, David, Chmielewski, M, Piotrowski, L and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Lack of magnetoacoustic emission in iron with 6.5 % silicon. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , pp. 2530-2533. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.109

Bartlett, P.A., Lea, S.C., Williams, Paul Ieuan, Shah, A.A., Meydan, Turgut ORCID:, Landini, G., Walmsley, A.D. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Vibration modes generated in ultrasonic dental scaler transducer components. Presented at: European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference, EMSA 2008, Caen, France, 30 June - 2 July 2008. EMSA Conference Abstract Book. EMSA Conference Abstract Book. EMSA, p. 139.

Deshmukh, Ram, Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. The Chording Effect on Core Losses of Three-Phase Induction Motor Under Sinusoidal and PWM Voltage Supplies. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e907-910. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.066

Leicht, J., Castro, N.A., Silva, E.C., Landgraf, F.J.G., Moses, Anthony John and Yonamine, T. 2008. Magnetic properties of 6.5 % silicon content non-oriented electrical steel under sine and PWM excitation. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (4) , e385-e388. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.02.156

Leicht, J, Moses, Anthony John and Zurek, Stanislaw 2008. Hysteresis Loss Component Under Non-Sinusoidal Flux Waveforms. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e608-e610. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.017

Marketos, Philip, Zurek, S. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Calculation of the mean path length of the Epstein frame under non-sinusoidal excitations using the double Epstein method. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , pp. 2542-2545. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.085

Moses, Anthony John, Konadu, S.N. and Zurek, S. 2008. Losses Due to the Transverse Component of Flux Density in Grain- Oriented Electrical Steels. Journal of Optelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (5) , pp. 1110-1114.

Phway, T. P. P. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Magnetostriction trend of non-oriented 6.5% Si–Fe. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e611-e613. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.074

Ragusa, C, Zurek, Stanislaw, Appino, C and Moses, Anthony John 2008. An Intercomparison of Rotational Loss Measurement in Non-Oriented Fe-Si Alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 , e623-626. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.051

Ranvah, Naresh, Nlebedim, Cajetan Ikenna, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Moses, Anthony John, Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID:, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Song, Sang-Hoon 2008. Temperature Dependence of Magnetostriction of Co1+xGexFe2-2xO4 Magnetostrictive Sensor and Actuator Applications. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11) , pp. 3013-16. 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2004535

Sagarduy, J and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Impact of Sideband Harmonic Pattern on Losses in Laminated Non-Oriented Steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , e614-e617. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.026

Somkun, Sakda ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2008. Mechanical Resonance in Nonoriented Electrical Steels Induced by Magnetostriction Under PWM Voltage Excitation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11) , pp. 4062-4065. 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2001585

Walmsley, A .D., Lea, Simon C, Landini, G. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Advances in power driven pocket/root instrumentation. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology 35 (s8) , pp. 22-28. 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2008.01258.x

Yao, Xiao Guang, Phway, T. P. P., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. Magneto-Mechanical Resonance in a Model 3-Phase 3-Limb Transformer Core Under Sinusoidal and PWM Voltage Excitation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11) , pp. 4111-4114. 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2002790

Zirka, S.E., Moroz, Y.I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Comparison of Engineering Methods of Loss Prediction in Thin Ferromagnetic Laminations. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , pp. 2504-2508. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.083

Zirka, S.E., Moroz, Y.I., Marketos, Philip, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2008. Viscous Behavior of Ferromagnets in the Voltage and Current Driven Regimes. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11) , pp. 3189-3192. 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2002785

Zirka, S.E., Moroz, Y.I., Marketos, Philip, Moses, Anthony John, Jiles, David and Matsuo, T. 2008. Generalization of the Classical Method for Calculating Dynamic Hysteresis Loops in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (9) , pp. 2113-2126. 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2000662

Zurek, S., Al-Naemi, F, Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Anomalous B-H behaviour of electrical steels at very low flux density. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20) , pp. 2521-2525. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.04.041

Zurek, S., Al-Naemi, F. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Finite-Element Modeling and Measurements of Flux and Eddy Current Distribution in Toroidal Cores Wound From Electrical Steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (6) , pp. 902-905. 10.1109/TMAG.2007.916232

Zurek, S., Kutrowski, T., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2008. Measurements at very low flux density and power frequencies. Journal of Electrical Engineering 59 (7/s) , pp. 7-10.

