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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 130.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2024. Will the Tory party implode? Chartist (Magazine) 329 , pp. 18-19.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2024. The weakening of the Blue Wall. Jackson, Daniel, Parry, Katy, Harmer, Emily, Lilleker, Darren, Wright, Scott, Firmstone, Julie and Thorsen, Einar, eds. UK General Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign, Bournemouth University and The Political Studies Association, pp. 64-65.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Written evidence from Professor Pete Dorey, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee Membership of the House of Lords inquiry. London: Parliament UK.

Dorey, Peter ORCID:, Garnett, Mark and Diamond, Patrick 2023. Exploring British politics 6th Edition. London, UK: Routledge. 10.4324/9781003325628

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. The backward march of Toryism. [Online]. Available at:

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Elected or selected? The continuing constitutional conundrum of House of Lords reform. The Political Quarterly 94 , pp. 1-10. 10.1111/1467-923X.13298

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Why Conservative MPs remain under Margaret Thatcher's spell, 10 years after her death. [Online]. LSE: London School of Economics. Available at:

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Thatcherism: a short history. Agenda Publishing.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Conciliation, co-operation, and consensus: The One Nation Conservative approach to industrial relations and Trade Unions, 1945-1990. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique 28 (1) , 10359. 10.4000/rfcb.10359

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Preface. Dalingwater, Louise and Prion, Stephane, eds. Le Parti Conservateur Britannique au Pouvoir (2010-2020), Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 15-24.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2023. Theresa May's mode of Conservatism; 'Soft' One Nation Toryism. Roe-Crines, Andrew S. and Jeffery, David, eds. Statecraft: Policies and Politics under Prime Minister Theresa May, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-238. (10.1007/978-3-031-32472-7_12)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2022. Neoliberalism in Britain: From origins to orthodoxy. Levy, N., Chommeloux, A., Champroux, N. A., Porion, S., Josso, S. and Damiens, A., eds. The Anglo-American Model of Neoliberalism of the 1980s, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 97-116. (10.1007/978-3-031-12074-9_7)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2022. The contradictions and depredations of conservative neoliberalism. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 43 (1) , pp. 253-263. 10.3828/hsir.2022.43.12

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2022. Constitutional reform. Hickson, Kevin, ed. Neil Kinnock: Saving the Labour Party?, Routledge, pp. 151-164.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2022. Explaining Brexit: The 5 A's - Anomie, Alienation, Austerity, Authoritarianism and Atavism. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique XXVII (2) , pp. 1-24. 10.4000/rfcb.9060

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2021. An end to market mania and managerialist madness: Corbyn(ism) and the public sector. Crines, Andrew S., ed. Corbynism in Perspective: The Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn, Agenda, pp. 87-102.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2021. Entry into the European community. Roe-Crines, Andrew S. and Heppell, Timothy, eds. Policies and Politics Under Prime Minister Edward Heath, Palgrave Studies in Political Leadership, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 211-238.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2021. A “middle way” between the free market and full equality: a pay ratio. Örtenblad, Anders, ed. Debating Equal Pay For All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics, Palgrave Debates in Business and Management, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 117-134.

Dorey, Peter ORCID:, Garnett, Mark and Lynch, Philip 2021. Exploring British politics 5th Edition. Routledge.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2021. David Cameron's catastrophic miscalculation: The EU Referendum, Brexit, and the UK's 'culture war'. Observatoire de la Societie Britannique 27 (2) , pp. 195-226. 10.4000/osb.5444

Denham, Andrew, Roe-Crines, Andrew S. and Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2020. Choosing party leaders: Britain's conservatives and labour compared. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2020. The Core Executive. Garnett, Mark, ed. The Routledge Handbook of British Politics and Society, London, England: Routledge, pp. 9-25. (10.4324/9781315559247)

Dorey, Pete ORCID: 2020. Paul Corthorn, 'Enoch Powell: Politics and Ideas in Modern Britain' [Book Review]. Cercles: revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone

Dorey, Pete ORCID: 2019. The Brexit Party's impact - if any. Jackson, Daniel, Thorsen, Einar, Lilleker, Darren and Weidhase, Nathalie, eds. UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters and the Campaign, Bournemouth: Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research Bournemouth University, pp. 54-55.

