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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 12.

Quinn, Katherine, Cornish, Benjamin and Orlek, Jonathan 2025. Between co and solo writing: experimenting with constraint, composition, and community through writing 100s. Culture and Organization 10.1080/14759551.2025.2449924

Quinn, Katherine 2024. The bookshelf’s ‘magic circle’: An ethnographic study of classification and classificatory practices in library spaces. Poetics 103 , 101888. 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101888

Quinn, Katherine and Lewis, Jamie ORCID: 2024. Igniting the social sciences: A report to the central SPARK/Sbarc team and management board. [Project Report]. Cardiff: SPARK.

Quinn, Katherine 2023. Taking live methods slowly: inhabiting the social world through dwelling, doodling, and describing. Qualitative Research 23 (1) , pp. 3-20. 10.1177/14687941211012222

Quinn, Katherine 2022. The university library as bellwether: examining the public role of Higher Education through listening to the library. Civic Sociology 3 (1) , 32635. 10.1525/cs.2022.32635

Quinn, Katherine 2021. Zoom time. Entanglements: Experiments in Multimodal Ethnography 4 (2) , pp. 19-20.

Quinn, Katherine, Orlek, Jonathan and Cornish, Ben 2020. Writing alone together: making sense of lockdown through hundreds. [Online]. Sociological Review Publication. Available at:

Quinn, Katherine and Bates, Jo 2019. Everyday activism: challenging neoliberalism for radical library workers in English higher education. Tett, Lyn and Hamilton, Mary, eds. Resisting Neoliberalism in Education: Local, National and Transnational Perspectives, Policy Press,

Quinn, Katherine 2019. [How] Can there be non-compliance in UK HE librarianship? Or, in defence of ‘’68, or something’: a post-conference reflection. Art Libraries Journal 44 (Specia) , pp. 58-60. 10.1017/alj.2019.4

Quinn, Katherine 2018. Enabling or envisioning politics of possibility? Examining the radical potential of academic libraries. Landes, Jordan and Espley, Richard, eds. Radical Collections: Re-examining the roots of collections, practices and information professions, University of London Press, pp. 65-77. (10.14296/1218.9781913002015)

Quinn, Katherine 2018. Slow listening and multivoices. Orlek, Jon, ed. Multivoices: a script by researchers, Spirit Duplicator,

Quinn, Katherine and Bates, Jo 2017. Resisting neoliberalism: the challenge of activist librarianship in English higher education. Journal of Documentation 73 (2) , pp. 317-335. 10.1108/JD-06-2016-0076

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