Zurek, S., Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Analysis of twisting of search coil leads as a method reducing the influence of stray fields on accuracy of magnetic measurements. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 142 (2) , pp. 569-573. 10.1016/j.sna.2007.06.005

Huang, M. C., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. Shaft position correction scheme comparison for sensorless control of a PMSM based on state-space estimation between variance adjustment and angle PI regulation. Presented at: IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 2008 (IAS 08), Edmonton, Canada, pp. 1-8.

Moses, Anthony John, N., Konadu S. and Zurek, S. 2008. Losses due to the transverse component of flux density in grain oriented electrical steels. Presented at: 5th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Superconducting and Nano Materials (Japmed ‘5), Larnaca, Cyprus, Greece,

Nlebedim, I., Ranvah, N., Moses, Anthony John, Jiles, David, Williams, P. I., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. Enhancement of magnetoelastic properties of highly magnetostrictive cobalt ferrite through control of sintering conditions. Presented at: IEEE International Magentics Conference (InterMag), Madrid, Spain, , vol.EW07 p. 997.

Balehosur, M., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Effect of excitation voltage harmonics on the no-load loss and apparent power of a 3-phase, 3-limb transformer core. Presented at: 10th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Measurement and Testing, Cardiff, UK, (P-15) p. 36.

Klimczyk, P., Moses, Anthony John, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Davies, M. 2008. Challenges in magnetorestriction measurements under stress. Presented at: 10th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Measurement and Testing, Cardiff, UK, (P-12) p. 33.

Ranvah, N., Kumar, A., Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2008. Development of a model for interpretation of magnetorestriction measurements. Presented at: 10th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Magentic Measurement and Testing, Cardiff, UK, (11)

Ranvah, N., Nlebedim, I. C., Song, S. H., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Moses, Anthony John and Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID: 2008. Temperature Dependence of Magnetostriction of Co1+xGexFe2-2xO4 for Magnetostrictive Sensor and Actuator Applications. Presented at: IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2008), Madrid, Spain, , vol.HG08 p. 1382.

Ranvah, N., Nlebedmim, I., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Moses, Anthony John and Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID: 2008. Magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of Ge-substituted cobalt ferrite. Presented at: American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, USA, (D23.00)

Sagarduy, J. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Copper winding losses in matrix converter-fed induction motors: a study based on skin effect and conductor heating. Presented at: 39th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Rhodes, Greece, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 3192-3198. 10.1109/PESC.2008.4592445

Somkum, S., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2008. Mechanical resonance in non-oriented electrical steels induced by magnetostriction under PWM voltage excitation. Presented at: Intermag Europe The International Magnetic Conference 2008, Madrid, Spain, , vol.AL 03 p. 99.

Somkun, S., Moses, Anthony John, Zurek, S. and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2008. Development of an induction motor core model for measuring rotational magnetorestriction under PWM magnetisation. Presented at: 10th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Measurement and Testing, Cardiff, UK, (P-14) p. 35.

Wood, R., Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Jenkins, K. 2008. Divergence of flux in a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet locally magnetised by a single-yoke system. Presented at: 10th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Measurement and Testing, Cardiff, UK, (O-05) p. 35.

Yao, X., Moses, Anthony John, Somkun, S. and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. Rotating flux and rotational loss within laminations at T-joint of a 3-phase transformer under PWM voltage excitation. Presented at: 53rd Annual Magnetic Conference, Austin, USA, (GV-11) p. 221.

Yao, X. G., Thant, P. P. P., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2008. Magneto-mechanical resonance in a model 3-phase 3-limb transformer core under sinusoidal and PWM voltage excitation. Presented at: Intermag Europe 2008, Madrid, Spain, (AG 10) p. 83.

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, Philip, Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2008. Viscous behaviour of ferromagnets in the voltage and current driven regimes. Presented at: Intermag Europe 2008, Madrid, Spain, (GG 03) p. 1138.

Zurek, S., Al-Naemi, F. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Finite element modelling and measurements of flux and eddy current distribution in toroidal cores wound from electrical steel. Presented at: Compumag 2007, Aachen, Germany, (PC8-17) pp. 1031-1032.

Zurek, S., Kutrowski, T., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2008. Measurements at very low flux density and power frequencies. Presented at: International Conference on Magnetic Measurements '08, Budapest, Hungary, (MI-04) p. 17.