Dorey, Pete ORCID: 2019. Totalitarian Toryism. The Fabian Review 131 (3) , pp. 12-13.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2019. Behold how far the Conservative party has fallen. The Independent 2019 (19 Jun)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2019. Comrades in conflict: Labour, the Trade Unions and 1969's 'In Place of Strife'. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2018. ‘Don’t intervene, don’t get involved’: the Conservative Party’s voluntarist approach to industrial relations and trade unionism, 1951–1964. Contemporary British History 32 (3) , pp. 408-436. 10.1080/13619462.2018.1503957

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2018. The Labour Party's long-standing lethargy over House of Lords reform. [Online]. Political Studies Association: Specialist Group on Parliaments. Available at:

Denham, Andrew and Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2018. Tales of the Unexpected: The selection of British party leaders since 1963. British Politics 13 (2) , pp. 171-194. 10.1057/s41293-017-0044-x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Purvis, Matthew 2018. Representation in the Lords. Leston-Bandeira, Cristina and Thompson, Louise, eds. Exploring Parliament, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 244-254.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2017. Jeremy Corbyn confounds his critics: explaining the Labour party's remarkable resurgence in the 2017 election. British Politics 12 (3) , pp. 308-334. 10.1057/s41293-017-0058-4

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2017. Snap election 2017: the historians' verdict. HistoryExtra 2017 (14 Jun)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2017. A tale of two leadership campaigns. Thorsen, Einar, Jackson, Dan and Lilleker, Darren, eds. UK Election Analysis 2017:, Bournemouth: Bournemouth University/Political Studies Association, p. 82.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2017. Why has 'stage two' of House of Lords Reform not been completed after 17 years? [Online]. Parliaments and Legislatures. Available at:

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2017. Towards exit from the EU: The Conservative Party's increasing Euroscepticism since the 1980s. Politics and Governance 5 (2) , pp. 27-40. 10.17645/pag.v5i2.873

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. Policies under Cameron: modernisation abandoned. Peele, Gillian and Francis, John, eds. David Cameron and Conservative renewal: the limits of modernisation?, New Perspectives on the Right, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 58-81. (10.7228/manchester/9781784991531.003.0004)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. How big is the challenge for Jeremy Corbyn to win a General Election? [Online]. The Question. Available at:

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Garnett, Mark 2016. The British Coalition Government, 2010-2015: A marriage of inconvenience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 10.1057/978-1-137-02377-3

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. Comrades in conflict - the Labour Party and the Trade Unions since the 1960s. Presented at: Socialism, Socialists and the State in Western Europe in the 20th Century:, Paris, France, 7-9 December 2016.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Denham, Andrew 2016. "The longest suicide vote in history": The Labour Party Leadership election of 2015. British Politics 11 (3) , pp. 259-282. 10.1057/s41293-016-0001-0

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. Weakening the trade unions, one step at a time: the Thatcher governments' strategy for the reform of trade union law, 1979-1984. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 37 , pp. 169-200. 10.3828/hsir.2016.37.6

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Denham, Andrew 2016. Entirely as expected? Jeremy Corbyn's re-election as Labour Party leader. [Online]. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at:

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. ‘Should I stay or should I go?’: James Callaghan’s decision not to call an autumn 1978 general election. British Politics 11 (1) , pp. 95-118. 10.1057/bp.2015.9

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. Social and sexual liberation. Crines, Andrew S. and Hickson, Kevin, eds. Harold Wilson: The Unprincipled Prime Minister?, London: Biteback, pp. 165-184.

