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Number of items: 14.

Hornsby, Michael, Dolowy-Rybinska, Nicole, Chojnicka, Joanna and Toutous, Jeanne 2022. The ideological foundations of Breton and Lower Sorbian language revitalization through education and their consequences for new speakers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25 (8) , pp. 2991-3004. 10.1080/13670050.2021.1999900

Chojnicka, Joanna 2021. Lower Sorbian (new) speakers: questions worth asking. Cognitive Studies 21 , 2542. 10.11649/cs.2542

Chojnicka, Joanna and Pakuła, Łukasz 2021. Polish LGBT teachers talking sexuality: glocalized discourses. Pakuła, Łukasz, ed. Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education: Representations, Constructions and Negotiations, Palgrave Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality, Palgrave, pp. 275-313. (10.1007/978-3-030-64030-9_10)

Pakuła, Łukasz and Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. When the obligation to be neutral becomes the right to discriminate: discursive struggles over LGBT+ rights at Polish universities. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 59 (3) , pp. 1758-1783. 10.1590/010318138831011120201204

Laws, Norman and Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. “A future to believe in”: introducing varieties of advocacy journalism. The examples sustainability and the Sanders campaign. Journalism Studies 21 (9) , pp. 1261-1283. 10.1080/1461670x.2020.1742773

Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. Transition narratives on Polish transblogs: a discursive colonization approach. Wiedlack, Katharina, Shoshanova, Saltanat, Godovannaya, Masha and Neufeld, Masha, eds. Queering Paradigms VIII: Queer-Feminist Solidarity and the East/West Divide, Vol. 10. Queering Paradigms, Peter Lang,

Chojnicka, Joanna 2019. Homosexuality in Latvian and Polish parliamentary debates 1994–2013. Evans, Matthew, Jeffries, Lesley and O'Driscoll, Jim, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language in Conflict, Routledge, pp. 103-127. (10.4324/9780429058011-7)

Chojnicka, Joanna 2017. Latvian verbs of speaking and their relations to evidentiality. 690 , pp. 59-81. 10.15388/klbt.2016.10367

Chojnicka, Joanna 2017. Latvian verbs of speaking and their relations to evidentiality. Kalbotyra 69 , pp. 59-81. 10.15388/Klbt.2016.10367

Chojnicka, Joanna 2016. Contesting hegemonic gender and sexuality discourses on the web: A semiotic analysis of latvian and Polish LGBTQ and feminist blogs. Dhoest, Alexander, Szulc, Lukasz and Eeckhout, Bart, eds. LGBTQs, Media and Culture in Europe, Taylor and Francis, pp. 153-172.

Chojnicka, Joanna 2016. Activist online journalism and the gender controversy: investigating Polish LGBTQ blogs. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung 2016 (2)

Chojnicka, Joanna 2015. Anti-EU and anti-LGBT attitudes in Poland: Considering quantitative and qualitative evidence. Baltic Journal of European Studies 5 (2) , pp. 30-55. 10.1515/bjes-2015-0012

Chojnicka, Joanna 2015. Stance and politeness in spoken Latvian. Lingua Posnaniensis 57 (1) , pp. 25-40. 10.1515/linpo-2015-0002

Chojnicka, Joanna 2015. Homophobic speech in post-socialist media. Journal of Language and Sexuality 4 (1) , pp. 138-173. 10.1075/jls.4.1.05cho

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