Zurek, S., Marketos, Philip, Tumanski, S., Patel, H. V. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Correlation between surface magnetic field and Barkenhausen noise in grain-oriented electrical steel. Presented at: 10th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Measurement and testing, Cardiff, UK, (P-12) p. 3.

Zurek, S., Marketos, Philip, Tumanski, S., Patel, H. V. and Moses, Anthony John 2008. Correlation between surface magnetic field and Barkhausen noise in grain-oriented electrical steel. Presented at: Intermag Europe 2008, Madrid, Spain, (CW 09) p. 534.

Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Stanbury, Hugh John 2007. Assessment of the stress sensitivity of magnetostriction in grain-oriented silicon steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (8) , pp. 3467-3476.

Marketos, P., Zurek, S. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. A method for defining the mean path length of the Epstein frame. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (6) , pp. 2755-2757. 10.1109/TMAG.2007.894124

Di, X., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, P. 2007. A novel way of measuring DC magnetic shielding efficiency of grain oriented and non oriented electrical steel. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 25 , pp. 219-224.

Yao, X., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2007. Normal flux distribution in a three-phase transformer core under sinusoidal and PWM excitation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (6) , pp. 2660-2662. 10.1109/TMAG.2007.893782

Zurek, S., Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Analysis of twisting of the wires as a method of reducing the influence of stray filed on accuracy of magnetic measurements. Sensor Letters 5 (1) , pp. 255-258. 10.1166/sl.2007.079

Phway, T. P. P. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Magnetisation-induced mechanical resonance in electrical steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2) , pp. 468-471. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2007.03.130

Yao, X. G., Moses, Anthony John, Sagarduy, J. and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2007. Influence of switching frequency on eddy-current losses in a three-limb transformer core subjected to PWM voltage excitation. Presented at: International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG 2007), Setubal, Portugal, pp. 324-329.

Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2007. Origin, measurement and application of Barkhausen effect in magnetic steels. Takahashi, S. and Kikuchi, H., eds. Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (X), Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 28. IOS Press, pp. 4-8.

Moses, Anthony John, Patel, H. V. and Williams, P. I. 2007. Challenges in quantifying Barkhausen noise in electrical steels. Takahashi, S. and Kikuchi, H., eds. Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (X), Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 28. IOS Press, pp. 178-185.

Moses, Anthony John, Di, X., Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Beckley, P. and Stanbury, Hugh John 2007. Low frequency magnetic shielding: Present and future measurement. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 83 (4) , pp. 83-87.

Patel, H. V., Moses, Anthony John and Williams, P. I. 2007. The dependence of AC Barkhausen noise on data acquisition parameters. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 83 (4) , pp. 99-100.

Zurek, S., Marketos, P., Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Influence of digital resolution of measuring equipment on the accuracy of power loss measured in Epstein frame. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 83 (4) , 0-53.

Deshmuskh, R., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2007. The chording effect on no-load losses of three-phase induction motor under sinusoidal and PWM voltage supplies. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (H-010) p. 287.

Hall, Jeremy Peter, Moses, Anthony John and D., Snell 2007. A magnetic method for detection of residual curvature in electrical steel strip. Presented at: The 4th International Conference of Non-Destructive Testing (4th ICNDT), Crete, Greek,

Marketos, P., Zurek, S. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Calculation of the mean path length of the Epstein frame under non-sinusoidal excitations using the two Epstein method. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, p. 35.

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Ranvah, N., Song, S. H., Jiles, David, Snyder, John Evan, Moses, Anthony John and Williams, P. I. 2007. Temperature dependence of magentic anisotropy of Ga-substituted cobalt ferrite. Presented at: 52nd Magnetism and Magentic Materials Conference, Tampa, USA, (BH-13)

Moses, Anthony John, Marketos, P. and Zurek, S. 2007. Effect of DC voltage on AC magnetisation of transformer core steel. Presented at: Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM 2007), Lansing, USA, p. 221.

Phway, T. P. P. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Magnetostriction trends in non-oriented 6.5 % Si-Fe. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (C-004) p. 235.

Augustyniak, B., Chmielewski, M., MJ., Sablik, FJG., Landgraf, Jiles, David and Moses, Anthony John 2007. A J – Lack of MAE in iron with 6 % silicon. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (0-15) p. 27.

Bartlett, P. A., Meydan, Turgut ORCID:, Lea, S. C., Moses, Anthony John, Williams, P. I., Landini, G. and Walmsley, AD 2007. A comparison of the compensation for magnetostrictive core inductances in magnetic transducer systems. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (K-001) p. 298.