Crines, Andrew S., Heppell, Timothy and Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2016. The political rhetoric and oratory of Margaret Thatcher. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Denham, Andrew 2015. Labour's 2015 leadership contest. Democratic Audit UK 2015 (2 Oct)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. Policy responses in Britain and the economic crisis: the failure of social democracy? Romano, Serena and Punziano, Gabriella, eds. The European Social Model Adrift: Europe, Social Cohesion and the Economic Crisis, Aldershot: Ashgate,

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. 'Well, Harold insists on having it! - The political struggle to establish The Open University, 1965-67. Contemporary British History 29 (2) , pp. 241-272. 10.1080/13619462.2014.981160

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. A farewell to alms: Thatcherism's legacy of inequality. British Politics 10 (1) , pp. 79-98. 10.1057/bp.2014.24

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. Voter dealignment, disillusion and the implications for the May 2015 election. [Online]. London: LSE Blog. Available at:

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. The oratory of Margaret Thatcher. Hayton, Richard and Crines, Andrew S., eds. Conservative Orators from Baldwin to Cameron, New Perspectives on the Right, Manchester University Press,

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Garnett, Mark 2015. 'The weaker-willed, the craven-hearted': the decline of One Nation Conservatism. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 5 (1) , pp. 69-91. 10.1080/23269995.2014.914823

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. The rhetoric of neoliberalism in the politics of crisis: a reply to Andrew Scott Crines. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 5 (1) , pp. 130-134. 10.1080/23269995.2014.959390

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. Conservatism. Odekon, Mehmet A., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications, pp. 283-286.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. The Fabian Society. Odekon, Mehmet A., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications, pp. 541-543.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. Charity Organisation Society. Odekon, Mehmet A., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications, pp. 196-198.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. Social democracy. Odekon, Mehmet A., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications, pp. 1419-1421.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. The Beveridge scheme. Odekon, Mehmet A., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications, pp. 119-121.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. The blunders of our governments [Book Review]. West European Politics 38 (1) , pp. 252-254. 10.1080/01402382.2014.962827

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2015. The Thatcher legacy - public sector reform. Observatoire de la Société Britannique 17 , pp. 33-60.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2014. Policy making in Britain: an introduction (2nd ed.). London: Sage.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2014. The legacy of Thatcherism for education policies: markets, managerialism and malice (towards teachers). Farrall, Stephen and Hay, Colin, eds. The Legacy of Thatcherism: assessing and exploring Thatcherite social and economic policies, Oxford: Oxforfd University Press/British Academy, pp. 108-135. (10.5871/bacad/9780197265703.003.0006)

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2014. The 'Stepping Stones' programme: The Conservative Party's struggle to develop a trade-union policy, 1975-79. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 2014 (35) , pp. 89-116. 10.3828/hsir.2014.35.4

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2013. It was just like arming to face the threat of Hitler in the late 1930s.' The Ridley Report and the Conservative Party's preparations for the 1984–85 miners' strike. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 34 , pp. 173-214. 10.3828/hsir.2013.34.7

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2013. 'A plague over both your houses': Changing electoral behaviour in Britain and the rise of third parties. Government Gazette 2013 , pp. 88-89.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2013. The fall of the Wilson Government 1970. Heppell, Timothy and Theakston, Kevin, eds. How Labour Governments Fall: From Ramsay Macdonald to Gordon Brown, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83-112.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Garnett, Mark 2012. No such thing as the 'Big Society'? The Conservative Party's unnecessary search for 'narrative' in the 2010 general election. British Politics 7 (4) , pp. 389-417. 10.1057/bp.2012.17

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2012. Harold Wilson, 1963-4 and 1970-4. Heppell, Timothy, ed. Leaders of the Opposition: From Churchill to Cameron, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 48-67.

