Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2023. Brewing difference: malting, gender and urbanity in medieval England. An examination of drying and malting kilns c1150-1500. Journal of Medieval History 49 , pp. 680-700. 10.1080/03044181.2023.2253807 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Briggs, Chris, Forward, Alice, Gromelski, Tomasz and Tompkins, Matthew 2023. The material culture of English rural households c.1250-1600. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. 10.18573/book10 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2023. Confronting commerce: whetstones, economy and ecologies of interdependence in Medieval England. Norwegian Archaeological Review 56 (1) , pp. 38-70. 10.1080/00293652.2023.2203717 |
Chris, Briggs and Jervis, Ben ORCID:
Living standards of the small trader class in fifteenth-century Canterbury: evidence of escheators’ records.
Archaeologia Cantiana
, pp. 58-72.
Item availability restricted. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2022. Examining temporality and difference: an intensive approach to understanding Mediaeval rural settlement. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 29 , pp. 1229-1258. 10.1007/s10816-022-09555-9 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2022. Luxury and everyday. Stobart, Jon, ed. A Cultural History of Shopping in the Middle Ages, Vol. 2. A Cultural History of Shopping, Bloomsbury, pp. 91-112. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2022. Mortars, medicine and knowledge in Medieval England. Revue d'Histoire Nordique 29 , pp. 43-67. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2022. Becoming through milling: challenging linear narratives in medieval England. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 32 (2) , pp. 281-294. 10.1017/S0959774321000548 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Cembrzyński, Pawel, Fleisher, Jeff, Tys, Dries and Wynne-Jones, Stephanie 2021. The archaeology of emptiness? Understanding open urban spaces in the medieval world. Journal of Urban Archaeology 4 , pp. 221-246. 10.1484/J.JUA.5.126601 |
Briggs, Chris, Forward, Alice and Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2021. Living standards and material culture in English rural households 1300-1600. Data Paper. Internet Archaeology 56 10.11141/ia.56.14 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2021. Old things and aspirational households in 15th century England: The case of William Mavndvile of Colnbrook, Middlesex. Hawkins, K. and Boughton, D., eds. Back in the Bag: Papers in the Memory of David W. Williams, Spoilheap, pp. 101-110. |
Forward, Alice, Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Briggs, Chris, Tompkins, Matthew and Gromelski, Tomasz 2021. Living standards and material culture in English rural households 1300-1600: digital archive. [Online]. Archaeology Data Service. Available at: |
Dunne, Julie, Budulph, Edward, Manix, Pam, Gillard, Toby, Whelton, Helen, Teague, Steve, Champness, Carl, Broderick, Lee, Nicholson, Rebecca, Blinkhorn, Paul, Craig-Atkins, Elizabeth, Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Madgwick, Richard ORCID:, Cramp, Lucy and Evershed, Richard 2021. Finding Oxford's medieval Jewry using organic residue analysis, faunal records and historical documents. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 , 48. 10.1007/s12520-021-01282-8 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: and Semple, Sarah 2020. Object worlds. textual materialities in a time of transition. Semple, Sarah and Lund, Julie, eds. A Cultural History of Objects in the Medieval Age. Volume 2: A Cultural History of Objects in the Medieval Age, Vol. 2. Bloomsbury, pp. 189-213. |
Craig-Atkins, Elizabeth, Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Cramp, Lucy, Hammann, Simon, Nederbragt, Alexandra J., Nicholson, Elizabeth, Taylor, Allie Rae, Whelton, Helen and Madgwick, Richard ORCID: 2020. The dietary impact of the Norman Conquest: a multiproxy archaeological investigation of Oxford, UK. PLoS ONE 15 (7) , e0235005. 10.1371/journal.pone.0235005 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2020. Resilience and society in medieval Southampton: An archaeological approach to anticipatory action, politics and economy. Jones, Chris, Kostick, Conor and Oschema, Klaus, eds. Making the Medieval Relevant: How Medieval Studies Contribute to Improving our Understanding of the Present, De Gruyter, pp. 255-276. (10.1515/9783110546316-013) |
Briggs, Chris, Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Forward, Alice and Tompkins, Matthew 2019. People, possessions and domestic space in the late medieval escheators' records. Journal of Medieval History 45 (2) , pp. 145-161. 10.1080/03044181.2019.1593624 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2018. Assemblage thought and archaeology. Themes in Archaeology, Abingdon and New York: Routledge. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2018. Assemblage urbanism: becoming urban in late Medieval Southampton. Archaeological Dialogues 25 (2) , pp. 135-160. 10.1017/S138020381800017X |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2018. David Hinton and medieval archaeology: A personal appreciation. Jervis, Ben, ed. The Middle Ages Revisited. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Medieval Southern England Presented to Professor David A. Hinton, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 5-10. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Barber, Luke, Blackmore, Lyn, Cotter, John, Jarrett, Chris, Jones, Phil, Mepham, Lorraine and Seddon, Berni 2018. Early Anglo-Saxon pottery in South East England: recent work and a research framework for the future. Medieval Ceramics 36 , pp. 17-30. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Williams, Eleanor, Nugent, Ruth and Hausmair, Barbara 2018. Archaeologies of rules and regulation: between text and practice. Berghahn. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Williams, Eleanor, Nugent, Ruth and Hausmair, Barbara 2018. Archaeologies of rules and regulation: an introduction. Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Williams, Eleanor, Nugent, Ruth and Hausmair, Barbara, eds. Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation: Between Text and Practice, Berghahn, pp. 1-20. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2018. Rules, identity and a sense of place in a medieval town: the case of Southampton's Oak Book. Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Williams, Eleanor, Nugent, Ruth and Hausmair, Barbara, eds. Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation: Between Text and Practice, Berghahn, pp. 25-42. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, ed. 2018. The Middle Ages revisited. Studies in theaArchaeology and history of Medieval Southern England presented to Professor David A. Hinton. Oxford: Archaeopress. |
Forward, Alice and Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2017. Living standards and material culture in English rural households 1300-1600. Medieval Settlement Research 32 , p. 84. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2017. Assembling the archaeology of the global Middle Ages. World Archaeology 49 (5) , pp. 666-680. 10.1080/00438243.2017.1406397 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2017. Reply to comments: re-thinking Medieval things. Norwegian Archaeological Review 50 (1) , pp. 40-43. 10.1080/00293652.2017.1331460 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2017. Assessing urban fortunes in six late medieval ports: an archaeological application of assemblage theory. Urban History 44 (1) , pp. 2-26. 10.1017/S0963926815000930 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2017. Ceramics and coastal communities in medieval (12th-14th Century) Europe: negotiating identity in England's Channel ports. European Journal of Archaeology 20 (1) , pp. 148-167. 10.1017/eaa.2016.3 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2017. Consumption and the 'social self' in Medieval Southern England. Norwegian Archaeological Review 50 (1) , pp. 1-29. 10.1080/00293652.2017.1326978 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Whelan, Fiona and Livarda, Alexandra 2017. Cuisine and conquest: interdisciplinary perspectives on food, continuity and change in 11th-century England and beyond. Hadley, Dawn and Dyer, Christopher, eds. The Archaeology of the Eleventh Century: Continuities and Transformations, Routledge, pp. 244-262. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2016. Decline or transformation? Archaeology and the late Medieval 'urban decline' in southern England. Archaeological Journal 174 (1) , pp. 211-243. 10.1080/00665983.2017.1229895 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2016. Assemblage theory and town foundation in Medieval England. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 26 (3) , pp. 381-395. 10.1017/S0959774316000159 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2016. Changing places? Place-making in Anglo-Saxon Hamwic, Southampton and Winchester. Jervis, Ben, Broderick, Lee G. and Grau Sologesota, Idoia, eds. Objects, Environment and Everyday Life in Medieval Europe, Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), Brepols, pp. 235-260. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2016. Trade, cultural exchange and coastal identities in Early Anglo-Saxon Kent: a ceramic perspective. Willemsen, A. and Kik, H., eds. Golden Middle Ages in Europe. New Research into Early-Medieval Communities and Identities, Brepols, pp. 57-63. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2016. A picture says a thousand words? Decoration, effect and medieval pottery. Sibbesson, Emilie, Jervis, Ben and Coxon, Sarah, eds. Insight from Innovation. New Light on Archaeological Ceramics, The Highfield Press, pp. 170-185. |
Sibbesson, Emilie, Jervis, Ben ORCID: and Coxon, Sarah, eds. 2016. Insight from innovation: New light on archaeological ceramics. Southampton: Highfield Press. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Broderick, Lee G. and Grau Sologestoa, Idoia, eds. 2016. Objects, environment, and everyday life in Medieval Europe. Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), vol. HDL 3. Turnhout: Brepols. 10.1484/M.HDL-EB.5.110681 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Briggs, Chris and Tompkins, Matt 2015. Exploring text and objects: Escheator's inventories and material culture in Medieval English rural households. Medieval Archaeology 59 (1) , pp. 168-92. 10.1080/00766097.2015.1119400 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2015. Provisioning and Diet in Hamwic (mid-Saxon Southampton): New data and new perspectives. Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Howard, Wendy and Bedigan, Kirsten, eds. Food & Drink in Archaeology, Vol. 4. Prospect Books, pp. 110-127. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Howard, Wendy and Bedigan, Kirsten, eds. 2015. Food and drink in archaeology 4. Prospect Books. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2015. The context of pottery production in Late Saxon Chichester, England. Thuillier, F. and Louis, E., eds. Tourner autour du pot... Les ateliers de potiers médiévaux du Ve au XIIe siècle dans l’espace européen, Actes du colloque international de Douai (8-10 octobre 2010), Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2014. Pots as things: value, meaning and medieval pottery in relational perspective. Blinkhorn, Paul and Cumberpatch, Christopher, eds. The Chiming of Crack'd Bells: Recent Approaches to the Study of Artefacts in Archaeology, British Archaeological Reports International Series, vol. 2677. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 3-16. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2014. Middens, memory and the effect of waste. Beyond symbolic meaning in archaeological deposits. An early medieval case study. Archaeological Dialogues 21 (02) , pp. 175-196. 10.1017/S1380203814000208 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2014. Pottery and social life in medieval England: Towards a relational approach. Oxford: Oxbow Books. |
Baeten, J., Jervis, Ben ORCID:, De Vos, D. and Waelkens, M. 2013. Molecular evidence for the mixing of meat, fish and vegetables in Anglo-Saxon coarseware from Hamwic, UK. Archaeometry 55 (6) , pp. 1150-1174. 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2012.00731.x |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2013. Conquest, ceramics, continuity and change. Beyond representational approaches to continuity and change in early medieval England: a case study from Anglo-Norman Southampton. Early Medieval Europe 21 (4) , pp. 455-487. 10.1111/emed.12026 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2013. Rubbish and the creation of urban landscape. A case study from Medieval Southampton, UK. Bintliff, John and Caroscio, Marta, eds. Pottery and Social Dynamics in the Mediterranean and Beyond in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times, Archaeopress, pp. 57-72. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2013. Objects and social change: a case study from Saxo-Norman Southampton. Jones, Andrew M., Alberti, Benjamin and Pollard, Joshua, eds. Archaeology After Interpretation: Returning Materials to Archaeological Theory, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 219-234. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2012. Cuisine and urban identities in medieval England: objects, foodstuffs and urban Life in thirteenth- and Fourteenth-century Hampshire. Archaeological Journal 169 (1) , pp. 453-479. 10.1080/00665983.2012.11020921 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2012. Medieval pottery from Romsey: an overview. Hampshire Studies 67 (Pt II) , pp. 32-46. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2012. Making-do or making the world? Tempering choices in Anglo-Saxon pottery manufacture. Jervis, Ben ORCID: and Kyle, Alison, eds. Make-do and mend: Archaeologies of compromise, repair and reuse, Archaeopress, pp. 67-80. |
Kyle, Alison and Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2012. Make-do and mend: Archaeologies of compromise, repair and reuse. British Archaeological Reports. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2011. A patchwork of people, pots and places: Material engagements and the construction of 'the social' in Hamwic (Anglo-Saxon Southampton), UK. Journal of Social Archaeology 11 (3) , pp. 239-265. 10.1177/1469605311420223 |
Morris, James and Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2011. What's so special? A reinterpretation of Anglo-Saxon 'special deposits'. Medieval Archaeology 55 (1) , pp. 66-81. 10.1179/174581711X13103897378401 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2011. Pottery from two medieval tenements in Christchurch, Dorset: their contents and their contexts. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society 132 , pp. 131-144. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2011. Medieval pottery in East Hampshire: a preliminary survey. Medieval Ceramics 32 , pp. 34-54. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID:, Sly, Timothy, Lockyear, Kris and Popescu, Adrian 2011. The Medieval ceramic sequence from Noviodunum. Peuce 9 , pp. 327-340. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2010. Pottery. Thomas, Gabor, ed. The later Anglo-Saxon settlement at Bishopstone. A downland manor in the making, Council for British Archaeology, pp. 87-101. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2009. Pottery from late Saxon Chichester: A reassessment of the evidence. Sussex Archaeological Collections 147 , pp. 61-76. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2009. For richer, for poorer. A synthesis and discussion of medieval pottery from eastern Southampton in the context of the high and late medieval towns. Medieval Ceramics 30 , pp. 73-94. |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2008. Notes. Medieval Archaeology 52 (1) , p. 291. 10.1179/174581708x335521 |
Jervis, Ben ORCID: 2008. Pottery and identity in Saxon Sussex. Medieval Ceramics 29 , pp. 1-8. |