Bartlett, P. A., Moses, Anthony John, Meydan, Turgut ORCID:, Williams, P. I., Landini, G. and Walmsley, A. D. 2007. Comparison of dynamic magnetostrictive properties of magnetostrictive materials for transducer applications. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (K-002) p. 299.

Leicht, J., Moses, Anthony John and Zurek, S. 2007. Hysteresis loss component under non-sinusoidal flux waveform in electrical steels. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (C-003) p. 234.

Ragusa, C., Zurek, S., Appino, C. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. An intercomparison of rotational loss measurement in non-oriented Fe-Si alloys. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (C-010)

Ranvah, N., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Moses, Anthony John and Williams, Paul Ieuan ORCID: 2007. Temperature dependence of magnetic properties of gallium-substituted cobalt ferrite. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM182007), Cardiff, UK, (G-003)

Sagarduy, J. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Impact of sideband harmonic pattern on losses in laminated non-oriented steel. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (C-006) p. 237.

Sagarduy, J., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2007. Effect of AC-AC conversion topology on separation of losses in Si-Fe steel. Presented at: 10th Joint MMM/Intermag conference, Baltimore, USA, (DP-07)

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Evolution of loss components in ferromagnetic laminations with induction level and frequency. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (Paper) p. 127.

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Comparison of engineering methods of loss prediction in thin ferromagnetic laminations. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (O-06) p. 10.

Zurek, S., Al-Naemi, F. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Anomalous B-H behaviour of grain-oriented electrical steels at very low flux density. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (O-11) p. 21.

Zurek, S., Moses, Anthony John, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2007. Neural networks for prediction of power loss and permeability in wound toroidal cores. Presented at: 18th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (J-012) p. 113.

Zurek, S., Sagarduy, J. and Moses, Anthony John 2007. Practical implementation and influence of PWM magnetisation parameters on iron losses in electrical steel. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM18), Cardiff, UK, (C-005) p. 236.

Moses, Anthony John 2007. Advanced soft magnetic materials for power applications. Kronmuller, H. and Parkin, S., eds. Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials, Vol. 4 (1). Hoboken, N. J.: Wiley, pp. 1926-1942. (10.1002/9780470022184.hmm430)

Di, Xiaojun, Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2007. A novel way of measuring DC magnetic shielding efficiency of grain oriented and non oriented electrical steel. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 25 (1-4) , pp. 219-224.

Huang, M. C., Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and X.G., Yao 2006. Shaft Position Correction Scheme Comparison for Sensorless Control PMSM based on Space State-Estimation between α-β Variance Adjustment and d-q Angle PI Regulation. Presented at: 32nd IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON 2006), Paris, France, 6-10 November 2006. Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON 2006). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 1469-1474. 10.1109/IECON.2006.347399

Di, X., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2006. Measured and computed effect of holes on low frequency magnetic shielding performance of electrical steel sheet. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (10) , pp. 3527-3529. 10.1109/TMAG.2006.879157

Al-Naemi, F. I., Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2006. FEM modelling techniques of magnetic flux leakage-type NDT for ferromagnetic plate inspections. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 304 (2(e)) , pp. 790-793. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.02.225

Leonard, P. J., Marketos, P., Moses, Anthony John and Lu, M. 2006. Iron losses under PWM excitation using a dynamic hysteresis model and finite elements. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (4) , pp. 907-910. 10.1109/TMAG.2006.872485

Moses, Anthony John, Patel, H. V. and Williams, P. I. 2006. A C Barkhausen noise in electrical steels: Influence of sensing technique on measurement. Journal of Electrical Engineering 57 (8/S) , pp. 3-8.

Moses, Anthony John, Williams, P. I. and Hoshtanar, O. 2006. Real time dynamic domain observation in bulk materials. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 304 (2) , pp. 150-154. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.02.117

Deshmukh, R., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. Behaviour of three-phase induction motors with variable stator coil winding pitch. Journal of Applied Physics 99 (08R310)

Deshmukh, R., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. Improvement in performance of short chorded three phase induction motors with variable PWM switching frequency. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (10) , pp. 3452-3454.