Dorey, Peter ORCID:, Garnett, Mark and Denham, Andrew 2011. From crisis to coalition: The Conservative Party, 1997-2010. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Denham, Andrew 2011. 'O, brother, where art thou?' The Labour Party leadership election of 2010. British Politics 6 (3) , pp. 286-316. 10.1057/bp.2011.19

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2011. ‘A Rather Novel Constitutional Experiment’: The Formation of the 1977–8 ‘Lib-Lab Pact’. Parliamentary History 30 (3) , pp. 374-394. 10.1111/j.1750-0206.2011.00275.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Kelso, Alexandra 2011. House of Lords reform since 1911: must the Lords go? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2011. The importance of inequality in Conservative thought. Ozsel, Dogancan, ed. Reflections on Conservatism, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 54-80.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2011. A Conservative 'Third Way'? British Conservatives and the development of Post-Thatcherite Conservatismm. Ozsel, Dogancan, ed. Reflections on Conservatism, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 146-177.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2010. Faltering before the finishing line: The Conservative Party's performance in the 2010 general election. British Politics 5 (4) , pp. 402-435. 10.1057/bp.2010.21

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2010. A Poverty of Imagination: Blaming the Poor for Inequality. The Political Quarterly 81 (3) , pp. 333-343. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2010.02095.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Honeyman, Victoria 2010. Ahead of his time: Richard Crossman and house of commons reform in the 1960s. British Politics 5 (2) , pp. 149-178. 10.1057/bp.2010.3

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2010. British conservatism: the politics and philosophy of inequality. International Library of Political Studies, vol. 33. London: I.B. Tauris.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2009. 'Sharing the Proceeds of Growth': Conservative Economic Policy under David Cameron. The Political Quarterly 80 (2) , pp. 259-269. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2009.01984.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2009. Change in Order to Conserve: Explaining the Decision to Introduce the 1958 Life Peerages Act. Parliamentary History 28 (2) , pp. 246-265. 10.1111/j.1750-0206.2009.00109.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2009. Conciliation or Confrontation with the Trade Unions? The Conservative Party’s ‘Authority of Government Group’, 1975-1978. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations (27-28) , pp. 135-151.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2009. Individual Liberty Versus Industrial Order: Conservatives and the Trade Union Closed Shop 1946-90. Contemporary British History 23 (2) , pp. 221-244. 10.1080/13619460802636458

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2009. British conservatism and trade unionism, 1945–1964. Modern Economic and Social History Series, Farnham: Ashgate.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2009. The House of Lords since 1949. Jones, Clyve, ed. A Short History of Parliament: England, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Scotland, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, pp. 226-248.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2008. 'Asking too much and offering too little'? The Conservative-Liberal coalition talks of 1-4 March 1974. Journal of Liberal History (61) , pp. 28-37.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2008. `It really was rather disgraceful. Still, that is politics': The 1967-8 Decision to Defer the Raising of the School Leaving Age. Public Policy and Administration 23 (4) , pp. 391-407. 10.1177/0952076708093251

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2008. Stumbling Through 'Stage Two': New Labour and House of Lords Reform. British Politics 3 (1) , pp. 22-44. 10.1057/palgrave.bp.4200077

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2008. The Labour Party and constitutional reform: a history of constitutional conservatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Denham, Andrew and Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2007. Just the ticket? The Labour Party's deputy leadership election of 2007. Political Quarterly 78 (4) , pp. 527-535. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2007.00881.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: and Denham, Andrew 2007. 'Meeting the challenge'? The Liberal Democrats' policy review of 2005-2006. Political Quarterly 78 (1) , pp. 68-77. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2007.00832.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2007. The Welsh Assembly election 2007. Representation 43 (4) , pp. 315-321. 10.1080/00344890701574823

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2007. A new direction or another false dawn? David Cameron and the crisis of British Conservatism. British Politics 2 , pp. 137-166. 10.1057/palgrave.bp.4200051

Denham, A. and Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2007. The 'caretaker' cleans up: the Liberal Democrat leadership election of 2006. Parliamentary Affairs 60 (1) , pp. 26-45. 10.1093/pa/gsl045

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. 1949, 1969, 1999: The Labour Party and House of Lords reform. Parliamentary Affairs 59 (4) , pp. 599-620. 10.1093/pa/gsl031

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. The Labour governments 1964-1970. British Politics and Society, London: Routledge.