Sagarduy, J., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. Eddy-current loss in electrical steels subjected to matrix and classical PWM excitation waveforms. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (10) , pp. 2818-2820. 10.1109/TMAG.2006.879138

Zirka, S., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P., Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2006. Measurement and modeling of B-H loops and losses in high silicon non-oriented steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (10) , pp. 3177-3179. 10.1109/TMAG.2006.880090

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2006. Viscosity- based magnetodynamic model of soft magnetic materials. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (9) , pp. 2121-2132. 10.1109/TMAG.2006.880685

Lu, M., Leonard, P. J., Marketos, P., Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2006. Dependence of dynamic Preisach distribution function on magnetizing frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (4) , pp. 951-954. 10.1109/TMAG.2006.871398

Di, X., Moses, Anthony John and Anderson, P. 2006. Assessment of low frequency sheilding perfomance of electrical steel sheet. Presented at: International Conference on Magnetic Measurements, Zavazna Poruba, Slovakia, (M5-01)

Hall, Jeremy Peter, Moses, Anthony John and D., Snell 2006. A magnetic method for detection of residual curvature in electrical steel strip. Presented at: 45th Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT 2006), Stratford, UK,

Huang, M., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. Position calibration techniques comparison for sensorless controlled PMSM. Presented at: International Mag. Conference (Intermag 06) Abstract HV-04, San Diego, USA,

Huang, M. C., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. The comparison of sensorless estimation techniques for PMSM between extended Kalman filter and flux-linkage observer. Presented at: 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2006), Dallas, USA, (19-Feb) pp. 654-659.

Huang, M. C., Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Sagarduy, J. 2006. Position calibration techniques comparison for sensorless controlled PMSM based on variance adjustment and angle regulation. Presented at: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2006), Portoroz, Slovenia, pp. 1301-1306.

Huang, M. C., Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Sagarduy, J. 2006. Two reduced-order stochastic state observer comparison investigation based on LKF and SDL. Presented at: 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’06), Jeju, Korea, (TuC2-1) pp. 1484-1489.

Huang, M. C., Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Yao, X. G. 2006. Reduced-order Kalman filter (RLKF) theory in application of sensorless control for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). Presented at: 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2006), Singapore, (TM6-10) pp. 928-933.

Moses, Anthony John 2006. Challenges in high and low field measurements for material modelling and electrical machine performance prediction. Presented at: IET Seminar on Challenges in the Modelling and Measurement of Electromagnetic Materials, London, UK,

Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID:, Sagarduy, J. and Zurek, S. 2006. Additional losses in inverter driven electrical machines. Presented at: Proceedings of Workshop on Metallurgy and Magnetism, Freiberg, Germany,

Moses, Anthony John, Di, X., Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Beckley, P. and Stanbury, H. J 2006. Low frequency magnetic shielding: Present and future measurement issues. Presented at: 9th International workshop on 1 & 2Dimensional Magnetic Measurements and Testing Czestochowa, Poland, Czestochowa, Poland, p. 81.

Moses, Anthony John and Sagarduy, J. 2006. Impact of PWM and Matrix converters on performance of electrical steel. Presented at: UK Magnetics Society Seminar Abstracts, Development in Magnetic Materials, Farnborough, UK,

Patel, H. V., Moses, Anthony John and Williams, P. I. 2006. The dependence of AC Barkhausen noise on data acquisition parameters. Presented at: 9th International workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurements and Testing, Czestochowa, Poland, p. 68.

Loisos, G. and Moses, Anthony John 2006. Variation of magnetic flux density with distance from the cut edge of grain oriented electrical steel. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2006), Chania, Greece, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2006) , Chania, Greece. (PMA5-5) p. 349.

Sagarduy, J., Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID:, Clare, J. and Wheeler, P. W. 2006. Matrix vs pulse-width-modulation frequency converters: Iron losses under pulsating forms of voltage excitation. Presented at: Proceedings of 37th IEEE power Electronics Conference, Jeju, Korea, (weF 2-) pp. 2247-2252.

Sagarduy, J., Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID:, Clare, J. and Wheeler, P. W. 2006. Iron losses under voltage excitation by novel and classical frequency converters. Presented at: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2006), Portoroz, Slovenia, pp. 131-136.

De Eribe, Juan Sagaruy Ochoa, Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID:, Clare, J. and Wheeler, P. W. 2006. Computational technique for modelling of frequency converters and analysis of generated waveforms. Presented at: Proceedings 6th International Conference on Electromagnetics (CEM 2006), Aachen, Germany, pp. 171-172.

Yao, X. G., Thankt, P. P. P., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. Acoustic noise displacement analysis of a 3-phase transformer core under sinusoidal and PWM excitation. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2006), Chania, Crete, (OTM4-4) p. 514.

Zurek, S., Marketos, Philip, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2006. Influence of digital resolution of measuring equipment on the accuracy of power loss measured in Epstein frame. Presented at: 9th International workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurements and Testing, Czestochowa, Poland, p. 18.

Zurek, Stanislaw, Moses, Anthony John and Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID: 2006. Implementing an Artificial Neural Network Using National Instruments LabVIEW. [Project Report]. Newbury, Berkshire: National Instruments. Available at:

Deshmukh, R., Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2006. Voltage harmonic variation in three phase induction motors with different coil pitches. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 304 (2) , e810-e812. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.03.005

Woolam, T., Moses, Anthony John and Williams, Keith Philip 2006. Municipal solid waste - the unmentionable alternative energy source. Waste Management Yearbook, London: McMillan Scott, p. 69.

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, Jeanete and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2006. Apparent permeability of electrical steel under PWM magnetisation. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 304 (2) , e543-e545. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.02.150

Zurek, Stanislas, Marketos, Philip, Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Use of novel adaptive digital feedback for magnetic measurements under controlled magnetising conditions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (11) , pp. 4242-4249. 10.1109/TMAG.2005.854438

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2005. Iron loss prediction under pulse width modulation conditions. Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10) , 10R507. 10.1063/1.1854432

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y., Boglietti, A., Cavagino, A. and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Frequency evolution of the loss components in a conducting hysteretic ferromagnet. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling, Budapest, Hungary, 30 May - 1 June 2005.

Moses, Anthony John, Williams, Paul and Hoshtanar, Oleksandr 2005. A novel instrument for real time dynamic domain observations in bulk and micromagnetic materials. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (10) , pp. 3736-3738. 10.1109/TMAG.2005.854924

Moses, Anthony John 2005. Loss prediction in electrical steel laminations and motor cores. Steel Research International Journal 76 (6) , pp. 455-460.

Moses, Anthony John 2005. The case for characterisation of rotational loss under pure rotational field conditions. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 81 (12) , pp. 1-4.

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, J. and Fox, D. 2005. Influence of geometry and wave shape on magnetic properties of magnetic amorphous material. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290-29 (2) , pp. 1520-1523. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.565

Moses, Anthony John and Tutkun, N. 2005. Localised losses in stator laminations of an induction motor under PWM excitation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 161 (1-2) , pp. 79-82. 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2004.07.013

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2005. A viscous-type dynamic hysteresis model as a tool for loss separation in a conducting ferromagnetic lamination. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (3) , pp. 1109-1111. 10.1109/TMAG.2004.830228

Zurek, S. and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Adaptive iterative digital feedback algorithm for measurements of magnetic properties under controlled magnetising conditions over a wide frequency range. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 81 , pp. 5-8.

Moses, Anthony John 2005. Magnetic materials for renewable/ green energy. Presented at: Magnetics Society Seminar Abstracts- Renewable Energy and Magnetics, Stamford, UK,

Williams, I, Moses, Anthony John and Tomida, T. 2005. Magnetic domain studies on cube textured silicon steel sheets. Presented at: 17th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM 17), Bratislava, Slovakia, (Abstra) p. 51.

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Viscosity-based magnetodynamic model of soft magnetic materials for prediction of behaviour under non-standard conditions. Presented at: British Electromagnetic Measurements Conference Proceedings, Teddington, UK, pp. 115-121.

Moses, Anthony John and Miti, G K 2004. A neural network-based software tool for predicting magnetic performance of strip-wound magnetic cores at medium to high frequency. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology 151 (3) , pp. 181-187. 10.1049/ip-smt:20040087

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Dynamic hysteresis modelling. Physica B: Condensed Matter 343 (1-4) , pp. 90-95. 10.1016/j.physb.2003.08.036

Moses, Anthony John 2004. Measurement and prediction of iron loss in electrical steel under controlled magnetisation conditions. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 80 (12) , pp. 1181-1187.

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2004. Cutting core values. IET Power Engineering 18 (4) , pp. 22-25.

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Congruency-based hysteresis models for transient simulation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 40 (2) , pp. 390-399. 10.1109/TMAG.2004.824137

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Properties of dynamic Preisach models. Physica B: Condensed matter 343 , pp. 85-89. 10.1016/j.physb.2003.08.037

Thant, P. P. P., Moses, Anthony John and Jiles, David 2004. Frequency dependence of magnetostriction for magnetic actuators. Journal of Electrical Engineering 55 (10) , 07-10.