Denham, Andrew and Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. A tale of two speeches? The Conservative Leadership Election of 2005. The Political Quarterly 77 (1) , pp. 35-42. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2006.00728.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. The social background of Labour MPs elected in 1964 and 1966. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments, 1964-70, London: Routledge, pp. 24-33.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. From a 'policy for incomes' to incomes policies. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments, 1964-70, Routledge, pp. 73-91.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Industrial relations imbroglio. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 92-107.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. From indifference to intervention: Labour and Northern Ireland. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 247-264.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Education, education, education. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 265-291.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Homosexual law reform. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 345-358.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Conclusion. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 359-380.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. The Conservative Party's performance in the 2005 General Election. Representation 42 (2) , pp. 149-155. 10.1080/00344890600736432

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Popular Front. Carlisle, Rodney P., ed. Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right, SAGE Publications, pp. 348-349.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Policy making in Britain: an introduction. London: Sage.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Anarcho-Syndicalism. Carlisle, Rodney P., ed. Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right, Sage, pp. 22-24.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Socialist Workers' Party, UK. Carlisle, Rodney P., ed. Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right, Sage, pp. 406-408.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. British National Party. Carlisle, Rodney P., ed. Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right, Sage, pp. 555-557.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Introduction. Dorey, Peter, ed. Developments in British Public Policy, Sage, pp. 1-6.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Industrial relations. Dorey, Peter, ed. Developments in British Public Policy, Sage, pp. 133-160.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2005. Conclusion: developments in British public policy. Dorey, Peter, ed. Developments in British Public Policy, Sage, pp. 205-225.

Dorey, Peter ORCID:, ed. 2005. Developments in British public policy. Sage.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2004. Margaret Thatcher's taming of the trade unions. Pugliese, Stanislao G. and Dale, Ian, eds. The Political Legacy of Margaret Thatcher: Freedom Regained?, Politico's Publishing Ltd, pp. 71-85.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2004. Le Parlement en Grande-Bretagne. Costa, Olivier, Kerrouche, Erik and Magnette, Paul, eds. Vers un Renouveau du Parlementarisme en Europe?, Université de Bruxelles, pp. 107-129.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2004. Attention to detail: The Conservative policy agenda. Political Quarterly 75 (4) , pp. 373-377. 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2004.00637.x

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2003. Half-baked and half-hearted: the Blair governments and constitutional reform. Lancaster, Steve, ed. Developments in Politics: An Annual Review, Vol. 14. Causeway Press, pp. 149-177.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2003. Conservative policy under William Hague. Garnett, Mark and Lynch, Philip, eds. The Conservatives in Crisis: the Tories after 1997, Manchester University Press, pp. 125-145.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2003. Between ambivalence and antipathy: the labour party and electoral reform1. Representation 40 (1) , pp. 15-28. 10.1080/00344890308523243

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2002. Britain in the 1990s: the absence of policy concertation. Berger, Stefan and Compston, Hugh, eds. Policy Concertation and Social Partnership in Western Europe, Berghahn, pp. 63-76.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2002. Industrial relations as 'human relations': conservatism and trade unionism, 1945-1964. Ball, Stuart and Holliday, Ian, eds. Mass Conservatism: The Conservatives and the Public since the 1880s, Frank Cass, pp. 139-162.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Wage politics in Britain: the rise and fall of income policies since 1945. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. The Conservatives performance in the 2001 general election. Representation 38 (3) , pp. 204-212. 10.1080/00344890108523182

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Privatisation. Clarke, Paul Barry and Foweraker, Joe, eds. Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought, Routledge, pp. 560-562.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Prime Minister. Michie, Jonathan, ed. Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, Vol. 2. Routledge, pp. 1297-1298.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Parliament. Michie, Jonathan, ed. Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, Vol. 2. Routledge, pp. 1197-1198.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Trade unions, politics. Michie, Jonathan, ed. Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, Vol. 2. Routledge, pp. 1674-1675.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Cabinet. Michie, Jonathan, ed. Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, Vol. 1. Routledge, pp. 149-150.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2001. Liberal democracy. Michie, Jonathan, ed. Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, Vol. 1. Routledge, pp. 946-947.

This list was generated on Sun Jan 26 05:49:16 2025 GMT.