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. A simplified method for estimation of iron loss in wound toroidal cores energised by pulse width modulated voltage sources. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 284 (Decemb) , pp. 195-200. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.06.037

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Design optimisation of a typical strip-wound toroidal core using genetic algorithms, (2004). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 277 (1-2) , pp. 216-220. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2003.11.002

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Effects of geometrical factors on iron loss increase in wound toroidal cores energized by pulse width modulation voltage sources. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 281 (1) , pp. 110-114. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.04.096

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Estimates of simplified equivalent circuit parameters of a typical wound toroidal core using genetic algorithms. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 284 , pp. 201-205. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.06.038

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Investigation of power loss in non-oriented electrical steels under pulse width modulation voltage excitation. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 277 (3) , pp. 359-362. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2003.11.016

Derebasic, N., Erden, S., Moses, Anthony John and Ogut, I. 2004. 2D finite element analysis of interlaminar flux density distribution of joints overlapped stacking electrical steel laminations. Presented at: 49th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Jacksonville, USA, p. 12.

Moses, Anthony John 2004. The case for characterisation of rotational losses under pure rotational field conditons. Presented at: 8th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing, Ghent, Belgium, p. 10.

Moses, Anthony John 2004. Characterisation of the loss behaviour in electrical steels and other soft magnetic material. Presented at: Proceedings of Workshop on Metallurgy and Magnetism, Freiberg, Germany,

Moses, Anthony John, Deshmukh, R., Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Schneider, J. 2004. Efficiency and output waveforms of a 3 phase inverter driving an AC motor at no load. Presented at: 16th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, , vol.16 pp. 879-883.

Leicht, J. and Moses, Anthony John 2004. Iron losses prediction under pwm conditions based on loss measured under sinusoidal magnetisation. Presented at: Magnetic Measurements and Standards, Cardiff, UK,

Moses, Anthony John, Leonard, P. J. and Lu, M. 2004. Eddy current loss prediction in electrical steels. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials 16, Dusseldorf, Germany, 9-12 September 2003. Published in: Raabe, Dierk ed. Soft Magnetic Materials, 16th Conference. Dusseldorf: Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, pp. 445-449.

Alnaemi, F. and Moses, Anthony John 2003. Improvement of permanent magnet machines performance by including magnetic shells into the rotor geometry. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-55 , pp. 250-252. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00781-3

Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Jenkins, K. 2003. Effect of aluminium diffusion into electrical steel on power loss under flux distortion conditions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 36-38. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00744-8

Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John, Irons, T. and Snell, D. 2003. Novel magnetic method for the detection of residual curvature in electrical steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 64-66. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00752-7

Hartman, K., Moses, Anthony John and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2003. A system for measurement of A C Barkhausen noise in electrical steels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 318-320. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00816-8

Al-Naemi, F. I. and Moses, Anthony John 2003. Eddy current losses in surface-mount permanent magnet motors. Presented at: Soft Magnetic Materials 16,, Dusseldorf, Germany, (Paper)

Mitti, G. K., Moses, Anthony John, Derebasi, N. and Fox, S. 2003. A neural network-based tool for magnetic performance prediction of toroidal cores. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 262-264. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00788-6

Moses, Anthony John 2003. Prediction of core losses of three phase transformers from estimation of the components contributing to the building factor. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 615-617. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00911-3

Moses, Anthony John, Alnaemi, F. and Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: 2003. Designing and prototyping for production: Practical applications of electromagnetic modelling. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 228-233. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00963-0

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, J. and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2003. Characterising electrical steel under complex magnetising conditions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 54-56. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00746-1

Derebasi, N., Kuckuk, I. and Moses, Anthony John 2003. Mathematical model for dynamic losses in grain oriented 3% torodial wound cores up to 1kHz. Sensors and Actuators A (106) , pp. 101-103.

Williams, P. I., Moses, Anthony John, Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Tilley, R. J. D. 2003. Amorphization of bulk magnetic materials by an arc melting technique. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 17-19. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00736-9

Loisos, G. and Moses, Anthony John 2003. Demonstration of a new method for Magnetic Flux measurement in the interior of a magnetic material. Sensors and Actuators A (106) , pp. 104-107.

Loisos, G., Moses, Anthony John and Beckley, P. 2003. Electrical stress on electrical steel coatings. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-25 , pp. 340-342.

Lu, M., P.J., Leonard, Marketos, P., Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2003. A simple dynamic Preisach hysteresis model for FeSi material. International Journal of Modern Physics B 17 (11) , pp. 2325-2331. 10.1142/S0217979203018272

Tutkun, N and Moses, Anthony John 2003. Measurement of power loss distribution in a typical wound stator core under PWM voltage excitation. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 262 (2) , pp. 230-234. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)01475-0

Marketos, P., Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2003. Measurement systems used for characterisation of eletrical steel. Presented at: Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM'16), Dusseldorf, Germany, (T3-10)

Moses, Anthony John 2003. Future challenges for soft magnetic materials. Presented at: Joint Magnetics Workshop, Glasgow, UK, p. 261.

Moses, Anthony John 2003. The role of electrical steels in energy conservation. Presented at: 4th International Conference ELMECO, Naleczow, Poland, p. 260.

Moses, Anthony John and Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: 2003. Effect of PWM voltage excitation on iron loss of inverter fed motors. Presented at: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 351-354.

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2003. Loss separation in amorphous ribbon under sinusoidal and PWM magnetisation conditions. Presented at: Procedures of 7th International Workshop on 1 and 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement andTesting, Ludenscheid, Germany, , vol.PTB-E- pp. 181-185.

Moses, Anthony John, Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Zurek, S. 2003. Potential problems in interpretation of angular variation of B and H in electrical steel under rotational magnetisation conditions. Presented at: Digest of ISEM 2003 Symposium, Versailles, France, pp. 86-87.

Moses, Anthony John 2003. Soft magnetic materials for future power applications. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 7/8 , pp. 457-460.

Moses, Anthony John 2002. Opportunities for exploitation of magnetic materials in an energy conscious world. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 27 (2) , pp. 100-113. 10.1179/030801802225003187

Moses, Anthony John 2002. Iron-based amorphous ribbon - challenges and opportunity for power applications. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 4 (2) , pp. 231-236.

Moses, Anthony John and Konadu, S. N. 2002. Some effects of grain boundaries on the field distribution on the surface of grain oriented electrical steels. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 13 (1-4) , pp. 339-342.

Marketos, P., I., Moroz Y., Moses, Anthony John and Zirka, S. E. 2002. A novel approach to modelling losses in electrical steel laminations. Presented at: IEE 4th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, Bournemouth, UK,

Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Leicht, J. 2002. Analaysis of magnetic properties of electrical steels in stator cores of inverer fed motors. Presented at: Procedures of 7th International Workshop on 1 and 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing, Ludenschied, Germany, , vol.PTB-E- pp. 37-45.

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, J. and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2002. Iron losses in electrical machines excited by non sinusoidal voltages. Presented at: International Conference on Power Electronics Machines and Drives, Bath, UK, pp. 252-254.

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2002. Measurement and effects of non sinusoidal flux waveforms in electrical steels. Journal of Electrical Engineering 53 (10/S) , pp. 65-68.

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2002. Measurements of localised flux density and power loss in a typical stator core under PWM excitations. Presented at: Intermag Conference (Abstracts), Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. J., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2002. Modelling losses in electrical steel laminations. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology 149 (5) , pp. 218-221. 10.1049/ip-smt:20020619

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2002. Some effects of PWM and other waveform parameters on losses in electrical steels. Presented at: UK Magnetic Society Seminar : Soft Magnetic Materials: The Influence of Operating Conditions on their Performance in Transforms and Motors, Newport, UK, 2002.

Loisos, G. and Moses, Anthony John 2001. Critical evaluation and limitations of localised flux density measurement in electrical steels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 37 (4) , pp. 2755-2757. 10.1109/20.951297

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, J. and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2001. Present and future progress towards standardisation of complex magnetisation measurement for machines and transformers applications. Presented at: UK Joint Magnetics Workshop (JMW), Cardiff, UK, 9-11 July 2001. JMW01 :4th Joint UK Magnetics Workshop, University of Cardiff 9-11 July 2001. Wantage: UK Magnetics Society,

Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Leicht, J., Hall, Jeremy Peter ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2000. Magnetic measurements for instrument calibrations: are yours traceable? Presented at: Advances in Instrumentation for Magnetic Measurements, Wantage, UK, The UK Magnetics Society,

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